Monday, January 14, 2008

Synchronicities; Staying Connected with the Universe

Synchronicity: the experience of two or more events which occur in a meaningful manner, but which are casually unrelated. In order to be synchronous, the events must be related to one another conceptually, and the chance that they would occur together by random chance must be very small.

This is what you'll experience when you're connected to the Universe. When you understand that the Universe is picking up your vibration, the energy you're giving out, which is a result of your desires, you'll understand the sychronicities you are seeing are messages from the Universe. It's an exciting thing once you have this understanding! You feel reassured and excited that your desire will be manifested and if you keep your vibration matched to it. It's important to see these events for what they are so not to miss an opportunity the Universe may be sending our way.

An example is an invitation that leads you to meet a person who opens up an opportunity for a the career move you were desiring. Or a phone call from a friend that you've been thinking of but haven't talked to in awhile. Or a song that suddenly plays on the radio that you've had stuck in your head for the past few days. Or you continually notice pictures or signs that relate to a significant event or decision coming up in your life.

One of my intentions for this year is to travel to Italy in the summer. In the past couple of weeks I've had 'messages' in all kinds of ways that hint to Italy, such as a relative giving me a hotel guide to Europe just out of the blue. A billboard that I noticed that said "Italy Now!" Or continual tv shows that have an Italian theme coming on just as I turn on the tv. See if I was too caught up in the chaos of the day and grumbling I would not have noticed these signs. We have to stay focused. Keep our emotions at a positive level. If negative events come our way, we must acknowledge them and move on. Don't dwell in the negative, it will cause you to give out a negative vibration.

Another such experience I had just this week - I've been wanting to buy my daughter a new jacket, she really needed one. I knew that a certain store was having a sale on the particular jacket I've been wanting to buy for her. I knew this for a couple of days but procrastinated because I thought I had better be 'careful' with my expenses since it was post-holiday times. Finally, on the weekend as I was driving I thought to myself "you're going to miss that great deal on the jacket, don't worry about expenses, trust the Universe, don't have an attitude of lack". So without another thought I drove to this particular store. As it would happen the specific jacket and all the other jackets had an additional discount on their sale prices. I was able to buy my daughter two jackets, since she really needed a formal one too. I was so pleased that I listened to that 'voice' and trusted the Universe!

In the case of synchronicities, trust yourself and your inner voice which tells you what the synchronicities point to. What is meant to happen, will happen. Sometimes, there may be further signs to confirm what you are thinking about. You'll notice repeated images, numbers, objects or words or maybe a reoccuring dream, these all may be synchronicities. The important step is to understand the meanings of the synchronicities of your life and then to act upon them.

As you become more familiar with delibrate creation you will find you are noticing more of these signs. This is the Universe guiding you in the right direction. Stay in tuned with your intuition and heart and then you' won't miss the opportunities the Universe is sending you.

Happy Intentions!

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