Thursday, January 10, 2008

Letting Go of Your Intentions

So you've sat down and thoughtfully written down a list of your intentions for 2008. Now what? Now you need to let go of the intentions and let the Universe take care of the details. This means not worrying about how these desires are going to manifest. Don't think about where they will be coming from, or that there's one specific avenue to which it will come and you need to have this happen first. Don't have a time limit. Everything happens in it's right time and that's how you want it to be. It's not your place to figure all that out. Just let go of the intentions like a balloon floating into the sky. Let the Universe catch the desire and take care of the hows. Attachment is based on fear and insecurity, while detachment is based on faith. Refuse to be influenced by other people’s doubts or criticisms. Remind yourself that the Universe is capable of providing anything, no matter what anyone says. Look at your list daily, reminding yourself and your subconscious of what it is you intent to manifest. This will keep you visualizing and excited. Enjoy every moment of your life, even if you don't know the outcome. Thank the Universe everyday for the intention that is on it's way.

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