Sunday, January 20, 2008

Protecting Yourself From Energy Vampires

As a person who is an intuitive empath, someone who's so sensitive to energy you pick it up but you're also drained by it. We empaths are so sensitive to others energy that we can take on or absorb others negative energy which in turn can turn up as chronic pain, fatigue or a negative mood swings. Whenever you're interacting with other people there is always an energy exchange. We must ask ourselves: Who gives us energy? Who saps it? It's important to be surrounded by supportive, sincere, positive people who make us feel safe and secure. After interactiving with someone, pay attention to the way you feel afterwards, do you feel drained and physically sick, that person is a energy vampire to you. It's important for us to surround ourselves with positive relationships and avoid the energy vampires as much as possible. Of course that's not always possible, especially if the energy vampire is family or a co-worker. I personally have one in my family and avoiding her completely is not possible. I was finding myself emotionally drained and agitated or depressed after leaving her company, so I had to discover ways to protect myself from her attacks.

Vampires range from the intentionally malicious ones to those who are oblivious to their effect. Some are overbearing and obnoxious; others are friendly and charming. Such as the person who seems cheery and friendly but after talking to her you feel sick and down. That's the person who isn't sincere, they put on a smile, but probably is thinking negative thoughts of you, maybe jealous of you, and in turn sucks your positive energy and puts their insincere, negative energy on you. Or there's the person who constantly complains about their life and how terrible everything and everyone is to them, this definitely leaves you feeling awful after an exchange. Or one that you particularly need to watch out for, and if at all possible, remove from your life all together - the person who ridicules or cuts down any idea or accomplishment you have. The one that tells you 'you can't do that'. No one needs a person like this in their life. These people hate to see anyone else prosper and want to suck others into their negative black hole.

Protective Tips to Dealing with Energy Vampires:

  • Take an inventory of people in your life. Identify the positive people who make you feel good, and the energy vampires. Decide to avoid and limit your interaction with the energy vampires whenever possible. Plan activities with the positive people. Enjoy their positive energy exchange. Remind yourself of the fun moments when you feel yourself feeling drained, it will bring up your mood.
  • Turn the conversation with an energy vampire into a positive one, if possible. If you find yourself caught in a negative conversation with an energy vampire - ask them what they do want. Suggest some positive solutions, or find a positive point in their negative story. If none of that works then you may have to excuse yourself and leave the conversation.
  • Meditate. It will ground you when you've been struck by a vampire. Whether it's 5 mins or an hour, meditation will help you calm yourself, your mind and center yourself. Concentrate on deep breathing. With each breath taken in, imagine the positive energy coming into your body and flowing through your system and with every breath out, picture yourself blowing out the negative energy, see it blowing far away. Connect with the beauty of nature. Remember that you are Spirit and Spirit is love, peace, harmony. Nothing the energy vampires says or does can take away your peace and joy.
  • Visualize a protective shield of White Light surrounding every inch of you. This lets positive energy in, but keeps negative energy out. This helps, especially at gathering where you can't avoid the vampire. Try to stand as far away from the person as possible, this keeps you outside their energy field. Think of something positive, an event, a loved one, the Universe, when you start to feel the effects of the energy vampire, this will bring up your energy and keep you distracted from the person.
Peace and Joy Be With You!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dr. Judith Orloff's book Positive Energy is a great tool for dealing with energy vampires. I loved it and find it quite useful.

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