Saturday, January 5, 2008

Mindfulness Meditation and the Law of Attraction

Sometimes I feel my mind is filled with anxiety and worry, which only attracts more seeming chaos and confusion into my life. Does this sound familiar? We know that what we focus our thinking on, we attract more of. The Bhuddists say the mind is like an overactive monkey needs to be calmed. This is how meditation can help. Instead of reacting to circumstances we respond. Meditation helps us reach a calm place where we can look at our circumstances in an objective way. You reach a place where you are neutral/calm even in the middle of a 'storm'. This keeps your emotions at a higher, positive vibration and lets the Universe know you trust in it and in turn attracts more peace and joy. Most of the time, we are just reacting to what we think and feel, which brings us endless cycles of conflict and disappointment. When we remain neutral to our thoughts and feelings, then we will gradually make contact with an aspect of ourselves that is spontaneous and awake.

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