Saturday, January 5, 2008

Teaching Children the Law of Attraction and Meditation

I once saw an interview on Larry King Live with Bob Proctor. In the interview, Bob Proctor suggests that schools should teach the Law of Attraction and a positive way of life. What a great idea!

It's very important to me that I teach my children this Secret that I've learned. I want them to know that they can create their dreams. I want to to show them how to keep a positive attitude even when negative events come their way. We are constantly bombarded with negative messages in the media, schools, people around us. Having a positive, grateful attitude does build self-esteem. We all feel great when things are going our way! When our 'wishes' are coming true. And when we quickly move on passed a negative event without dwelling on it we improve our health and well-being. What a powerful thing for a child to know! If only I knew this way of thinking when I was young!

When teaching children we want to keep terms and concepts simple. Use words they can relate to. Use examples they can relate to. For example, ask them to describe how they felt when a particular negative event occurred in their life, then ask them to describe how they felt when a positive event occurred. Teach them to move on and not dwell in the negative emotion and thoughts. Instead of parents feeding the negativity by rehashing the situation over and over, list the positives that can be found in the event. In the book, Law of Attraction by Michael J. Losier, he dedicates one chapter to teaching LOA to children. He says to use simple words like "vibe" and "secret". Teach your child that when he/she feels sad or mad he/she gives out 'bad vibes' and when he feels happy and cheerful he/she gives out 'good vibes'. Show them the 'secret' to switching their negative vibes to positive ones by avoiding using the words "don't, no, not" and asking themselves "What do I Want?". Once a person thinks on the things they do want their vibration rises to a positive one.

Of course, as a mother myself, my own personal experience is that kids will be kids, they will feel down at times and just plain lose it, but talking them through their feelings and showing them how to look at the situation from an 'outside' perspective, they can see the issue isn't as big and ugly as it once seemed. I also like to ask my kids to list some positive alternatives or solutions and I notice them feel lighter immediately. It's always reassuring when you know you have other options and this isn't the end of the world!

When it comes to aspirations they may have, I want to teach them that they CAN make their dreams come true, no matter how silly someone else may think they are. That if they believe, there is a Universe waiting to deliver. That their 'happy and thankful' attitude will bring good things their way.

Meditation is a great way for anyone to boost their self-confidence and learn to release negative emotions. It teaches us to love ourselves so when a person brings us down we are able to realize we are special no matter what anyone says. There are many children's meditations to help with concentration, self-esteem, and sleep. Deep breathing benefits a person in several ways. Teach your child to practice deep breathing when they're angry or upset, it helps them find a place of calm and peace. I teach my children to repeat the words "I am special" as they meditate. This becomes a message ingrained in their subconscious. I want them to truly believe they are special!!

This is a great link for some children's meditations:

Peace be with you today!

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