Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs

I've mentioned in a previous post that I'm learning to let go of alot of limiting beliefs and fears I've picked up since childhood and the belief system I was raised in. My whole life I've been told by my parents that hard work and hard knocks is the way life works. If I want to have any money in my life I better be prepared to be exhausted and unsatisfied. And success, well, that's for the few lucky ones, and it's all luck! they would tell me. They truly believed "if something can go wrong, it will" theory on life. These were some hard beliefs to let go of. Not to mention they would create a fear in me that cause me to hold back on opportunites or chances that could have brought me some success.

All these limiting beliefs will slow down if not hold back your manifesting process. Sometimes we don't realize we're even carrying these beliefs but we wonder why we're always struggling financially and not manifesting those dreams we've been asking for. Maybe you're visualizing your desires everyday and have created a vision board to help, but still no success.
To discover if you are carrying any limiting beliefs, make a list of the dreams you want to manifest. Thoughtfully read each one and meditate on it for a bit. Pay attention to what thoughts pop into your head or what emotions come up. Do you feel frustrated? Do you really believe that this can happen for you? Do you believe you deserve it? Does feelings of resentment come up, or resentment for others who have wealth. Is it hard to even concentrate on that desire for long? If any of these feelings/thoughts come up, you may be harbouring limiting beliefs. List the negative feelings/thoughts that you feel and read each one and as you do tell yourself that today you will let go of these fears. Tell yourself you, just like many other people who have reached their goals, deserve these dreams. Ignore what you've been told in the past. The Law of Attraction is here for everyone, and works whether we believe in it or not, so might as well use it for your advantage.

Be happy for others when they create wealth in their lives. Once you make this attitude shift, you will bring up your vibration because you will be excited to see another's abundance. Think of it as proof that you also can create this! Plus, once you take on a wealth mindset, you will find others with similar beliefs coming into your life and you will enjoy their company. You will love to hear their manifesting stories and learn from them. All this speeds up the creation process for you and that's what we all want!

The Universe wants to make all your dreams come true, you just have to believe it! Once I let go of those limiting beliefs, I've found money comes to me easily and worry free. My needs are always met and I'm excited about the desires I plan to manifest in 2008, because I believe they are on their way!

Thank you Universe!

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