Saturday, January 5, 2008

Balancing Your Chakras

Are your chakras out of whack? We know that positive energy brings positive emotions which helps us manifest our positive desires. Chakras have alot to do with our energy level.
The chakras begin at the base of the spine and finish at the top of the head. Though fixed in the central spinal column they are located on both the front and back of the body, and work through it. If the chakras are not balanced, or if the energies are blocked, the basic life force will be slowed down. The person may feel tired or depressed. Not only will physical bodily functions be affected so diseases may manifest, but the thought processes and the mind may also be affected. A negative attitude, fear, doubt, may preoccupy the person. A constant balance between the chakras promotes health and well being. We know to manifest our positive desires we need to maintain a positive energy level. So how can we balance our chakras? There are several ways. Eating specific foods to feed specific chakras, using gemstones/crystals that work with specific chakras, specific exercises. There are several books and websites that can be of help. Many people learn to practice Reiki or visit a Reiki practitioner. Reiki is a natural healing system designed to assist in healing and help achieve balance. Reiki may be performed by a practitioner, who serves as a passage through whom the Universal Life Energy can be transmitted to the recipient, by either hands-on or distance healing techniques, but many people have studied Reiki and adminster their own healing and balancing.
Below is a great Chakra test to aid you in balancing your points.

Have a joyful day!

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