Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Law Of Attraction: "The Hungry Don't Get Fed"

Ever heard that saying? It's as old as dirt, and I have long since forgotten who said it (anybody out there know? Please email me or leave a comment)."The hungry don't get fed" is an ancient principle that is based on the Law of Attraction. It's another way of saying that a person who is desperate for something will NOT get it-but the person who already has plenty will get more. Or as I like to say, "the fat get fed, NOT the hungry."This principle explains why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. If fact, it explains A LOT about the world we live in.

Think about it; a single guy who is desperate for a date will have a very tough time getting one. He literally cannot "attract" a date because his desperation just pushes them away.Likewise, which candidate is more likely to get a job: the one who appears calm and secure or the one who gives off a needy and desperate vibe? I think I know who I'd hire...Anyway... it's easy to see that desperation is not a state of mind that attracts success. So which state of mind will guarantee the Law of Attraction is working for you? It can be summed up in one word: "expectation."Expect More = Get MoreWhy is it so difficult for many people to just expect good things?

I have personally coached people who knew exactly what they wanted but couldn't bring themselves to say it-even to their own life coach! Maybe it's because many of us have been "brainwashed" into believing that it's better to go through life never expecting anything than to risk disappointment. Personally, I wouldn't recommend living by that philosophy.To get in the flow of life and attract better things to you, there is one simple deal-breaker: You must expect better things. Want to have a successful business? Expect it. Attract your perfect partner? Expect that the person is on the way.Of course, what we are really talking about here is faith. Faith in yourself, in others and in the world in general. Faith is the state of positive expectation that allows good things to come to you, just as fear and desperation always repel your true desires.The real "secret" to using the Law of Attraction is to not be "hungry" for your desires, simply expect and assume that they are on the way.

Have faith and confidently assert your intentions and expectations, as if it were already a done-deal. Because when you're in a state of positive expectation, they are.Set your sites on the things you really want, then use the unstoppable power of faith and expectation to attract them!

Jon Mercer, MA used the Law of Attraction to attract extraordinary personal and business success! Watch Jon's free video for Law of Attraction Secrets that will attract outrageous wealth into your life.Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jon_Mercer

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Law of Attraction - 10-Common "Attraction-Mistakes" People Make

If you don't think the Law of Attraction is working for you, then try and understand that the Law works the same for everybody - we just don't all put the same kinds of thoughts and feelings into our desires. Everyone uses their thought processes in different ways; different thoughts generate different results. People who are successful at creating and manifesting their dreams and desires are people who think about their plans and desires in a certain way. But people who don't seem to be getting what they want in life also think about the things they want in a certain way - and each kind of thinking bears its own kind of fruit.

People who are successful and creative typically think in terms of possibilities, opportunities, and success; they think of the worst-possible outcome, for any given situation, only long enough to make decisions about the future - never dwelling on "worst-case scenarios" after a decision has been made. People who complain that prayers aren't answered, and the Law of Attraction doesn't work, on the other hand, have a tendency to dwell on the worst thing imaginable - shooting themselves in the foot, where the Law of Attraction is concerned, by maintaining a more negative emotional state.

If you can identify negative or limiting thought-patterns and behaviors within yourself that are holding you back, you can take steps to eliminate them using prayer, meditation, or an Energy Psychology technique like Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), or Grant Connolly's Z-Point Process. The first step in eliminating negative thoughts and behaviors is to recognize negative thoughts and actions when they arise.

Here's a list of 10-common Law of Attraction mistakes that can keep your dreams at bay:

1. Thinking about what you don't want rather than what you do want

2. Spending more time thinking negative thoughts than you do
thinking "positively"

3. Being impatient

4. Not thinking about what you want

5. Not doing what you love - not maintaining a positive
mental/emotional state

6. Declaring that the Law of Attraction doesn't work, or prayers
aren't answered

7. Not being specific about what you want

8. Trying to control outcomes and change physical conditions with

9. Thinking, or worrying, too much about what you might be doing

10. Being Judgmental, Unforgiving, Ungrateful, and/or Unappreciative

Any of these things will put you in a negative state rather than a positive one; and your "vibration" will be one of stress rather than joy, relaxation, and healing. If you find yourself thinking or doing any of the things from this list, you may be able to receive the experience you have been trying to attract by simply letting-go of the "negative" behavior, or replacing it with the "positive" version - for example, spending more time thinking positively than negatively, or being very specific about your desire. When you have removed these self-limiting behaviors, and are clear about your heart's desire, there will be nothing between you and your dreams.

*To download your FREE, Illustrated Emotional Freedom Techniques
(EFT) Manual, go to:
http://www.ExploreExpandEvolve.com/free_download (It only takes about 10-seconds to get your Free EFT manual and start erasing fears and limiting beliefs!)

Pete Koerner is the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to reclaim your health and create the life of your dreams.

Some Creator Qualities

Any life area that you want to go well for you, you need to feel happy excitement about.
Have you noticed how excited really successful, healthy, rich, beautiful and happy people are? They are excited about things and have so much energy and dynamism in the life areas in which they are successful. They just KNOW that things are going well, and will always go well.

A millionaire's mind knows that it is rich.

A beautiful woman knows that she is lovely.

A healthy person knows that his body is doing very well.

A partner in a healthy and loving relationship knows that the relationship is working well and that it is a source of well being.

This knowing is within you too. All you have to do is to access it. Work out the blocks, and get into success about all these life areas.

The million dollar question is- Are you excited about your life?

Happy excitement is a wonderful quality to have and to nurture. What can you do to create this excitement?
1. Write and generate excitement about the different life areas by keeping a success journal, or a pray rain journal.
2. Speak to someone positive and powerful and start creating!
3. Take guided action.
4. Work with intentions.
5. Learn about energy and the way it works and moves.

When you generate excitement about a life area, the new energy becomes a part of your vibrations and reaches into the Universe to bring back rewards.

As you generate excitement about all your life areas, you will feel them become happy and strong. Connect with excitement and feel good about things.

There is one more quality that a very successful person has, and that is a strong will. When faced with difficult situations, in the beginning, this 'will' may feel stressed and may sway left and right, but soon it gathers its scattered parts and comes together with even more strength. It crystallizes into strong resolution, and this resolution rings loudly and clearly in the vibrations of successful people. The Law of Attraction has no choice but to bend its head and bring evidence of this renewed strength of 'will' back to the person.

Letting go at the right time and creating a firmer resolution to succeed, work hand in hand with each other until the end result is achieved, so they are not contradictory to each other, but are complimentary.

Any 'beneficial quality' that you create in you becomes a part of your vibrations, bringing you back rich dividends. Happy excitement together with a strong 'will' are two wonderful creator qualities to have.

Love and light.
Sugandhi Iyer
Coach, Life Business Creations
Joyful Manifestation with the Law of Attraction.
Succeed with Joy!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tips & Tricks: Amp Up the Money Love

In order to have the financial experience we want in life (whatever that looks like for each of us), we need to create vibational alignment to it. That's how we create anything, including money: we feel it first, then it happens.

Most people I work with want an abundance of easy money coming their way. They want to feel good about their finances and for it to fund all their wild dreams come true.

(I'll refrain from my lecture about putting money on the hook for making your dreams come true.)

Anyway - in order to experience that kind of love from money, we've got to flow the love towards it. Because money responds to how we feel about it.

So if you feel uptight about it, money will be uptight with you. If you feel easy about money, it gets easy with you. If you treat money disrespectfully, it will seem disrespectful to you.
Money is nothing but a mirror of our own feelings about it!

Thus, if you're wanting money to show up abundantly, effortlessly, easily and naturally, your work is to feel abundant, effortless and easy about money. You get what you vibrate.

So don't expect you can be worried about cash and get any experience other than more cash-flow worries.

Rather, ask yourself how money's treating you, and look at how you're treating it. If you like what you see, full steam ahead! Don't worry what anyone else thinks, because all that matters is how you feel.

If you don't like what you see, consider a change.

You can learn to treat money the way you want to be treated. Relax about it, be easier on this topic, look for reasons to thank it, say nice things to it. It will respond quickly to your new vibe, but you really have to shift the vibe - not just say the words. You can't fool the Universe.

There's another important aspect that I taught an entire 5 week course on, but will sum up in a couple sentences: If you're loving money but it's not loving you back, check in on how you feel about your Self. After all, Universe can only be as good to you as you are to your Self.

When you flow the love to yourself as well as money, you're a surefire hit for whatever money dreams you entertain! (And if you want professional support in that, that's what I'm here for.

Jeannette Maw is a Master Coach and founder of Good Vibe Coaching who wants to help you make your wish list come true by leveraging the Law of Attraction. Trained by CoachU, Martha Beck and life in general, Jeannette gave up her corporate cubicle and 12 year financial services career to turn every day into Saturday and help clients get what they want, once and for all.
Co-author of "
101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, Vol. 3" and contributor to Jack Canfield's "Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction," Jeannette can be found walking dogs, watching birds, reading a new book or mastering a new goof off skill when she's not having fun with clients.

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