Prayer can be an effective way to speed up the manifesting process. Whether it's The Universe, God, Creator, Bhudda, etc, whichever name you feel comfortable with. You can ask your Source through prayer for abundance in our lives.
Some tips to that may help:
- Pray in the affirmative. In other words, pray like you've already recieved the blessing. That you are already in that state of being. Don't beg and plead. For example, an affirmative prayer would be "I am thankful for the financial abundance I'm enjoying right now" instead of "please, please, please, get me out of this debt". Your Source wants to provide you with your needs, all in good time, so you don't need to beg. Begging shows a lack of faith. Begging also brings on negative feelings which brings down our vibration.
- Have good intentions. Any desires you have should be for the benefit and good of all. Praying for something that may hurt another is not in harmony with the Universe. If anything, it will bring more of the negative intention into your own life. Do not think that you need to take from another to have your desire. The Universe has plenty of resources for us all.
- Have faith. If you look up the definition of faith you will find one description as "complete confidence in a person or plan". I like this one! That's exactly what we need to do. Have complete, non-wavering, confidence in God's plan. Have faith that it will happen. Don't pray about a need and then talk to others about the lack thereof. This is a lack of faith. Tell others how excited you are about what's coming your way.
- Trust God for the outcome. Don't try to analyze the situation and come up with your own solutions, this just creates worry (a negative emotion). Prayer is all about letting the Universe/God take care of the 'how's'. Just trust that it will come.
- Be open to receiving. Similar to the above tip, don't worry about how the blessing will come, just be ready to receive it. Be open and still to hear any hints the Universe may be sending you. Maybe there's certain action you need to take to receive the desire. Maybe a certain person needs to be involved. Doubt and worry will create clatter in your mind and you won't hear the Divine hint. Keep your mind open and calm so that you don't miss the oppportunity.
- Be patient. The worse thing we can do is get impatient and frustrated. Thoughts or words like "why haven't I received my blessing yet?" "It's been 2 months, what's going on?" just slow down, if not halt, the manifesting process. When the time is right and we are ready to receive then we will see the results.
- Be thankful. Have an Attitude of Gratitude. Be thankful for what you have right here, right now. This is important. If you're thankful for the small things, than you'll attract the big things. Gratitude keeps us in a uplifted mood and raises our vibrations. Be excited for what you have already, God takes notice and you'll speed up your creation process.
Peace be with you!
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