Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lift Yourself Into a Brand New World

Within each of us there is an expansive world of thoughts and feelings whose movements determine how we perceive and experience the world outside of us. While this inner-world of thoughts and feelings may not directly bring us what we see, it does profoundly influence how we see our world of relationships and events. The inner determines the outer. In other words, we are seeing the exterior but experiencing the interior.

One simple example of how this works is when our heart is heavy or troubled. Whenever we happen to feel this way, everything else around us tends to appear equally dark. But there are far deeper implications to this important insight. With patient self-study, we can turn it into a personal breakthrough of the most freeing kind that can lift us to a brand new world. Let's get started.

All of us have felt, at one time or another, trapped in our own life. During these periods of heightened unhappiness one thing seems clear: the only reason we haven't realized our great potential is because we're being held back. There is some unpleasant person, an inescapable condition, some unwanted place in life where we got "stuck."

So, over and over again we plan our great escape. And over and over again we find ourselves either having gone nowhere, or back where we started from, both results being the same. For all of our efforts, nothing really changes. New loves, new jobs, even new homes change only the walls that surround us -- not our feelings of being imprisoned. We sense that all we have done is changed cells!

We mustn't fight with or in any way fear this shocking conclusion. Why? Because this temporarily disturbing discovery about our actual condition contains a crucial insight. It was never that person or circumstance that was blocking our moment in the sun. No! In spite of how things may appear to us, we are never trapped by where we are. The trap is always who we are. Here is a short summary of this new and unusual self-discovery:

When you run into a personal obstacle, you have not run into an outer condition that is denying you happiness. You have run into your own present life-level.

Your level of being is what determines where you are at any given moment because your experience is always who you are. Let me repeat this. For better or for worse, you experience who you are, not where you are.

Here are a few more examples to help you see this important idea.

All of us have felt:

  1. Lonely in a crowd.

  2. Out of place at a family gathering.

  3. Frightened in a loved one's arms.

  4. Depressed at a party.

  5. Crowded even though alone.

When you hear someone say, "I'm sick and tired of it," what he is really saying without realizing it is that he's sick and tired of suffering from his own lack of understanding. This all becomes clear once we understand that unhappiness does not come at us, it comes from us.

For instance, impatience with our level of understanding is the very level of understanding we are impatient with. The understanding of this spiritual principle allows us to disconnect ourselves from our impatience. Life becomes instantly better. For one thing, the frustration fades. In its place, learning flowers. And the more we inwardly grow, the easier our whole life flows.

This new idea of acting to deliberately disconnect ourselves from whatever we think has us blocked leads us to true self-liberation because we have never been trapped by anything outside of our own lack of understanding. This is why even the attempt to disconnect ourselves from the limitations of our present life-level already belongs to a higher level of understanding.

This conscious action on your part "works" by gradually breaking down the painful circle-of-self that is repeatedly formed by asking the problem for the solution. Barriers begin to crumble and disappear, because you have stopped creating them. In the truest meaning of the words, you are getting out of your own way! Practice self-disconnect as often as you can. The more you work at this special kind of letting go, the freer your days will flow and the higher your life will go.
Persistence is everything in your personal work. You must persist even if it is only with your wish to be persistent. You must persist in spite of all forces that seem to be against your wish to break through to a new you. Believe me, there are no real obstacles between you and the brand new life for that you long for. You can (and must) prove this kind of freedom to yourself, starting with this understanding and implied action:
The greater the doubt you will dare to step through, the greater your possibility to grow beyond yourself. Here's why this axiom always holds true. The only barriers between yourself -- and a life without limits -- are the powers you've mistakenly given to your doubts and fears. On the other hand, every time you walk past these false powers -- by disconnecting yourself from the false concerns they cast at your feet -- here's what happens: spiritual strength is increased. What is spiritual strength? It can be said in dozens of ways, but for now let's put it like this: it's knowing you don't have to compromise yourself in any way -- with anyone, over anything -- in order to be content, confident, and secure in life.
Here are seven proven ways to increase this new kind of spiritual strength. Study them with the wish to uncover the secrets hidden in their empowering instructions. Practice each one -- or all of them -- every day. You'll see that with the very act of disconnecting yourself from the fears and doubts that compromise your life, you are re-connecting yourself to a new kind of power that never leaves you alone in your hour of need.
  1. Refuse to revisit your own past for a way out of any present problem you face.
  2. Say "No" to anyone or anything that you fear saying "No" to.
  3. Never explain yourself to anyone out of fear they may misjudge you.
  4. Learn to see your own defensiveness towards others as an offense against your own right to be free of fear.
  5. Whenever possible realize that the person you are about to argue with is in as much pain as you are.
  6. Never accept any negative reaction you may have as the only possible answer to your present challenge.
  7. Remember that everything you resist in life increases its weight by the magnitude of thought spent in not wanting it, so you accept all that you can, and quietly drop the rest.

    Persist with these spiritual practices and you will see old doubts turn into new certainty, and dark fears replaced witha bright fearlessness.
Guy Finley
Excerpted from The Secret of Letting Go (click title to view product)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Spirituality, The Law Of Attraction and Success

Everything is spirit. Everything! It is all energy and consciousness.

What does the Law of Attraction have to do with this? How does success come about by becoming aware of the Law of Attraction and its principles?

The Law of Attraction can be compared to the Laws of Gravity and Motion. The Law of Attraction says "You attract situations according to the vibrations that you give out" (Well it says so much more, but this is the gist).

Your actions are an indication of your consciousness and shows you where you are and what you are creating by bringing back consequences to you. The Law of Attraction is very fair and does not discriminate. It does not look at your actions. It only goes by your vibrations. Since you are energy beings, you are constantly giving out signals to the Universe which then attract situations.

The Law of Attraction responds to the essence of your thoughts. There are two types of thoughts-

1. Thoughts that come in uninvited,

2. Thoughts that you deliberately think up.

Have you had these songs that just play in your mind, or certain ideas that go on and on in your mind? These thoughts denote energy imprints that are a part of your mental energy field and play around and get processed by your brain. They indicate what your current state of mind is.

Then there is a deliberate thinking process over which you have control. Most of the tools in the Law of Attraction depend upon deliberate positive thinking processes like affirmations and visualizing which then replace the old negative unconscious thoughts that have been a part of your energy for awhile and have blocked you from progress.

The mind energy is constantly veering between dark and light, negative and positive, past and future, poverty and abundance, and creates so much push and pull for people that it becomes difficult to focus with clear intentions and manifest dreams. The nature of the mind is such that it is constantly stuck in the dualities of life.

Which is why people look towards Gurus, Masters, teachers, advisers and coaches who have already trained their minds to work like finely tuned and sharpened instruments. Not only do these people have complete faith in themselves, they are also capable of holding that faith for the people that they work with, enabling them to arrive at a state of confidence arising from an undivided consciousness. Which is why people who go on a spiritual path also have great success at life's different areas. Knowledge, faith and belief enable them to remain constant and keep their minds together and focussed.

Whenever you have succeeded in life it has been because of an undivided consciousness. People who have mastered themselves, have a state of undivided consciousness. And with this undivided consciousness, they create.

And success follows. There is no self-doubt and negative messages playing in their mind, which reduce the power of their intentions. All of their mental energy is completely aligned with their intentions, and the lack of self-doubt comes from a training of the mind and an understanding of their Divine nature.

The Law of Attraction then does its job and brings in success. It has no choice.

By Sugandhi Iyer

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Law Of Attraction: The Formula

“And the universe is just a big Xerox machine. It simply produces multiple copies of your thoughts.” – Neale Donald Walsch.

Law of Attraction. According to the Law of Attraction, at every moment, you are in the process of attracting to yourself whatever you are giving your attention to. You are continuously drawing into your life the essence of what you predominantly think and feel. By consciously focusing your thoughts and feelings, you can attract what you want and STOP attracting what you don’t want.

As you Think, you Feel.

As you Feel, you Vibrate.

As you Vibrate, you Attract.

The Law of Attraction responds to your vibrational offering with a matching vibrational response. Your vibrational offering is composed of your thoughts and accompanying feelings – your "Thought-Feelings." Thought-Feelings are powerful magnets, attracting into your life their vibrational equivalent.

The Formula. When you understand the Law of Attraction Formula, you understand the process of manifestation. When you apply the Law of Attraction Formula, you become the conscious creator of your own life. Here’s the formula:

Think + Feel = Attract

The Universe takes your Thought-Feelings at face value. When you focus Energy with your Thought-Feelings, the Universe doesn’t know whether you’re focusing on something you want to happen or something you’re afraid might happen. It’s important, therefore, to focus all your Energy on what you do want and avoid putting any Energy into worrying about something you don’t want.

To increase your power of attraction, get yourself to the feeling place of your desire – think and feel with great emotion how it will feel to experience the object of your desire. To become a more powerful magnet for your desires, make powerful declarative statements – I am wealthy. I am gorgeous. Everybody loves me. Everything I desire comes easily and joyfully to me. But most of all, declare with all your heart – I am absolutely and eternally wonderful and worthy of everything I desire. To make sure you’re a magnet for what you want rather than what you don’t want, the key is to always choose empowering Feel-Good Thoughts.

Attract with Feel-Good Thoughts. When you feel good, stay with it and expand on it. When you’re feeling prosperous / healthy / joyful, amplify these feelings. As you think and feel from a place of abundance, joy and confidence, you create more of the things you want. When you feel bad, shift to a thought that feels better. As you think and feel from a place of doubt, fear and insecurity, you create more of the things you do not want. When you find yourself feeling poor / unwell / sad, move away from these feelings by choosing thoughts that feel better.

You create your life moment by moment as you notice how your thoughts make you feel and then consistently choose thoughts that feel better. As you choose Feel-Good Thoughts, you take back your power to create your own life. As you apply the formula Think + Feel = Attract, you truly can be and do and have whatever you desire.

Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Life Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her e-book, Dining at the Cosmic Café: How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire, are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate, check out her e-book, and subscribe to Magical Musings, visit
Article Source:

Friday, April 25, 2008

5 Law of Attraction Hurdles and Obstacles To Overcome

There are 5 basic hurdles and obstacles to be aware of when working with the law of attraction.

These hurdles can stop you dead in your tracks and leave you wondering where you went wrong with no idea what happened if your not aware of them and if you don't work to overcome them. Though simple in concept to understand and over come, they do take time and practice to fix and work with.

1. Emotional addictions are the first hurdle you should be made aware of. Each of us has habituated specific emotional addictions. Yes, you are addicted to emotions. Understanding that you are addicted to emotions allows you to begin to recognize how you create and attract specific situations in your life in order to sustain that emotional addiction. This begins to allow you to start developing emotional addictions for positive emotions in order to speed up and utilize the law of attraction better.

2. Infinite wheel spinning. You get what you focus on and you focus on what you get. This is just one of the infinite wheel spinning loops that can catch you up when working with the law of attraction. These loops often happen without our even knowing it or realizing that it happens. Becoming aware of these loops and being able to recognize them allows you to cut them off before they stop you up.

3. Cause and effect. We all learned about the universal law of cause and effect in elementary school. That every action creates something else to happen. If you forget to put gas in your car while it is on e, the effect of that cause is running out of gas. The effect of running out of gas is having to call someone to come and get you or having to walk to a gas station. Cause and effect are always happening for every thing and every effect is the cause of another effect. By understanding the universal law of cause and effect and developing the ability to see how it works, you can begin to utilize this universal law in order to manifest and attract what you want.

4. Your thoughts and your actions are not you. Each of us has millions of thoughts a day. None of those thoughts define who you are any more than a mole on your back does. Many people relate who they are as a person to their thoughts and their actions. Though our thoughts and our actions do offer incites into who we are, they are not who we are. This is why people fear failure so much and seek success. They cling to their failure as though they are a failure if something in their life fails, and cling to success as though that makes them a success. These pieces of our life are not who we are, but are actions we take. Our thoughts are nothing more than the minds way of reacting to the world. You are much, much more than your thoughts and your actions.

5. You cannot think, speak, or do anything outside of who you are. Most people work with the law of attraction and never come to the realization that who you are dictates what you will manifest. If you are not already a millionaire, or a lover, or anything else you want in your life at heart, you will never think like one and there for never attract to you situations, people, and resources that will allow you to manifest those things in your life. First work on your level of being, then you can attract and manifest what you want in your life.These are natural obstacles that all of us must come to terms with in order to manifest and attract in our lives at a level we truly want to attract at. Take the time to study these hurdles and overcome them. Get educated about these hurdles because your ability to manifest and attract based on the law of attraction in your life is directly related to your ability to get past these hurdles.

Dwayne Gilbert is the founder of and the Wealthy Life Secrets Program. He has been helping people to Unleash Their Potential for over 10 years. He has helped people from all walks of life to get on a better path and to create the life of their dreams. To learn more about the law of attraction and how to create the life of your dreams, visit
Article Source:

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Law of Attraction is Your Fairy Godmother

“Nothing is more exhilarating than to dance through life recognizing that the Universe is there to yield to you whatever you want whenever you want it.” – Abraham-Hicks

It’s the WHAT – Not the HOW! Have you decided what you want? Are you crystal clear about what you want to be or do or have? Once you decide WHAT you want, your job is complete. You don’t have to figure out the HOW, the WHEN, the WHERE, or the WHO.

There’s a nice division of labor here. Your job is the WHAT part – deciding what you want and placing your order. The Law of Attraction will handle all the details – the HOW part. In fact, it’s best to get out of the way and let this universal law do its job. Decide – then turn it over to the Universe. With the Law of Attraction on your team, you no longer need to drive yourself crazy figuring out how to accomplish your goals. Your job is simply to focus on WHAT you want, take whatever action you’re inspired to take, and allow it to happen.

I was thrilled to see this principle presented in a recent production of Cinderella. When her Fairy Godmother appears and tells Cinderella that her wish has come true and she WILL be attending the ball, does she rejoice? No, she does not! She goes straight into worry mode about the HOW’s. She thinks of problems – no dress to wear, no coach to ride in, etc. Ah, but Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother is wise and encourages her to stop worrying and start visualizing the most gorgeous gown and the most elegant coach she can imagine (the WHAT part) and let go of the details of HOW it will all come together. And, as we know, it works out like magic!

Out of the Mouths of Babes. A four-year old actually helped me learn the extremely valuable lesson of focusing on WHAT – not HOW. Years ago I was teaching a friend how to drive a car and her four-year old daughter, Melissa, was riding in the back seat. About 15 minutes into our driving lesson, the little sweetheart began a barrage of “Happy Meal! Happy Meal! Happy Meal!” She had placed her order and was absolutely not giving up. So, naturally, we drove to the nearest McDonalds and got her a Happy Meal.

The Universe is similarly persuaded by our single-minded determination. Melissa had no resistance. She never considered that maybe she didn’t deserve a Happy Meal or that it was an inconvenient time or that she was asking for too much. She had no power to get herself to McDonalds and no money to buy anything even if she got there. She was not concerned with HOW it was going to happen. She had all she needed – her strong desire and her clear focus on WHAT she wanted. She simply wanted it and kept making her desires known (loudly and insistently, I might add) until she was happily munching away and playing with her new toy.

I have learned from the purity of Melissa’s request that, by deciding WHAT I want and focusing on it clearly and unequivocally without getting caught up in HOW it’s going to happen, I become a vibrational match to my desires and they manifest quickly and easily.

Hey, I Said What I Want. Isn’t it nice to know that the Universe is supporting you in the fulfillment of your desires! Don’t you love realizing that the Universe is arranging the details of HOW the circumstances and events will line up for you! The pieces will all fall into place perfectly as you stop thinking about HOW to make it happen and, instead, stay focused on WHAT you desire.

My friend, Thomas, completely gets this. His philosophy is – “Hey, I said what I want.” He merely sets his intention and confidently adds – “It’s not MY job to make it happen.” And he’s right! It’s not his job to make it happen any more than, after ordering your dinner in a restaurant, you get up and go out to the kitchen to prepare it. It’s the same with placing your order at the Cosmic Café. Let the Cosmic chefs do their magic and stay out of their way. Decide WHAT you want and allow your Fairy Godmother – the Law of Attraction – to make it happen for you!
Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Life Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her books Dining at the Cosmic Café: How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire and Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate, check out her books, and subscribe to her free ezine, Magical Musings, visit

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Keep Stepping Forward

by Sugandhi Iyer

What joy to keep moving ahead in life.

Like any road, life too has its rough patches, and like any good driver, the ability to deal with the rough patches by driving around or over them, is something to be developed.

It's great if you can just drive around the rough patches and not have to go through them, but if you do have to go through them, you have to control the speed.

It all depends on the situation. No situation is the same. Each situation calls for its own action.

Action is an important part of the Law of Attraction. There are many advocates of non-action, but action taken from the space of alignment is important. After all we are incarnated beings in a cause-effect world.

For example, right now the economy may not be very healthy and people have to deal with it. You cannot close your eyes and believe that the situation is not already in your moment of now.

In a slow economy, there are some job types that are not affected, but some others are. There are certain people who never get laid off because their job vibe is steady, and some others are more susceptible than others.

Then there are others who don't lose their jobs, but live within a strict income ceiling and in a world where costs are high as compared to incomes, it becomes tough.

Whichever person you are and whatever your situation, follow one principle-

Keep stepping forward. Keep on walking.

Energy work is required to change your point of attraction, and to improve it, along with positive thinking, but even as you work on your vibrations, take guided action that will help you. Even while you are taking action to get your finances into order, know one thing.

This is temporary. Things change, everything changes.

Taking guided action will actually improve your financial vibrations. Many who have made it big today, have gone through terrible situations. Each situation motivated them to become the best ever. It made them reach into themselves to bring out their latent talents. I'm sure you've heard of some of their stories. Not that it has to be that way, and you can ask for easier ways to do things, but if you do find yourself in tough situations, it helps to remember that some great people have also gone through them and come out shining.

Sometimes the Universe pinches so hard that it has the effect of getting people off their seats and become pro-active in making positive changes in their lives. It's called the process of becoming.

Become that person who is open to wealth and works to open doors to the richness and abundance that is waiting to flow through. Make healthy ways for money to flow through.

If it means educating or qualifying yourself further, then do that.

All of this guided action will improve your financial vibrations and soon you will be attracting huge wealth. You must start to feel good about your financial situation and in control of it right now. Your finances cannot control you!

Once you feel that you are in charge of your financial situation, you will attract abundance because you feel good about it.

It is not by feeling helpless that you attract help.

Don't get caught up in the recession, know that it too will pass. And as I said, do whatever needs to be done to get into feeling safe and secure now.

Take whatever healthy action you need to take to get your finances back on track, and start to feel good and in charge. And watch magic happen. You are taken care off. Just keep on stepping forward and don't get stuck in the mire.

Love and Joy.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

"Lost" by David Wagoner

Stand still. The trees ahead and bushes beside you

Are not lost.

Wherever you are is called Here,And you must treat it as a powerful stranger,

Must ask permission to know it and be known.The forest breathes.

Listen. It answers,I have made this place around you.

If you leave it, you may come back again, saying Here.

No two trees are the same to Raven.

No two branches are the same to Wren.

If what a tree or a bush does is lost on you,

You are surely lost.

Stand still.

The forest knows

Where you are.

You must let it find you.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Law of Attraction Action Steps

Are you taking the right steps to manifest your desires using the Law of Attraction?
A lot of the time you will see me discussing about the two methods of manifestation. In my opinion the two methods are:

Feel Good
Believe Your Desire

When you feel good about anything at all, in that moment you're in vibrational resonance with everything you consider to be good. The new car, the cottage home, the new kitchen... its all stuff that would make you feel good, and when you feel good, you're already in alignment with it.

The other way of manifesting stuff is by believing it is already yours. When you expect something to happen or when you believe you already own it, that is when the Law of Attraction will really kick in with speed because you're already completely aligned with your desire.

In this article I want to discuss one great method of aligning yourself so that you truly believe you're going to experience it. And that is by taking action steps.

Let's say that you have a desire to go on a vacation abroad. What are the action steps required to make that happen? Here's the list that I would come up with:
  • Find prices on plane tickets

  • Locate a hotel or B&B

  • Book time off work

  • Organize a baby sitter

  • Exchange some spending money

These are just a few of the things that you'd need to do.

Even if you don't have the money to buy the plane tickets, you should still be doing all of the above and making every single preparation possible. Why? Because you believe you're going on that vacation.

There's only one reason why you wouldn't do all of the above steps. And that is if you doubted that you were going to experience that holiday.

Will the Law of Attraction yield it to you if you don't believe you're going on that holiday? NO!
Start making your action steps list of what you would be doing if you had already received your desire.

I read a story about a gentleman who was in a competition with his company he worked for. The competition was to receive a free BMW car. Everyone got a ticket and the winner was to be announced at a corporate event the company was holding.

The gentleman in question was practicing the Law of Attraction. He made every single effort to believe that he was already the owner of that car. He made vision boards, he visualized for hours every day, he used affirmations and did everything else he could think of to get himself into alignment with his desire.

On the day of the winner announcement he was so convinced that he had already won the BMW that he organized to leave his current car at home and traveled up in a taxi. That is how certain he was that he would be driving home in his new BMW.

The gentleman did win the car and was holding the winning ticket.

Are you prepared to do everything possible to win your BMW?

Article Source:

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Magic Words

The use of positive affirmations to help facilitate the Law of Attraction in your life can not be understated. It is absolutely essential. But many people can be confused about positive affirmations, their purpose and how they are constructed.

Positive affirmations are positive statements we use with ourselves. Their purpose is two fold. First it sends out positive intention into the Universe in accordance to the Law of Attraction. Their second function is to contact and persuade our subconscious mind. This is the silent controller in each of us. It is our motivator and also gives us messages through intuition. You definitely want your subconscious mind to be working with you. It is in the subconscious mind the negative ideas and energy in the form of doubt and despair originate.

So how do you construct a working positive affirmation? The subconscious mind does not do well if we command it to do something, "I will be making more money soon." This opens up all kinds of doubt and questions which the subconscious mind will begin to generate: "How are you going to make that money? You can't do it. Look at your life situation now. You have been told in the past that you are not good enough accept it."

In order to avoid this trap and sequence of thoughts you need to gently persuade your subconscious mind. You need to gently nudge it in the direction of manifestation and belief. Without belief in your ability to accomplish your goals at this deep level, you will be at odds with yourself. You will battle doubt.

The subconscious mind is kind of like a cat. Now dogs can easily be trained and tempted by praise. Cats have their own agendas and can be aloof. That does not mean they can not be persuaded. You just need to know the trick.

In the case of the subconscious mind there are two magic words. With these words you can transform yourself from the inside out. In fact, these two words in the ancient religions were used as the name of God. Now that is some powerful stuff.

Are you ready? The words are "I AM". These two words define, persuade, transform and shift you instantly. Using them as a positive affirmation can transform your life and create huge waves of positive attractive energy into the Universe.

Try this one: "I am fantastically calm and relaxed."

Say it a number of times and note how your feel. Note how you begin to feel relaxed and confident. This is just the beginning!

(C) 2008 Leading Edge Coaching
"© Photographer: Agency:"

Eva Gregory, International Coach of the Year 2006, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Law of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Law of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching. -->

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