Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Power of 17 Seconds

If you haven't already heard Abraham talk about the power of 17 seconds, here's a quick recap from "Ask and It Is Given":

"Within 17 seconds of focusing on something, a matching vibration becomes activated and the Law of Attraction will bring you more thoughts that match. At this point, the vibration will not have much attraction power, but if you maintain your focus longer, the power of the vibration will become further reaching. If you manage to stay purely focused upon any thought for as little as 68 seconds, the vibration is powerful enough that its manifestation begins."

You Can Have it All....Just Not All At Once!


By Eva Gregory, CPCC

Usually, when it comes to attaining our goals and seeing our dreams come true, we have set a timeline or, at least, have one in mind. That is a good thing. It keeps us focused, motivated. It is tangible; it is binary, measurable: have I been, done, reached such-and-such? Yes or no... Meanwhile, there is a fine balance between setting measurable goals and feeling that "Have or Have Not" feeling. The Law of Attraction promotes feelings of flow and abundance. Let if flow... and you will get more and faster... and often times, even better than that for which we had hoped and asked.When I got into coaching, I was like a kid in a candy store. I wanted to coach clients and be active in the coaching associations; I was president of the International Coach Federation East Bay Chapter. I was progressing through my coaching certification while simultaneously completing a one-year leadership program, creating classes, writing articles, networking... you name it. Meanwhile, I was, basically, saying 'yes' to every offer that came my way to coach and speak... until, eventually, I was left with my tongue hanging out still wanting to say yes to even more juicy opportunities that were flowing my way. After all I'm a huge believer that there is nothing you cannot be or do or have.. until my own coach reminded me, "Eva, yes, you can have it all. Just not all at once!" Sometimes when the Universe is fulfilling your wishes, it gives your everything - and then some - that you have requested. When this happens, it is important to remember to feel gratitude, feel joy in the abundance of it all. If you sidetrack into the "Okay, I received this and that and hurry to add more to the want list, what are you saying? Not 'thank you,' but rather, "Hey. You have given me all of this - and I am feeling a lack of something." When I thought about my coach's words, I could almost hear the Universe giving me that sound from the old game show "Price is Right" when I fall prey to that feeling of scarcity: "bah, bah, bah, waaaaaah." Time to do a self-check. When I relaxed into the abundance of that feeling of "I can have it all," instead of the scarcity mentality, my life became balanced again. I realized that, just because I didn't say yes to everything that came my way right now, it did not mean that I would miss out. I remembered to count my blessings, too. I was able to find that time to play and to be active in my business and have things flow to me and through me "...in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way" as Catherine Ponder likes to say. So, for those who are afraid they might miss out on something or they are being told this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and if you don't take it you'll miss your boat, this is a reminder you never miss your boat. Law of Attraction will always send you another boat and another boat and another boat... Sometimes, it even gives you a better boat than the one for which you dreamed. As Bono sings, "... what you don't have, you don't need it now... it's a beautiful day... don't let it slip away..." Count your blessings. Have faith that the universe will give you "all that" ... and more - in it's own way, at just the right time.

(C) 2008 Leading Edge Coaching
"© Photographer: Agency: Dreamstime.com"

Eva Gregory, International Coach of the Year 2006, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Law of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Law of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

6 Laughing Buddhas

The Buddha's posture has different meanings:

HAPPY HOME: seating with a parasol behind his back.

LOVE: seated with his feet together, holding a wealth ball and a bag over his shoulder.

LONG LIFE: seated on a bag of blessings, holding a wealth ball in one raised hand, and a ru-yi pot (bowl of plenty) in his other hand.

SPIRITUAL JOURNEY: holding a gourd of enlightenment hanging froma stick, a fan in his other hand, and a necklace of beads.

ABUNDUNCE: raising his hands above his head and holding a ru-yi pot (bowl of plenty).

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Symptoms of Inner Peace

  • A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experience

  • An unmistakable ability to enjoy the moment

  • A loss of interest in judging other people

  • A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others

  • An inability to worry (this is a very important symptom!)

  • Frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation

  • Frequent acts of smiling

  • An increasing tendency to let things happen rather than to make them happen

  • An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Protecting Yourself From Energy Vampires

As a person who is an intuitive empath, someone who's so sensitive to energy you pick it up but you're also drained by it. We empaths are so sensitive to others energy that we can take on or absorb others negative energy which in turn can turn up as chronic pain, fatigue or a negative mood swings. Whenever you're interacting with other people there is always an energy exchange. We must ask ourselves: Who gives us energy? Who saps it? It's important to be surrounded by supportive, sincere, positive people who make us feel safe and secure. After interactiving with someone, pay attention to the way you feel afterwards, do you feel drained and physically sick, that person is a energy vampire to you. It's important for us to surround ourselves with positive relationships and avoid the energy vampires as much as possible. Of course that's not always possible, especially if the energy vampire is family or a co-worker. I personally have one in my family and avoiding her completely is not possible. I was finding myself emotionally drained and agitated or depressed after leaving her company, so I had to discover ways to protect myself from her attacks.

Vampires range from the intentionally malicious ones to those who are oblivious to their effect. Some are overbearing and obnoxious; others are friendly and charming. Such as the person who seems cheery and friendly but after talking to her you feel sick and down. That's the person who isn't sincere, they put on a smile, but probably is thinking negative thoughts of you, maybe jealous of you, and in turn sucks your positive energy and puts their insincere, negative energy on you. Or there's the person who constantly complains about their life and how terrible everything and everyone is to them, this definitely leaves you feeling awful after an exchange. Or one that you particularly need to watch out for, and if at all possible, remove from your life all together - the person who ridicules or cuts down any idea or accomplishment you have. The one that tells you 'you can't do that'. No one needs a person like this in their life. These people hate to see anyone else prosper and want to suck others into their negative black hole.

Protective Tips to Dealing with Energy Vampires:

  • Take an inventory of people in your life. Identify the positive people who make you feel good, and the energy vampires. Decide to avoid and limit your interaction with the energy vampires whenever possible. Plan activities with the positive people. Enjoy their positive energy exchange. Remind yourself of the fun moments when you feel yourself feeling drained, it will bring up your mood.
  • Turn the conversation with an energy vampire into a positive one, if possible. If you find yourself caught in a negative conversation with an energy vampire - ask them what they do want. Suggest some positive solutions, or find a positive point in their negative story. If none of that works then you may have to excuse yourself and leave the conversation.
  • Meditate. It will ground you when you've been struck by a vampire. Whether it's 5 mins or an hour, meditation will help you calm yourself, your mind and center yourself. Concentrate on deep breathing. With each breath taken in, imagine the positive energy coming into your body and flowing through your system and with every breath out, picture yourself blowing out the negative energy, see it blowing far away. Connect with the beauty of nature. Remember that you are Spirit and Spirit is love, peace, harmony. Nothing the energy vampires says or does can take away your peace and joy.
  • Visualize a protective shield of White Light surrounding every inch of you. This lets positive energy in, but keeps negative energy out. This helps, especially at gathering where you can't avoid the vampire. Try to stand as far away from the person as possible, this keeps you outside their energy field. Think of something positive, an event, a loved one, the Universe, when you start to feel the effects of the energy vampire, this will bring up your energy and keep you distracted from the person.
Peace and Joy Be With You!

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Laws of the Universe

  • Law of Gratitude - You have heard it many times that an attitude of gratitude has the power to speed up the manifesting process. When you are grateful for both what you like and what you don’t like, it shows complete appreciation of your life in the present, which in turn attracts more of what you do like. The Universe sees your gratitude. There is a joy and peace within yourself and mind when you are truly grateful of everything you have. Another way to put it is that you cannot let go of a situtation unless you appreciate the gifts it brings you, whether good or bad. This law keeps you growing and progressing in the manifestation process.

  • Law of Attraction - This law states that you attract whatever you put your attention to. The point of this law is to establish the creative power of thought. This law is very much tied to the law of cause and effect. This law represents the idea that we have the same creative ability as our Creator. We can create our reality with our thoughts. When your first become aware ofthis law, you may have thoughts of doubt, but as you start to notice the link between your thoughts and experiences in your life, you can have the power to be a deliberate creator. Whether we believe in this law, it is occurring in our life. We are intentionally or unintentionally creating our reality with our thoughts. If we embrace this law and control our thoughts and keep them as positive as possible and have faith in the Universe, we can use our thoughts to manifest our dreams.

  • Law of Cause and Effect (karma) - As you grow, you begin to see the link between your thoughts, words and actions and your reality. This law makes us aware that our actions, thoughts and intentions play an important role in the result of our creations. This leads us to an increased awareness and responsibilty. "We do unto others as we would have them do unto us"

  • Law of Love - Love is energy. Our Spirit is Love. All the negative emotions, fear, doubt, anger come from our ego, but our Spirit is pure love. Love is energy, an actual substance. When we feel love we are giving out a positive vibration and attracting more love to us. Love is represented in many forms, such as acceptance, forgiveness, peace, sharing. Love is understanding that we are all connected. You cannot let go of a situation until you exit it with love. You can't grow in Spirit without love. Hate and anger stops our growing and we continue to dwell in a negative situation. As soon as we see the love and forgiveness in the situation we can let go and feel the peace in our lives.

We were not meant to struggle. When we accept the Laws of the Universe and flow with them, we experience life with ease and peace.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


It is sometimes hard to figure out your place in life. What is your purpose? What are you meant to do in life?

I like to think of life as a large symphony. Each player in the symphony plays a certain part. There are different instruments in each section -piano, violins, cellos, flutes, trumpets, percussion. Each section seeks to play in harmony with the other. Each person has a special skill and talent that they have worked and practiced for many years. They have honed their particular musical skill so that when it comes time to perform that orchestral piece, they are ready.

It is sometimes difficult to figure out what our talents are. What I can guarantee is that every person has a talent or skill that they are good at. It can be an unusual skill such as making folded paper origami, or it might be an athletic skill.

Once you figure out what that skill is, the next step is to figure out how you can utilize that skill. Sometimes you have to be creative and think outside the box. Suppose you are good at making paper cranes. What kind of career can that lead to? Well maybe, you are creative at other artistic creations. Maybe you are good with math and spatial skills that make you invaluable in a field like architecture or design.

When you are sure you have identified your talent, begin to hone and improve it. This can mean going to school or a technical college. It can mean training under other professionals in the field. Whatever the case maybe, strive to be the best at what you are good at. Practice and refine your talent.
I have a client who worked at a department store. He has a great eye for design and was given the chance to decorate a clothing display for the holidays. They liked it so much they asked him to more projects. He's always loved visual arts but lacked the confidence to do anything with it as a career. Eventually, he became the head of the display department in the clothing store he was working in. It was a promotion and an increase in pay. That was the feedback he needed to really see he could trust his desires to be, do or have whatever he wanted. He went back to school and eventually got his BA in Art. He continued to be promoted within the company he was working in and eventually moved to Washington DC. Today, he is the art director for a major clothing chain He recognized a talent he had, honed his talent, and is now the happiest he has ever been in his life.

What about you? Are you ready to blend your instrument with the rest of the symphony and play your music in harmony with others around you? You can, you know. Whenever you're ready. You will be a star!

(C) 2008 Leading Edge Coaching

Eva Gregory, International Coach of the Year 2006, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Law of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Law of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Synchronicities; Staying Connected with the Universe

Synchronicity: the experience of two or more events which occur in a meaningful manner, but which are casually unrelated. In order to be synchronous, the events must be related to one another conceptually, and the chance that they would occur together by random chance must be very small.

This is what you'll experience when you're connected to the Universe. When you understand that the Universe is picking up your vibration, the energy you're giving out, which is a result of your desires, you'll understand the sychronicities you are seeing are messages from the Universe. It's an exciting thing once you have this understanding! You feel reassured and excited that your desire will be manifested and if you keep your vibration matched to it. It's important to see these events for what they are so not to miss an opportunity the Universe may be sending our way.

An example is an invitation that leads you to meet a person who opens up an opportunity for a the career move you were desiring. Or a phone call from a friend that you've been thinking of but haven't talked to in awhile. Or a song that suddenly plays on the radio that you've had stuck in your head for the past few days. Or you continually notice pictures or signs that relate to a significant event or decision coming up in your life.

One of my intentions for this year is to travel to Italy in the summer. In the past couple of weeks I've had 'messages' in all kinds of ways that hint to Italy, such as a relative giving me a hotel guide to Europe just out of the blue. A billboard that I noticed that said "Italy Now!" Or continual tv shows that have an Italian theme coming on just as I turn on the tv. See if I was too caught up in the chaos of the day and grumbling I would not have noticed these signs. We have to stay focused. Keep our emotions at a positive level. If negative events come our way, we must acknowledge them and move on. Don't dwell in the negative, it will cause you to give out a negative vibration.

Another such experience I had just this week - I've been wanting to buy my daughter a new jacket, she really needed one. I knew that a certain store was having a sale on the particular jacket I've been wanting to buy for her. I knew this for a couple of days but procrastinated because I thought I had better be 'careful' with my expenses since it was post-holiday times. Finally, on the weekend as I was driving I thought to myself "you're going to miss that great deal on the jacket, don't worry about expenses, trust the Universe, don't have an attitude of lack". So without another thought I drove to this particular store. As it would happen the specific jacket and all the other jackets had an additional discount on their sale prices. I was able to buy my daughter two jackets, since she really needed a formal one too. I was so pleased that I listened to that 'voice' and trusted the Universe!

In the case of synchronicities, trust yourself and your inner voice which tells you what the synchronicities point to. What is meant to happen, will happen. Sometimes, there may be further signs to confirm what you are thinking about. You'll notice repeated images, numbers, objects or words or maybe a reoccuring dream, these all may be synchronicities. The important step is to understand the meanings of the synchronicities of your life and then to act upon them.

As you become more familiar with delibrate creation you will find you are noticing more of these signs. This is the Universe guiding you in the right direction. Stay in tuned with your intuition and heart and then you' won't miss the opportunities the Universe is sending you.

Happy Intentions!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Remove The Clutter and Let Positive Energy Flow

Are you letting clutter drain your energy? Don't be stuck in a rut. Time to let go and let the positive energy flow and speed up the manifesting process!

Clean out your closet- This is a space that clutter tends to pile up. When an item doesn't seem to have a place in our home we tend to throw it in the closet, afraid to let it go. If the item doesn't have a place in hour home, most likely it has no place in your life. If it has lost it's purpose then let it go. Hanging on to 'junk' just hangs on to negative energy in your home. Let go of old clothes and shoes you never wear. Keep the ones that make you feel good about yourself. This is a great opportunity to give to charity. Someone else can get good use of those clothes.

Clear your basement and attic - in Feng Shui the basement represents the foundation to your life. Any stuck energy here will be rising up through your home and affecting every aspect of your life. Time to clear the space so positive energy can flow through it. Make use of the basement as a playroom or tv room or games room. The fellowship that occurs here will create positive energy that will rise up to the rest of your home.

De-clutter your schedule - do you have too many things on your to-do list? Are you saying yes to projects and tasks you want to take on, or you feel you have to in order to please other people? Start saying 'no' to tasks that bog you down. Whether it's to stop and meditate for 10 mins or read a book or sip on a cup of tea, create some 'me' time in your day. You won't be succesfull if you're feeling pressured and unhappy.

De-clutter your workspace. This will be affecting your creativity, efficiency and prosperity. How much time do you waste looking for information? A clear, neat space will create productive energy to flow in your office.

De-clutter you mind! Are your thoughts running around wild in your mind? Do you find it hard to be still and concentrate? Always thinking about what to do next or worrying. A cluttered mind will definitely hold you back and create negative energy. Start journaling, it's a great way to put sense to all 'stuff' going through your brain. It's also a great way to release the negative thoughts, consider it released once it's written down. Now your mind will have clarity and you'll see what is really important to you and worth using up your energy on.

De-clutter your relationships - Time to let go of the negative people in your life. These are the people that aren't going anywhere. They're stuck in the same old negative rut and continuously complain. This brings negative energy to them and you. Something you don't need! There's a great quote - "Fly with the eagles, don't scratch with the turkeys" Time to follow this advice. Keep your energy level high and positive and the Universe will send you people who are of the same vibration as you. Success will follow!

Happy Manifesting!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Letting Go of Your Intentions

So you've sat down and thoughtfully written down a list of your intentions for 2008. Now what? Now you need to let go of the intentions and let the Universe take care of the details. This means not worrying about how these desires are going to manifest. Don't think about where they will be coming from, or that there's one specific avenue to which it will come and you need to have this happen first. Don't have a time limit. Everything happens in it's right time and that's how you want it to be. It's not your place to figure all that out. Just let go of the intentions like a balloon floating into the sky. Let the Universe catch the desire and take care of the hows. Attachment is based on fear and insecurity, while detachment is based on faith. Refuse to be influenced by other people’s doubts or criticisms. Remind yourself that the Universe is capable of providing anything, no matter what anyone says. Look at your list daily, reminding yourself and your subconscious of what it is you intent to manifest. This will keep you visualizing and excited. Enjoy every moment of your life, even if you don't know the outcome. Thank the Universe everyday for the intention that is on it's way.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Effective prayer for manifesting

Prayer can be an effective way to speed up the manifesting process. Whether it's The Universe, God, Creator, Bhudda, etc, whichever name you feel comfortable with. You can ask your Source through prayer for abundance in our lives.

Some tips to that may help:
  • Pray in the affirmative. In other words, pray like you've already recieved the blessing. That you are already in that state of being. Don't beg and plead. For example, an affirmative prayer would be "I am thankful for the financial abundance I'm enjoying right now" instead of "please, please, please, get me out of this debt". Your Source wants to provide you with your needs, all in good time, so you don't need to beg. Begging shows a lack of faith. Begging also brings on negative feelings which brings down our vibration.

  • Have good intentions. Any desires you have should be for the benefit and good of all. Praying for something that may hurt another is not in harmony with the Universe. If anything, it will bring more of the negative intention into your own life. Do not think that you need to take from another to have your desire. The Universe has plenty of resources for us all.

  • Have faith. If you look up the definition of faith you will find one description as "complete confidence in a person or plan". I like this one! That's exactly what we need to do. Have complete, non-wavering, confidence in God's plan. Have faith that it will happen. Don't pray about a need and then talk to others about the lack thereof. This is a lack of faith. Tell others how excited you are about what's coming your way.
  • Trust God for the outcome. Don't try to analyze the situation and come up with your own solutions, this just creates worry (a negative emotion). Prayer is all about letting the Universe/God take care of the 'how's'. Just trust that it will come.

  • Be open to receiving. Similar to the above tip, don't worry about how the blessing will come, just be ready to receive it. Be open and still to hear any hints the Universe may be sending you. Maybe there's certain action you need to take to receive the desire. Maybe a certain person needs to be involved. Doubt and worry will create clatter in your mind and you won't hear the Divine hint. Keep your mind open and calm so that you don't miss the oppportunity.

  • Be patient. The worse thing we can do is get impatient and frustrated. Thoughts or words like "why haven't I received my blessing yet?" "It's been 2 months, what's going on?" just slow down, if not halt, the manifesting process. When the time is right and we are ready to receive then we will see the results.

  • Be thankful. Have an Attitude of Gratitude. Be thankful for what you have right here, right now. This is important. If you're thankful for the small things, than you'll attract the big things. Gratitude keeps us in a uplifted mood and raises our vibrations. Be excited for what you have already, God takes notice and you'll speed up your creation process.

Peace be with you!

Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs

I've mentioned in a previous post that I'm learning to let go of alot of limiting beliefs and fears I've picked up since childhood and the belief system I was raised in. My whole life I've been told by my parents that hard work and hard knocks is the way life works. If I want to have any money in my life I better be prepared to be exhausted and unsatisfied. And success, well, that's for the few lucky ones, and it's all luck! they would tell me. They truly believed "if something can go wrong, it will" theory on life. These were some hard beliefs to let go of. Not to mention they would create a fear in me that cause me to hold back on opportunites or chances that could have brought me some success.

All these limiting beliefs will slow down if not hold back your manifesting process. Sometimes we don't realize we're even carrying these beliefs but we wonder why we're always struggling financially and not manifesting those dreams we've been asking for. Maybe you're visualizing your desires everyday and have created a vision board to help, but still no success.
To discover if you are carrying any limiting beliefs, make a list of the dreams you want to manifest. Thoughtfully read each one and meditate on it for a bit. Pay attention to what thoughts pop into your head or what emotions come up. Do you feel frustrated? Do you really believe that this can happen for you? Do you believe you deserve it? Does feelings of resentment come up, or resentment for others who have wealth. Is it hard to even concentrate on that desire for long? If any of these feelings/thoughts come up, you may be harbouring limiting beliefs. List the negative feelings/thoughts that you feel and read each one and as you do tell yourself that today you will let go of these fears. Tell yourself you, just like many other people who have reached their goals, deserve these dreams. Ignore what you've been told in the past. The Law of Attraction is here for everyone, and works whether we believe in it or not, so might as well use it for your advantage.

Be happy for others when they create wealth in their lives. Once you make this attitude shift, you will bring up your vibration because you will be excited to see another's abundance. Think of it as proof that you also can create this! Plus, once you take on a wealth mindset, you will find others with similar beliefs coming into your life and you will enjoy their company. You will love to hear their manifesting stories and learn from them. All this speeds up the creation process for you and that's what we all want!

The Universe wants to make all your dreams come true, you just have to believe it! Once I let go of those limiting beliefs, I've found money comes to me easily and worry free. My needs are always met and I'm excited about the desires I plan to manifest in 2008, because I believe they are on their way!

Thank you Universe!


Father time turns the clock once more. There is one thing in life that is inevitable and that is that time passes whether we want it to or not. Day changes to night and back again, without much concern for us. Time continues without our permission and without our blessing.
Time is a blessing though. It allows us to let go of the past and move to our future. Sometimes we need time to clean our slate. We need to wash it clean so that we can start over. So often we carry baggage with us that only serves to slow us down. Wouldn't it be nice to let go of that baggage and move on to your goals? New Year's is the perfect time to do this.
Part of cleaning our slate is learning to let go. This can be a very daunting task for some. We hold onto ideas, people, and even situations because they are familiar. They are comfortable and predictable. Even if they are not healthy situations, they are ones that we can grasp onto because there is a sense of security.
Letting go and exploring new areas of your life can be scary. You do not know what might happen next. It is uncharted territory. It can make you feel uncomfortable and you can have a sense of losing control. This is an illusion that your mind sometimes creates.
There is nothing to be afraid of. Change is good. In order for you to progress toward your goals in life, change has got to occur. So why do we continue to hold onto the old and refuse to embrace the new?
Sometimes it is societal norms. You may be in a place in life that fits a societal norm and breaking away from that could cause others, including yourself to step outside their comfort zone.
For instance, suppose you are a woman and always wanted to work in law enforcement. It may be hard to switch from a job that you are in to one that is generally a male- dominated field. It may be scary and there may be those that don't think you should pursue your dream.
I have a client that was in that position. She was working in a clothing store. She decided to take the required courses in a local community college. She had a lot of resistance but she did not let others hold her back. She is now a detective and is finishing her BS in Criminology. She did not allow fear to hold her back and neither should you.
Letting go also encompasses letting go of your mistakes. Just because you may have had some set backs this year does not mean you should give up. Wipe your slate clean this New Year's. What happened in the past can remain in the past. There is no way you can change it. You can, however, learn from it and allow it to help you progress. Just let it go and embrace new opportunities in the New Year. Time will transport you away from the past. Your future is your destination. At each stop along the way there are new, exciting possibilities. Be ready to embrace them. Don't get stuck because you made a mistake. Just jump back on the train and ride it to the next stop.
Whether you make New Year's resolutions or not, be willing to let go of the past and embrace your future. Your dreams and goals are awaiting you there.

(C) 2007 Leading Edge Coaching
"© Photographer: Dreamstime.com"

Eva Gregory, International Coach of the Year 2006, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Law of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Law of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching. -->

Monday, January 7, 2008

Music That Stirs My Soul

It's very important to me to listen to the music I love on a daily basis. Whether it's at home, in my car, exercising or meditating, it definitely helps me raise my vibration and my mood. At times when nothing else seems to help me get back into a positive mood, just stopping and listening to my music works. Of course it's different types of music for different situations or moods I'm in. Sometimes classical for a relaxing, soothing downtime, inspirational music to get me excited about my dreams or upbeat music to get my groove on and just let go! I love to dance in my home with my kids. I want them to feel the freedom of just letting go too. Just clearing their minds and enjoying the moment! I try to avoid music that switches me into a glum, negative mood. Always listen to music you enjoy and puts you in a good mood. Maybe there's a song that reminds you of a certain desire you're wanting to manifest, listen to that song to help you speed up the creation process. Your emotions will soar when the right song is on! There are CD's you can purchase specifically designed for effective manifesting.
May you find the music that stirs your soul!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

What my Words May Be Creating

Did you ever have a negative situation in your life that just didn't seem to go away? or just got worse? If so, stop and pay attention to what you are saying about the situation or relationship. Are you constantly complaining about it? Do you talk about how terrible it is every chance you get? Are you shouting it on the mountain tops?

Well, I have had few of these, but one comes to mind. My 18 month old son was having some sleep issues, basically, I was exhausted and grumpy and so was he. Night wakings, early rising, short naps. Moms out there may relate to this. So I did whatever I could to fix this problem. I read every book, followed the directions they gave me very carefully, but no change! Finally, one day I stopped and payed attention to what I was saying about the issue. I realized that I indeed was "shouting it on the mountain tops". I was complaining about it, telling everyone I could about it, or just making little sly remarks about having a baby that doesn't sleep. All this negative talk was attracting more of what I didn't want!

The more we complain about the problem, and dwell on it, the more we'll get of it. The Universe hears whatever we constantly give attention to, whether it's negative or positive, it gives back more of it. That's how the Law of Attraction works. What you say determines what you will think and the emotions you stir up. Notice how you feel while you complain about the issue. You bring up negative emotions of fear, frustration, doubt, resentment. Every time I talked about my son's sleep issues I would feel frustrated and helpless and resentment towards my husband who wasn't losing as much sleep as I was, which in turn affected my relationship with him. It's like a 'snowball effect'. When you roll a snowball in the snow it gets bigger and bigger, that's what happens to the negative situation, it gets bigger and bigger and just doesn't go away.

Your words play an important part in what you manifest. You may think your thoughts are doing all the attracting. The universe doesn’t hear your thoughts nor does it see the pictures in your mind. It responds to the vibrations you put out from your emotions. Your words are directly influencing your emotions.

When we speak we are shaping our world around us. Pay attention to the conversation of people with money, you'll notice their positive words about money. In turn they're attracting more of it to into their lives! They don't speak of lack of it, oh no! They know better!

So now I make sure what I say is what I want to attract into my life. I shout positive words from the mountain tops!

(Oh sleep issue is gone!)

Happy Manifesting!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Balancing Your Chakras

Are your chakras out of whack? We know that positive energy brings positive emotions which helps us manifest our positive desires. Chakras have alot to do with our energy level.
The chakras begin at the base of the spine and finish at the top of the head. Though fixed in the central spinal column they are located on both the front and back of the body, and work through it. If the chakras are not balanced, or if the energies are blocked, the basic life force will be slowed down. The person may feel tired or depressed. Not only will physical bodily functions be affected so diseases may manifest, but the thought processes and the mind may also be affected. A negative attitude, fear, doubt, may preoccupy the person. A constant balance between the chakras promotes health and well being. We know to manifest our positive desires we need to maintain a positive energy level. So how can we balance our chakras? There are several ways. Eating specific foods to feed specific chakras, using gemstones/crystals that work with specific chakras, specific exercises. There are several books and websites that can be of help. Many people learn to practice Reiki or visit a Reiki practitioner. Reiki is a natural healing system designed to assist in healing and help achieve balance. Reiki may be performed by a practitioner, who serves as a passage through whom the Universal Life Energy can be transmitted to the recipient, by either hands-on or distance healing techniques, but many people have studied Reiki and adminster their own healing and balancing.
Below is a great Chakra test to aid you in balancing your points.

Have a joyful day!

Teaching Children the Law of Attraction and Meditation

I once saw an interview on Larry King Live with Bob Proctor. In the interview, Bob Proctor suggests that schools should teach the Law of Attraction and a positive way of life. What a great idea!

It's very important to me that I teach my children this Secret that I've learned. I want them to know that they can create their dreams. I want to to show them how to keep a positive attitude even when negative events come their way. We are constantly bombarded with negative messages in the media, schools, people around us. Having a positive, grateful attitude does build self-esteem. We all feel great when things are going our way! When our 'wishes' are coming true. And when we quickly move on passed a negative event without dwelling on it we improve our health and well-being. What a powerful thing for a child to know! If only I knew this way of thinking when I was young!

When teaching children we want to keep terms and concepts simple. Use words they can relate to. Use examples they can relate to. For example, ask them to describe how they felt when a particular negative event occurred in their life, then ask them to describe how they felt when a positive event occurred. Teach them to move on and not dwell in the negative emotion and thoughts. Instead of parents feeding the negativity by rehashing the situation over and over, list the positives that can be found in the event. In the book, Law of Attraction by Michael J. Losier, he dedicates one chapter to teaching LOA to children. He says to use simple words like "vibe" and "secret". Teach your child that when he/she feels sad or mad he/she gives out 'bad vibes' and when he feels happy and cheerful he/she gives out 'good vibes'. Show them the 'secret' to switching their negative vibes to positive ones by avoiding using the words "don't, no, not" and asking themselves "What do I Want?". Once a person thinks on the things they do want their vibration rises to a positive one.

Of course, as a mother myself, my own personal experience is that kids will be kids, they will feel down at times and just plain lose it, but talking them through their feelings and showing them how to look at the situation from an 'outside' perspective, they can see the issue isn't as big and ugly as it once seemed. I also like to ask my kids to list some positive alternatives or solutions and I notice them feel lighter immediately. It's always reassuring when you know you have other options and this isn't the end of the world!

When it comes to aspirations they may have, I want to teach them that they CAN make their dreams come true, no matter how silly someone else may think they are. That if they believe, there is a Universe waiting to deliver. That their 'happy and thankful' attitude will bring good things their way.

Meditation is a great way for anyone to boost their self-confidence and learn to release negative emotions. It teaches us to love ourselves so when a person brings us down we are able to realize we are special no matter what anyone says. There are many children's meditations to help with concentration, self-esteem, and sleep. Deep breathing benefits a person in several ways. Teach your child to practice deep breathing when they're angry or upset, it helps them find a place of calm and peace. I teach my children to repeat the words "I am special" as they meditate. This becomes a message ingrained in their subconscious. I want them to truly believe they are special!!

This is a great link for some children's meditations: http://www.learningmeditation.com/children.htm

Peace be with you today!

Importance of a Gratitude Journal

Last year I started a Gratitude Journal. I only wish I had started sooner. I knew the benefits of having one, but I procrastinated. I've also asked my children to start one. I truly believe they change your life and I know that being grateful for what you have NOW brings more for you to be grateful for in the future. I know there's days when you feel like there's nothing to be thankful for, but remember, there's always someone who has it worse then you. Even if it's just the fact that it's a warm, sunny, day or the safe return of your family, there's always something to be thankful for!

The Universe sees your gratefulness! When you stay connected to what you feel grateful for every day, you ignite the law of attraction by programming your subconscious mind to stay focused on what you love. A Gratitude Journal helps you do this. It reminds you of the blessings you have here and now, which brings up your vibrational level and creates happy emotions and then GUESS WHAT - the Universe picks up these positive vibrations and sends more of the blessings you're desiring!

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.... It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.

Melodie Beattie

A Vision Board

One thing that has really helped me stay focused is my Vision Board.

A vision board is basically just a board that is covered with pictures or symbols of the things you want. Been dreaming about a new house? Put a picture of it on your vision board. Want a certain amount of money? Put a check with the amount you want on the vision board. I also use my vision board to note my emotional desires, like, more peace, love and joy in my life. Using pictures of smiling families, hearts or just cutting out the actual words and sticking them on.

The problem is alot of people create a vision board and then slide it under their bed or put it in their closet and barely ever look at it. The whole point of the vision board is to help you visualize your dreams which in turn produces the positive emotions that come with seeing these images. Looking at your Vision Board daily impresses these images on your subconscious mind, you will put out the vibrations necessary to attract them. This moves the goal closer to you while you are moving closer to it.

I've stuck mine up on my bedroom wall. So every morning when I wake up I see it. I stop and concentrate on it for a few minutes. Sometimes I pick one desire and decide I will be excited about this desire all day and visualize it all day. On the days when circumstances seem far away from manifesting, I look at my vision board and remind myself of what the Universe is bringing my way.

Of course, there are some desires I've already manifested! That's the fun part. I don't want to give the impression that I've been asking, asking, asking and not receiving! The Vision Board speeds up the process. Joy, Joy!

Happy Manifesting!

"Winks" From the Universe

I mentioned in one of my previous blogs, that I called the 'coincidences' that come into my life winks from the Universe, letting me know my desire in the process of manifesting. To keep it up, keep the faith. Little reassurances - I love them! When I see little manifestations it get's me excited that this really works and I'm doing something right and keep going.

For quite awhile I was internally desiring new tiles in my bathroom. I didn't fully realize it, I was so focused on big desires, that I didn't realize how my vibration would drop to a negative one when I walked into our main bath and saw those old, warn out tiles. I would tell myself, "one day I will have a bathroom with sparkling tiles" and that would bring on positive vibrations and faith with no attachment. Well, one day one of the tiles just fell off, yah, just like that! we were so surprised, they weren't that old. Well, of course, then my husband had to replace them! The funds were there and it was all easy. So now we have nice, new, sparkling tiles in our bathroom that make me smile. Thank you Universe! Sometimes it's easier to manifest the smaller desires cause we don't attach any doubt, fear, dependancy on them, like the tiles, and then Taadaah! the Universe gives it to us, just like that!

Another Wink....my feng shui report for 2008 said that Yellow was my lucky color and to place/decorate something in my home using the color Yellow. I remember looking around my house and thinking there's nothing yellow here and I couldn't come up with anything that I felt would match - a blank. Then a few days later my mother-in -law gave me a yellow table cloth that she felt would look great with my dining room set! It's a nice calm yellow, and YES, it does match. Thank you Universe!

Mindfulness Meditation and the Law of Attraction

Sometimes I feel my mind is filled with anxiety and worry, which only attracts more seeming chaos and confusion into my life. Does this sound familiar? We know that what we focus our thinking on, we attract more of. The Bhuddists say the mind is like an overactive monkey needs to be calmed. This is how meditation can help. Instead of reacting to circumstances we respond. Meditation helps us reach a calm place where we can look at our circumstances in an objective way. You reach a place where you are neutral/calm even in the middle of a 'storm'. This keeps your emotions at a higher, positive vibration and lets the Universe know you trust in it and in turn attracts more peace and joy. Most of the time, we are just reacting to what we think and feel, which brings us endless cycles of conflict and disappointment. When we remain neutral to our thoughts and feelings, then we will gradually make contact with an aspect of ourselves that is spontaneous and awake.

Positive Affirmations that Work

I love what Michael Losier teaches in his book Law of Attraction (a must read!) about effective affirmations. He makes a great point when he says an affirmation in the present tense can actually decrease our vibration and bring on feelings of doubt, fear, lack, etc. For example, repeating an affirmation such as "I am wealthy and have money to buy whatever I want" but in reality our bank account is overdrawn and our bills are behind, this affirmation may actually bring on negative emotions because we know that this in not actually the case. Instead Michael says to use statements such as "I am in the process of ...." Example: "I am in the process of creating a financial situation that will bring security and joy to me and my family" Now you are saying that the process is started and is continually working to bring forth your desire and this statement seems more realistic to you.

Michael also recommends taking the words Don't, Not and No out of our vocabulary. Using these words actually brings a negative vibration in our mind and focuses more on the negative thing in our life, which in turn brings more. Instead ask yourself "What Do I Want" and state your intention in this way, ie, "I want a better job".

I've been doing my best to follow this and it works!

Have a joyful day!

Friday, January 4, 2008

The Law of Detachment

I think I need to practice the Law of Detachment. So after stating my desire, and visualizing that what it would be like to have it, I have to 'let go' of a dependency on it. That whether it comes about or not or when it does, won't define my happiness. This is a hard one for me. Every so often I find myself wondering "why haven't I seen anything happen yet and things will be so much better when it does"

The Law of Detachment says that in order to successfully attract something, you must be detached to the outcome. If you are attached, you project negative emotions of fear, doubt, or craving which actually attracts the opposite of your desire. You are operating from a position of worry, fear and doubt rather than serenity, trust and faith.

This law is equally as important in creating the reality we want. This is the one I think I'm not applying properly. Ok, so I need to get in alignment with my positive emotions/vibes. I'm going to focus on the joy of having the desire and not how/when it's coming. I'm going to have faith in the Universe that it's on it's way, the process has begun. It is essential to intentional creation to get into a feeling place of peaceful expectation that what we want is already at hand.

I will be patient.

First blog of 2008

It's the beginning of 2008 and I've written down my 'intentions' for this year. And I say intentions not goals because I plan on manifesting these desires this year. Yup, according to the Law of Attraction I can create my reality and 'think' my desires into reality, into my life. If I believe, visualize and have faith it will happen. Sounds easy enough, right? Well, I'm definitely a work in progress!

Well, let me start by telling my story. I discovered the Law of Attraction last year amidst the buzz of the DVD The Secret. I began reading, watching, listening, talking - involved in anything that had to with the LOA. I know all the lingo, visualizing, manifesting, energy, vibes, etc. I was fascinated, this all contradicted everything I was taught about my belief system. Is it true, I can change my life/reality to a more positive one, that good things can and will come my way and my families?! After all the years of just accepting that life is just one big struggle and nothing comes easy and God's ready to 'thump' me anytime now. That I have no control over any of this, it's just the 'fate' I was dealt. This was great news for me! I was always 'the glass is half empty and will be fully empty anytime now' person. So I started my research on started practicing on a daily basis the steps to successful manifesting. To staying positive and keeping my 'vibrational' level at a high, positive one. (I know anyone who know anything about LOA knows what I'm talking about). Well, this also led me to discover the 'spiritual' side of all this. Like meditation, which definitely helps keep a positive vibe, and letting go of the negative thoughts, and looking within for peace. And once you start researching all the Universal Laws, you can see it's all spiritual, not just scientific.

Ok, ok, so then of course like all newbies to this, I wanted to see results! My desires popping up. That's what led me to starting a blog. I want to journal my manifestations. So far I've noticed the little ones come fast. I noticed 'coincidences' all the time, which according to the LOA, there are no coincidences, just what I call 'winks' from the Universe telling me you're getting closer to that desire, keep it up. I've noticed that the negative people in my life are fading away, and wonderful, positive people with the same beliefs are coming into my life. That a situation at one time that would cause me to lose it, doesn't knock me down. I see a positive side of it and suddenly things turn around and all turns out great! Financially, things are coming easier. I'm still working on manifesting some BIG desires in regards to finances, but I'm confident and excited they're on their way (but that's another blog).

So, now I'm going to start journaling my experiences, manifestations, adventures, whatever comes....

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