Monday, September 15, 2008

Manage Your Energy to Manage Your Manifestations

What are some of the things we need to know or remember in order to use the Law of Attraction so it works for us?

1. The primary thing to remember is your connection to Spirit, which means your connection to everyone and everything, as well. If you ever feel alone, lonely, or that you're struggling on your own, you've closed out your eternal partner . . . Spirit. Spirit wants only the best for you because you are Spirit having an individualized experience of itself. Whether you take the spiritual or scientific viewpoint on this, there is only one energy, one consciousness, but it has many facets. The only separation between us is in our minds and our understanding.

2. If we focus our energy (match our vibrations) to a specific condition in our lives, say, one we don't like, we feed it as though it is real and eternal rather than a finite effect/experience that resulted from a cause. We tend to tell ourselves and others stories about events in our lives until we believe them more than the truth of who we are and what we're empowered by Spirit to accomplish. You cannot change or shift anything if you focus on what's wrong or not working. You have to focus on the preferred outcome and you have to trust there's a Divine plan Spirit holds for itself (and us) at work always and in all ways. We often forget to realize if we can do this for events we perceive as negative, we can also do this to feed the positives about ourselves and our experiences. We can't control everything or how others behave, but we can control how we choose to experience our lives.

3. You can affirm out the yin/yang about what you want or need, but needy energy repels what or who you seek to have in your life. It also creates more need of what you need, because this is how the Law of Attraction works. This cycle is like the snake devouring itself or a dog chasing its tail. Nor can you pretend to be in a state of absolute faith if you're not. What you can do is ask Spirit to show you what to do, and you will get an answer. A benefit of doing this is it shifts your energy from matching a condition to matching the expectation of Spirit to show you the way. Just doing this raises your energy and aligns you with a solution rather than a problem. Use affirmations to state the Truth about yourself and your Spirit-given power, talents, abilities, and unique personality.

4. Honor your feelings. Many cultures condition us to stuff down or deny our feelings. Well, we know this really doesn't work. It doesn't mean we have to express what we feel to anyone who'll listen (whether they want to or not) or wear them on our metaphorical sleeve, but we can express what we really feel to ourselves. Whether with a pen or at a keyboard, get them all out. Don't let them fester inside of you. When you hide your feelings from yourself, you give them more power than they are supposed to receive. Feelings provide information so we know how to look out for our best interests. Let them feed you with information, don't feed them with your energy.

5. Ask Spirit for what you want, even if it's the next step or which path to take. Write down your question or request; tell Spirit why you want this. Write down your concerns, doubts, and fears then tell Spirit you give all of this over to it. Ask for a clear direction or answer and put a time-limit on it. Want it within 24 hours? Ask for it. Then stay open to receiving what you need to know or do. (I recently had quite a result with this one!)

6. Do you really want what you say you want? Create a rate scale of 0 through 10. Zero represents Not Concerned with This at This Moment, and 10 represents I Intend to Make This My Reality. Pick something you believe you want and rate how much you believe you want it. Now make another scale where 0 represents I Won't Do Anything At All About This and 10 represents I'll Do Whatever It Takes. Rate the level of energy you're willing to put into making this your reality. You might even do one rating for inner energy and one for outer. Do your scale numbers match? Which one is higher, which one is lower? What might you need to do to get them aligned, or did you discover maybe this is not what you want, you want something completely different? Be honest with yourself. You want an authentic life, not one tailored to anyone else's idea of what your life should be.

7. What are your beliefs? Write down what you believe about what you want, about whether you deserve it or not, whether it can/will be yours or not. Which beliefs serve you? Which limit you? Which beliefs would you rather have, and which will cause you to match your vibrations to what you want?

If this seems like a lot of work to you, consider the phrase: When you do what you love, you never work another day. This means doing work you love never or seldom feels like work; it feels harmonious, on purpose, and energizing. If you can feel this way about yourself and your life, it won't be work. It will be harmonious, on purpose, and energizing.

Details for Manage Your Energy to Manage Your Manifestations online course (starts 9/14/08) are at On the website, sign up for Joyce Shafer's, L.E.C. (Spiritual/Life Empowerment Coach) free newsletter, take the quiz, and get book discounts -

Law of Attraction - When One Door Closes

When you are faced with a challenge in your life and it feels as if doors are closing right and left, what do you do? Do you just accept the fact that things seem to be falling apart or do you rise to the occasion and keep moving forward? In the Law of Attraction, if you keep the focus on what you want, and a door closes, then this just means that many more doors will open that are just right for you.

Don't look at a 'closed door' as the end of an opportunity. See the 'closed door' as if you are definitely being told which path not to take and be looking for the many doors that will soon open for you. If you are focusing on what you want with positive expectations and a door closes, then without a doubt be looking for the other paths that will be wide open. The Universe knows what is behind the closed door and it obviously wasn't what would have worked for you. The Universe also knows what is behind every open door that is offered to you and it knows that these opportunities are the ones that you will want to pursue.

Trust in the Universe when something doesn't go 'just right'. The Universe has many ways to bring to you what you focus on through the Law of Attraction. When you tell it which door you have to go through it can take a much longer time for something to manifest because of the limited path you have placed on the desire. Seeing only the end result of what you want and then giving it to the Universe to take care of the 'how' will bring you your desire so much faster and possibly in a way that you had never even thought of.

Get into the habit of thinking positively and when something just doesn't work out realize that the Universe is helping to bring you what you have focused on. The Universe has cleared a particular path and knows the one that isn't the way to go. And when one door closes, another door always opens. Get into the mindset of remaining positive even during seemingly hard times. Those positive thoughts will emit out and come back to you in the form of exactly what you have focused on, or better.

Be open to the way things come to you and when that door closes, smile and realize that the Universe has something much bigger and better in mind to bring to you, as always, through the Law of Attraction.

Beth and Lee McCain are full time instructors and lecturers in applying the Law of Attraction, or better known as the Secret, in your life to attain whatever you desire. They have a great radio show on Youtube that is both entertaining as well as informative on the subject of the Law of Attraction. Please visit:

Friday, August 22, 2008

Partners in Co-Creation

Everyone in your universe is your partner in co-creation. As you recognise these co-creators, you can consciously work with this knowledge to reach the space that you would like to be in.

For example, someone that you are contemplating dating needs to be treated with respect as this he/she may represent the part of your desire with which you have already attained alignment reaching fruition in this person's form. This person is a feedback from the Universe showing you what you have already done for yourself. You can observe what you are vibing, and choose to work on attaining greater alignment with what you really want. It may be from the same person, or someone else. You are the better judge of that as each situation varies.

You can also use the contrast in the situations to get further clarity on what you really want. For example, let's say that you manifested someone who is really cute, but keeps loosing his job, and has a poor financial vibe, you don't have to become sad, but you can treasure the fact that you attracted someone really cute and keep this truth in your box of positive manifestations. It is when you get trapped in the "Oh but I am such a loser because I attracted a man who does not know how to manage his life" that you start to feel sorry and bad about things.

Each person or situation can be transcended sweetly by seeing the Divine in it, and when you thank the Divine in that person for any lesson that you have learnt from him/her you actually release that person/situation to evolve into a better form either for yourself, or for someone else. Your lesson is over, you have changed your vibration, and that is what is really important.

Each person in your Universe is your co-creator and each person is offering his/her own vibration in a situation, and as you engage that person in an effort to find out and change your own vibration, magic happens. So don't get fooled when you get into situations because those situations are there only for you.

You choose what you want to change in yourself, so that the situation also changes and believe me, that is just so empowering.

There may be various emotions that you experience as a result, and as you discover and use these emotions to climb up the emotional scale, you get closer and closer to the feeling of freedom and joy that you are really here to experience in this wonderful and rather unique life journey of yours.

Lots of love.

by Sugandhi Iyer

Understanding the Law of Attraction

When you understand the Law of Attraction, you are never surprised by what occurs in your experience, for you understand that through your own thought process-you have invited every bit of it in. Nothing can occur in your life experience without your invitation of it through your thought (From the teachings of Abraham).

This is so powerful. Wheverever I read this quote, I go "Did I really invite this experience into my life?"

But I must have!

As a baby, then as a child and growing up as an adult till date, what I have been, am and will always be, is a bundle of vibrations.

And so are you. Each one is an energy bundle offering your own vibrations to the Universe and what you experience is a result of that very unique vibration that you are offering. And whatever you experience comes in because of thoughts that you have held, or are holding.

You may not have control over the thoughts that you have held, but you do have the power to-

1. Observe your current line of thoughts and,
2. Shift to a new way of thinking, and resultant action.

It is very much within your power to do.

For every thought that you get which you give importance to, observe your feelings. Do you feel good? And ask yourself this question-

"Who would I be if I did'nt hold this thought?"

For example, if someone makes you feel bad, or if you go out and observe a situation that makes you feel poor, observe what you feel, and then ask yourself this question-

"Who would I be if I did'nt hold this thought?"

It is all about BEING.
It is all about who you are, and what particular mix of vibrations you are offering at any point. Your mix of vibrations will be the thoughts that you repeatedly think about situations, and about yourself and others.

Understanding the Law of Attraction and really getting it, makes so much of a difference. The next step is consciously working with it to get to a vibrational state that is much closer to where you need to be to get what you want to flow easily towards you.
For example, let's say that you hold a position in your office that is slightly lower on the "levels of positions". And let's say that this makes you feel bad.

A desire arises in you to get a job that pays well and makes you feel good.
If you have spent many hours in the old job feeling bad about your position and pay, then the vibrations that you offer the Universe may not give the Universe much to work with immediately. What should you do?
First understand that the Law of Attraction is in operation, and that the Universe is only bringing you situations that match the current vibrations you are offering. Then work on getting to a vibrational state that gets you closer to where you need to be to get that new power job, and pay.

Think thoughts like- this job pays my bills, I am needed here. If I don't do my job well, somewhere, someone gets effected and that slows down so many things for my company. My company needs me. I am trained for this job and have been doing it really well. I can do any job well. I am wanted by whoever employs me. I am the lifeblood of this company.

These thoughts immediately boost up your morale, and self-esteem, creating much better vibrations that then give the Universe something much better to work with. Best of all, it reduces the frustration that you may have feeling all these months or years. And once you reduce the feeling of frustration in any situation, you are in a place of power and love.

Remember -Nothing can occur in your life experience without your invitation of it through your thought. So when those feelings of frustration go out into the Universe, they bring back more scenes of the same. Just change the feelings behind the current scene, and everything else changes. Then what comes to you is something of much higher vibrations.

Love and light.

by Sugandhi Iyer

The Magic of Intention

"Our intention creates our reality." - Wayne Dyer

There are many excellent processes to assist us in applying the Law of Attraction to become more conscious creators. One of my favorites is the process of setting intentions, which I find to be one of the easiest and most powerful processes for manifesting our desires. When I heard about Lynne McTaggart's new book, The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World, I was intrigued. Although I was already certain of the Magic of Intention, I thought that scientific support for why intention works might make me an even more masterful intender. Also, I love the title - The Intention Experiment - because, really, aren't we all engaged in our own personal intention experiment every day?

This book makes it clear that humanity has entered a new age - an age in which the scientific community recognizes that consciousness affects matter. Yay! For many of us, there is nothing really new here, but it's fun to see science confirming what we already know spiritually and empirically. McTaggart clarifies the science behind intention by citing scientific evidence that:
  • a thought is an actual physical thing - a tangible energy - and
    every thought, every intention, every judgment has the power to take physical form.

  • we're all connected. Random Event Generators (REGs) recorded
    that the world felt a collective shudder several hours before the first plane crash on 9/11, indicating a mass premonition. Yeah, we really are all one.

  • mind affects its surroundings whether or not we are consciously
    sending an intention, therefore, to think is to affect.

  • meditation produces permanent emotional improvement, tunes the
    brain to happiness, and heightens intuition

  • thought produces the same mental instructions as action.

  • Athletes who do no physical exercise but only imagine their workouts can increase their muscle size and strength by over 13% in just a few weeks.

I especially enjoyed the chapter on athletes and the example of Mohammed Ali. Ali was a master of intention who used visualization, mental rehearsal and his enormously powerful affirmation - I am the greatest! - to become a world champion. As top athletes utilize mental rehearsal to gain a competitive edge, you can improve your health, enhance your performance in every area of your life and affect your future by conscious intention. As you set forth positive intentions, you focus Energy and magnetize the circumstances that will bring about the reality you desire. As you focus your thoughts intentionally, you are in creative control of your life.

In the process of identifying your desires and focusing the Energy of your thoughts, you are applying the Law of Attraction to attract what you do want rather than what you don't want (always the key to LOA).

The process of setting intentions is a powerful way to design and create your life in exact accord with your desires. It's a great idea to begin each day by setting positive intentions, for example

  • Today I intend and expect to: feel good and be filled with joy and appreciation.

  • choose thoughts and experiences that please me.

  • be a magnet for amazing prosperity, vibrant good health and
    fulfilling relationships.

  • maintain a strong connection to Source Energy.

  • uplift others.

  • open, relax, breathe and draw in a continuous stream of

Science is providing evidence of the miraculous power you have to consciously create your life with your thoughts. As you employ the Magic of Intention, focusing on what you do want rather than what you don't want, you powerfully focus the Energy to magnetize into your life all that you desire. So, think big - knowing there is nothing you cannot be or do or have - and direct your life with the Magic of Intention.

Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Life Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her books - Dining at the Cosmic Café: How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire and Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction - are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate, check out her books, and subscribe to her free ezine, Magical Musings, visit


The place where attention is focused is exactly where results materialize. Its completely natural to focus on the things that we want changed. The common mistake is focusing on what is the present reality, instead of what is desired. Admit it, the complaint about how little your paycheck is, or how short your patience really is, or exactly how many bills are due These are all testimonials to what you are currently seeing, based on previous thoughts. The cycle must be broken.

Whats a person to do? Embrace the seeing is believing saying, but with a twist. You have to believe in what you truly want/desire before you will see it show up. Eliminate the doubt, eliminate the negative vibes associated with what is, and dream a little. Take time to dream about a life thats free of debt, free of complications, and full of prosperity, fulfillment, peace and harmony. Isnt that a pleasant vision? Close your eyes and think of it for a few minutes. Is your heart lighter, there a smile on your face, your brow smooth from worry? Take a moment to gauge exactly how you feel in this moment. THIS is the present that you created by visualizing your true desired outcome. These are the types of feelings you should be experiencing in order to manifest prosperity, wealth, good health, happiness, a wonderful relationship, etc.

Alex was in a mood. He was tired of relationship after relationship going sour. When he got home from dinner (after yet another break-up) he was depressed. In an effort to turn his mood around he turned on his stereo and went out on the terrace. As the glorious colors of the sunset melded into each other and the tunes played in the background he began to relax. A song came onto the radio that took him back to his childhood. He recalled hiding at the top of the stairs watching his parents dance to the same song long after they thought he and his sister had gone to bed. He recalled the oneness of their movements, the fondness and love that they shared for each other that was always almost palpable. During the song the image in his mind changed and he began to envision himself dancing with his soul mate in their stead. When the song was over a smiling Alex happily hummed his way off to bed. The next morning as he walked into work still relaxed and smiling from the previous night, an attractive woman asked him why he was so happy. He glanced down at her with a jolt, for he never saw the face of the soul mate that he held in his arms in his vision, but the woman smiling up at him had hair the same color. Alex had gotten the believing it part right and was actually seeing what he had created for himself.

You can do it too. Release all of the negativity, the I dont wants, the I shouldnt have tos from your life. Stop living in the past and take the time in the present to design your future. Only you have the power to create your reality make it live up to your wildest dreams as only you can do.

Eva Gregory, Law of Attraction expert, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity and Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction with Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hanson and Jeanna Gabellini, is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Law of Attraction. Her Law of Attraction radio show can be heard Thursdays at 6pm EST on Exceptional Wisdom Radio. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching. -->

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Manifestation Stress?

Being a Master Manifestor is easy especially once your manifestation muscles are exercised, and you have learnt the ropes. For every life area, you will discover what works for you, and the best way to have positive manifestation happen. It just takes some learning and refining of the techniques.

But up until then, what to do when you encounter manifestation stress?
Manifestation stress is happening all around the world today, even though it is not recognized as such. Most people are not consciously manifesting and so when they encounter stress, they don’t identify it as manifestation stress. Every President trying to win a war, every writer/actor/artist climbing the ladder to success, every parent trying to bring up children in the best way possible, every person seeking his/her life partner, every businessman/woman trying to make more money, every person trying to restore health to his/her body and mind, and every student trying to get good grades, is in the process of manifestation.

Glitches may come up during manifestation and it may seem as if the whole world is not co-operating with you. When Mother Nature decides to do her own thing and the forces of this world seem to hold hands against your manifestation, whatever it may be; a lot of stress can accumulate. Every person/animal/thing is a part of this world which constitutes your universe. They are not separate entities, but are very much a part of your reality and affect your world and the way you experience it.

Your nervous system and senses are wonderful tools for you to experience life in all its glory, but what happens when your nervous system and senses get overloaded with creation issues?

A knower of the ways of energy can tell you that when you get stressed, nothing moves to your benefit. Accident and failure rates get high and unhappiness occurs with resulting depression and sickness.

In order to get back into healthy manifestation energy, you must stop the downslide into negativity, or even if you do get into it, learn to recognize the fact, and quickly come out of it.

Some steps –

Become still- Drop whatever you want if only for the moment and do whatever it takes to just become still. Take an aerobics class, take up some physical challenge, call your coach, read, listen to mind stilling music, do something (healthy for you). If your body, senses and mind get completely involved in physical activity, you will be completely in the moment of now, and when you get into the moment of now, you become still. And with that stillness, all of creation stills just for you, giving you an opportunity to create good again.

Realize- Recognize the reason for your stress and drop it. Understand the stress creating pattern. Let go of negative ego.

Start to feel relief- Feel the sense of relief that comes with putting down a heavy stone. Meditate, breathe deeply, listen to some loving music, cook/eat something nice, wear something nice, etc. Start to feel pleasure seep back into your body and mind again. You are now in the process of inviting wellness.

Call in happy creation energy- Once you start to feel good, and well, think happy thoughts of what you want again. Of course remember that what you want must make you feel good, otherwise you are calling in just the opposite.

The above is a process of letting go (of the effort of trying very hard) by becoming still, relaxing and then starting the manifestation process again. You cannot get your nervous system tied into knots! Again, if what you want to create causes you stress, then you are calling in just the opposite.

In the process of creation, don’t speak to those who would put your creation into further stress. Remember that wisdom is okay, but not discouragement. Negativity is not truth. You are divine souls come to experience life. All of what you want is within you. We coaches are instruments for that discovery and happening. In fact all of life is an instrument for you to discover and create what you really like. It’s just that most people are very insecure about their own creations, let alone others. Connect to joyful manifestation energy always.

Wishing you joy.

Love and Light

Sugandhi Iyer, Coach, Life Business Creations

Author Bio- Sugandhi Iyer is the founder of Life Business Creations. A Master of energy and consciousness, Sugandhi has put together an amazing system to get people to realize their dreams and change their experiences. She has studied the Law of Attraction and the nature of consciousness, and found that by the application of the Laws of the Universe and with skillful thinking and action, energy can be made to move in different ways getting the Law of Attraction to work wonders. Personal Success Coaching with Sugandhi is designed to shift energy and change your vibrations so that you easily attract what you really want. She will guide you into becoming a powerful Manifestor, creator and enjoyer of your life journey by bringing you into abundance energy. Sign up for her free Well Being newsletter full of great information at her website, .

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Your beliefs are the driving force behind your behaviors. Beliefs send powerful messages to your brain that affect your actions (and their outcome) in either a positive or negative way. Your beliefs will cause you to do one of two things: Be fearful and RETREAT, orBe empowered and ACT! That’s how powerful your beliefs are. Your beliefs about failure, risk-taking, and success will either cause you to repel success, or act and attract it to you. Success takes two ingredients: belief and time. The more belief you have, the less time it takes. How can you ensure your belief system is empowering and is actually attracting success to you?

Three things:

First, it is imperative that you are making daily efforts to get the negative messages out of your life. You need to create an obsession with filtering what you allow in. Television, newspapers, some movies and songs, negative thoughts and people, all need to be limited – even banned from your day.

Second, you need to expose and replace the negative beliefs you presently have. Think about what you say on a daily basis. Observe your habitual behaviors in different situations. Tell the truth. Expose these negative beliefs. Only then will you be truly free.

Then, replace these negative beliefs and bad habits with empowering ones. Think on these new thoughts and beliefs about success and over time you will retrain your mind and change your heart.

“Helping people breakthrough hidden fears and self-limiting beliefs to live a more outrageous, faith-filled life.” Conquer your hidden fears of prospecting and create an unstoppable mindset!

Lisa Jimenez has helped thousands of top salespeople shatter their self-limiting beliefs and finally get the breakthrough success they want. When it comes to personal productivity and creating unstoppable momentum - there is no one better for you than Lisa. Lisa penetrates the hearts of your audience when she reveals her own experience of how she broke through self-limiting beliefs and turned them into the driving force behind her success. Then used these new beliefs to sign a six-figure consulting contract just 9 months later. To order Lisa's best-selling 'Conquer Fear! Ending Procrastination and Self Sabotage to Achieve What You Really Want' package, click here or call 800-929-0

Friday, July 11, 2008

How To Visualize

The question that people most often ask me is, "how do I visualize?". It's my belief that those who say they don't, really do, just as people who say they don't dream, really do but don't remember. Dreaming and visualizations are in the same family. Both take you to "inner worlds". If you let go of concepts that you have learned in the past, such as "the mind creates a dreams", and imagine for a moment, that the dreams we have take us to other levels of existence, you will understand how visualizations work.

Visualizations are not just making pictures in your mind. There is an energy attached to your thoughts and pictures that you conjure up or that appear in your mind. Separate your concept of the mind and the brain. Think of the brain as simply an organ, like the heart is. Now imagine that your mind has no form and does not house itself in the brain. Just as the feeling of love does not come directly from the heart organ. These are earth shattering concepts for some, but nothing new for others. If you are having trouble following this, just let it go and don't even try to understand it. Close your eyes and what happens?

The reason we do breathing and relaxation exercises before going into visualizations is to get in the most receptive state. These steps take us to our inner existence. We have an outer world and an inner world and we participate in both worlds. That's a lot to digest right there. To understand visualizations you need to begin to accept the existence of the inner and the outer worlds. Think of a building. Think of a particular building like "the Empire State Building" or something similar. Now think of a yellow flower. Think of a red flower. What are the different images or sensations that come to "mind"? We all have concepts of these things and ways of forming images that make sense to us. When you are trying to make changes in your life, I find the most effective visualizations involve images of "breaking through" something.

To overcome obstacles, you can literally see yourself knocking down walls, or crossing over a bridge and reaching the other side as you fight off each challenge. I will call these kinds of visualizations "indirect visualizations". Indirect visualizations are more powerful than visualizing the house that you want or the car you dream of. Direct visualizations are material and will get you material results. This is where people make a wrong turn in the road. Indirect visualizations will get to the very core of a long standing issue. There is a much deeper meaning to life than manifesting houses and cars. We are looking for one thing and we think that by achieving certain levels of success we will find it, but that is not where it is at all. We seek understanding. We want to know why things happen to us. We want to have more control over our lives.

Visualizations can lead us to the answers we seek. They can guide us to our next step. They can help us find clarity in an otherwise fuzzy world. So where does one start? Start exactly where you are and see what happens as you put the slightest effort into this.

Debbie Simon, LCSW is a NY State Licensed Psychotherapist and Life Coach. She uses visualization as a tool to accelerate the process toward manifestation and success. In her 20 years of practice she has helped hundreds of people change their lives in significant ways.

The State of Happiness

Happiness is often thought of as a state of mind. This assumption is both right and wrong. It is right because when you are happy, you usually have happy thoughts in you mind. You have a positive outlook and your mood is generally elevated. Your outlook on life is one of hope and abundance.

I started by saying the assumption that happiness is a state of mind is both right and wrong. How can it be wrong? If it were just a state of mind, you should be able to will yourself happy at anytime? You should be able to go through life with an eternal smile upon your face, just by willing yourself to be that way. Logically, this does not make sense.

When you have some tragedy befall you in life, you will feel emotions such as sadness, despair, fear or anger. It is not possible to just feel happy. Have you ever heard someone say, Stop being depressed, just be happy. So while, happiness is part of the equation, it is not the whole equation. There must be something more.

What I propose is that happiness is a state of BEING. This has to do with perception. You mind constantly gathers information about it environment through your physical senses. Your perception of sight does not exist in your eye it exists in your mind. Your brain takes electrical impulses and translates them to sensory information.

The next thing that your mind does is evaluate that information. Is it a good sensation? A bad sensation? Does the smell of cookies unlock a memory of childhood? It is our perceptions of our environment that elicit certain emotions. These perceptions are unique to the individual.
For instance, suppose the smell of cookies makes you think of home and the holidays. It can be a positive emotion such as happiness that can occur. But let us suppose that it reminds you of your grandmother, who recently passed away. The same sensation can create a feeling of loss and sadness.

If you can change your perception of the world into a positive one, then you can unlock sustaining happiness. Sure, there are moments in life that do not make us happy. If you exist in a state of happiness, other emotions such as sadness will not be so deep and enduring. You will return to your state of happiness much quicker if you cultivate it.

As I am writing this, I am reminded of the monks in Tibet. They spend their entire life, living in a state of happiness and contentment. When you see pictures of the Dali Llama he is usually smiling. If you know anything about the situation in China right now, there are plenty of things for the monks to be afraid of, yet they pray and continue in a state of happiness.

For most of us, meditating and praying all day may not be possible, however when you have moments that can be filled with these things, then you shift towards enduring happiness can occur. Take a few moments each day and think about all the things that you are thankful for. Hold these images in your mind and bask in their glow. Even as the images fade, the feeling will continue to exist in your heart.

As International Happiness Day approaches, think about this state of happiness. Take the day to remind yourself that you are a wonderful being full of potential and miracles.

(Eva Gregory, Law of Attraction expert, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity and Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction with Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hanson and Jeanna Gabellini, is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Law of Attraction. Her Law of Attraction radio show can be heard Thursdays at 6pm EST on Exceptional Wisdom Radio. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching. -->

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Law Of Attraction: "The Hungry Don't Get Fed"

Ever heard that saying? It's as old as dirt, and I have long since forgotten who said it (anybody out there know? Please email me or leave a comment)."The hungry don't get fed" is an ancient principle that is based on the Law of Attraction. It's another way of saying that a person who is desperate for something will NOT get it-but the person who already has plenty will get more. Or as I like to say, "the fat get fed, NOT the hungry."This principle explains why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. If fact, it explains A LOT about the world we live in.

Think about it; a single guy who is desperate for a date will have a very tough time getting one. He literally cannot "attract" a date because his desperation just pushes them away.Likewise, which candidate is more likely to get a job: the one who appears calm and secure or the one who gives off a needy and desperate vibe? I think I know who I'd hire...Anyway... it's easy to see that desperation is not a state of mind that attracts success. So which state of mind will guarantee the Law of Attraction is working for you? It can be summed up in one word: "expectation."Expect More = Get MoreWhy is it so difficult for many people to just expect good things?

I have personally coached people who knew exactly what they wanted but couldn't bring themselves to say it-even to their own life coach! Maybe it's because many of us have been "brainwashed" into believing that it's better to go through life never expecting anything than to risk disappointment. Personally, I wouldn't recommend living by that philosophy.To get in the flow of life and attract better things to you, there is one simple deal-breaker: You must expect better things. Want to have a successful business? Expect it. Attract your perfect partner? Expect that the person is on the way.Of course, what we are really talking about here is faith. Faith in yourself, in others and in the world in general. Faith is the state of positive expectation that allows good things to come to you, just as fear and desperation always repel your true desires.The real "secret" to using the Law of Attraction is to not be "hungry" for your desires, simply expect and assume that they are on the way.

Have faith and confidently assert your intentions and expectations, as if it were already a done-deal. Because when you're in a state of positive expectation, they are.Set your sites on the things you really want, then use the unstoppable power of faith and expectation to attract them!

Jon Mercer, MA used the Law of Attraction to attract extraordinary personal and business success! Watch Jon's free video for Law of Attraction Secrets that will attract outrageous wealth into your life.Article Source:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Law of Attraction - 10-Common "Attraction-Mistakes" People Make

If you don't think the Law of Attraction is working for you, then try and understand that the Law works the same for everybody - we just don't all put the same kinds of thoughts and feelings into our desires. Everyone uses their thought processes in different ways; different thoughts generate different results. People who are successful at creating and manifesting their dreams and desires are people who think about their plans and desires in a certain way. But people who don't seem to be getting what they want in life also think about the things they want in a certain way - and each kind of thinking bears its own kind of fruit.

People who are successful and creative typically think in terms of possibilities, opportunities, and success; they think of the worst-possible outcome, for any given situation, only long enough to make decisions about the future - never dwelling on "worst-case scenarios" after a decision has been made. People who complain that prayers aren't answered, and the Law of Attraction doesn't work, on the other hand, have a tendency to dwell on the worst thing imaginable - shooting themselves in the foot, where the Law of Attraction is concerned, by maintaining a more negative emotional state.

If you can identify negative or limiting thought-patterns and behaviors within yourself that are holding you back, you can take steps to eliminate them using prayer, meditation, or an Energy Psychology technique like Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), or Grant Connolly's Z-Point Process. The first step in eliminating negative thoughts and behaviors is to recognize negative thoughts and actions when they arise.

Here's a list of 10-common Law of Attraction mistakes that can keep your dreams at bay:

1. Thinking about what you don't want rather than what you do want

2. Spending more time thinking negative thoughts than you do
thinking "positively"

3. Being impatient

4. Not thinking about what you want

5. Not doing what you love - not maintaining a positive
mental/emotional state

6. Declaring that the Law of Attraction doesn't work, or prayers
aren't answered

7. Not being specific about what you want

8. Trying to control outcomes and change physical conditions with

9. Thinking, or worrying, too much about what you might be doing

10. Being Judgmental, Unforgiving, Ungrateful, and/or Unappreciative

Any of these things will put you in a negative state rather than a positive one; and your "vibration" will be one of stress rather than joy, relaxation, and healing. If you find yourself thinking or doing any of the things from this list, you may be able to receive the experience you have been trying to attract by simply letting-go of the "negative" behavior, or replacing it with the "positive" version - for example, spending more time thinking positively than negatively, or being very specific about your desire. When you have removed these self-limiting behaviors, and are clear about your heart's desire, there will be nothing between you and your dreams.

*To download your FREE, Illustrated Emotional Freedom Techniques
(EFT) Manual, go to: (It only takes about 10-seconds to get your Free EFT manual and start erasing fears and limiting beliefs!)

Pete Koerner is the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to reclaim your health and create the life of your dreams.

Some Creator Qualities

Any life area that you want to go well for you, you need to feel happy excitement about.
Have you noticed how excited really successful, healthy, rich, beautiful and happy people are? They are excited about things and have so much energy and dynamism in the life areas in which they are successful. They just KNOW that things are going well, and will always go well.

A millionaire's mind knows that it is rich.

A beautiful woman knows that she is lovely.

A healthy person knows that his body is doing very well.

A partner in a healthy and loving relationship knows that the relationship is working well and that it is a source of well being.

This knowing is within you too. All you have to do is to access it. Work out the blocks, and get into success about all these life areas.

The million dollar question is- Are you excited about your life?

Happy excitement is a wonderful quality to have and to nurture. What can you do to create this excitement?
1. Write and generate excitement about the different life areas by keeping a success journal, or a pray rain journal.
2. Speak to someone positive and powerful and start creating!
3. Take guided action.
4. Work with intentions.
5. Learn about energy and the way it works and moves.

When you generate excitement about a life area, the new energy becomes a part of your vibrations and reaches into the Universe to bring back rewards.

As you generate excitement about all your life areas, you will feel them become happy and strong. Connect with excitement and feel good about things.

There is one more quality that a very successful person has, and that is a strong will. When faced with difficult situations, in the beginning, this 'will' may feel stressed and may sway left and right, but soon it gathers its scattered parts and comes together with even more strength. It crystallizes into strong resolution, and this resolution rings loudly and clearly in the vibrations of successful people. The Law of Attraction has no choice but to bend its head and bring evidence of this renewed strength of 'will' back to the person.

Letting go at the right time and creating a firmer resolution to succeed, work hand in hand with each other until the end result is achieved, so they are not contradictory to each other, but are complimentary.

Any 'beneficial quality' that you create in you becomes a part of your vibrations, bringing you back rich dividends. Happy excitement together with a strong 'will' are two wonderful creator qualities to have.

Love and light.
Sugandhi Iyer
Coach, Life Business Creations
Joyful Manifestation with the Law of Attraction.
Succeed with Joy!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tips & Tricks: Amp Up the Money Love

In order to have the financial experience we want in life (whatever that looks like for each of us), we need to create vibational alignment to it. That's how we create anything, including money: we feel it first, then it happens.

Most people I work with want an abundance of easy money coming their way. They want to feel good about their finances and for it to fund all their wild dreams come true.

(I'll refrain from my lecture about putting money on the hook for making your dreams come true.)

Anyway - in order to experience that kind of love from money, we've got to flow the love towards it. Because money responds to how we feel about it.

So if you feel uptight about it, money will be uptight with you. If you feel easy about money, it gets easy with you. If you treat money disrespectfully, it will seem disrespectful to you.
Money is nothing but a mirror of our own feelings about it!

Thus, if you're wanting money to show up abundantly, effortlessly, easily and naturally, your work is to feel abundant, effortless and easy about money. You get what you vibrate.

So don't expect you can be worried about cash and get any experience other than more cash-flow worries.

Rather, ask yourself how money's treating you, and look at how you're treating it. If you like what you see, full steam ahead! Don't worry what anyone else thinks, because all that matters is how you feel.

If you don't like what you see, consider a change.

You can learn to treat money the way you want to be treated. Relax about it, be easier on this topic, look for reasons to thank it, say nice things to it. It will respond quickly to your new vibe, but you really have to shift the vibe - not just say the words. You can't fool the Universe.

There's another important aspect that I taught an entire 5 week course on, but will sum up in a couple sentences: If you're loving money but it's not loving you back, check in on how you feel about your Self. After all, Universe can only be as good to you as you are to your Self.

When you flow the love to yourself as well as money, you're a surefire hit for whatever money dreams you entertain! (And if you want professional support in that, that's what I'm here for.

Jeannette Maw is a Master Coach and founder of Good Vibe Coaching who wants to help you make your wish list come true by leveraging the Law of Attraction. Trained by CoachU, Martha Beck and life in general, Jeannette gave up her corporate cubicle and 12 year financial services career to turn every day into Saturday and help clients get what they want, once and for all.
Co-author of "
101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, Vol. 3" and contributor to Jack Canfield's "Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction," Jeannette can be found walking dogs, watching birds, reading a new book or mastering a new goof off skill when she's not having fun with clients.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

How Is Your Money Mojo?

Money is just like anything else - it is made of energy, it behaves as all energy does. All energy vibrates and is attracted to other energy of similar vibration.

The magic, or 'mojo', of attracting money is all about making sure your energy matches the energy of abundant money.

If you feel bad about money, then chances are you are repelling money and attracting more circumstances that perpetuate feeling bad about money, or feeling bad in general.

How can you start changing your money mojo?

First of all, you need to get in tune with what kind of thoughts, feelings, and vibrations you are currently experiencing around money. Take an inventory of your current thoughts and beliefs and emotions around money. Think about what you learned from your family about money. What kinds of behaviours, attitudes, and beliefs were reflected there for you to learn and absorb as a young person?

As you write your inventory, notice how these thoughts and beliefs make you feel. Do they feel good (exhilirated, excited, joyful, abundant) or do they make you feel bad (worried, troubled, resentful, frustrated)?

This is your gauge - if you feel bad more often than good about money, then you are attracting people, things, and circumstances that reflect that vibration.

Once you have an awareness about what is happening with your Money Mojo, you can then deliberately choose new beliefs, new feelings, and new thoughts around money that reflect more of what you truly desire (wealth, abundance, freedom).

Here is one simple way to boost your money mojo immediately:

Identify as many examples every day where money absolutely serves you well each day. Maybe it is that you have enough coins to put in the parking meter, or you have enough to buy a cup of coffee, or that you have enough to have clothes on your back (there is money in clothes, even if you did not buy them yourself), or maybe you find a spare coin in the couch (real evidence of the magic of money!)

When you tune in to how money is already working well and magically for you in your life, and you feel genuine appreciation for that, then you are changing your money calibration to 'abundance'. You are generating positive vibrations, you are feeling good, and therefore it follows you will attract people, things, and circumstances that also make you feel good. This is how you start a positive tailspin into feeling good all the time (instead of a negative tailspin of doubt, stress, and worry).

Cancer survivor Zoë Routh is the Head Coach at Inner Compass. Zoë helps personal development enthusiasts create their own best life using the law of attraction. Zoë is the author of ebook Absolute Productivity - a handbook for your personal and professional life. Sign up for Compass Bearings - a free on line magazine for personal development enthusiasts who want easy new success strategies using the law of attraction. Get more free tips at If you would like to know more about Money Mojo, and more specifically how you can maximise your mojo, make sure you get "Maximise Your Money Mojo" workbook and recordings, available at

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Law of Intention and Desire

The Law of Intention and Desire... Inherent in every intention and desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment . . . intention and desire in the field of pure potentiality have infinite organizing power.

And when we introduce an intention in the fertile ground of pure potentiality, we put this infinite organizing power to work for us. I will put the Law of Intention and Desire into effect by making a commitment to take the following steps:

1. I will make a list of all my desires. I will carry this list with me wherever I go. I will look at this list before I go into my silence and meditation. I will look at it before I go to sleep at night. I will look at it when I wake up in the morning.

2.I will release this list of my desires and surrender it to the womb of creation, trusting that when things don’t seem to go my way, there is a reason, and that the cosmic plan has designs for me much grander than even those I have conceived.

3. I will remind myself to practice present-moment awareness in all my actions. I will refuse to allow obstacles to consume and dissipate the quality of my attention in the present moment. I will accept the present as it is, and manifest the future through my deepest, most cherished intentions and desires.

"If you want to change your body, change your awareness first. Everything that happens to you is the result of how you see yourself." -- Deepak Chopra

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Painting

Find a comfortable chair and close your eyes. Inhale deeply and slowly, let the air begin to fill up your lungs and feel your chest expanding as a result. Hold the breath for about three seconds and then release slowly, breathing out through your mouth. Repeat this process several more times and then let your breath become slow, fluid and natural.Now imagine that you are sitting in a large open field where the wild flowers have managed to colonize the grassy expanse all around you and for as far as the eye can see. As you look around, all you can see are the vibrant colors of summer flowers and in the distance, the dense green foliage of woodland trees that frame the field's edges. In front of you is a large wooden easel, which is supporting a large blank canvas, and positioned in front of the easel, there is a small chair, which is surrounded by a vast array of oil paints, palettes and other assorted painting equipment. Sit at this chair in your mind and completely try to clear your mind.Do this by not allowing any thoughts to access your mind and focus instead on the sultry sounds of summer. Listen for the sound of melodic bird songs, for the consistent sound of insects on wing and also for the gentle sound of the faint breeze as it rustles periodically through the long grasses.Regardless of your real painting ability is, here you are an expert artist in the medium of oils.

You are going to paint a picture of yourself as you feel intuitively that you would look, should you not have had to endure any negative emotions or experiences in your life.Contemplate for a moment how you feel you would look. Then pick up the palette and begin to mix your paints, choosing the colors, which you feel corresponds to the most to you. Begin to pain without hesitation or fear. It is a large blank canvas, which you will fill quickly with your chosen colors and the image of you. Allow your arms to move freely across the canvas, feel the sensation of the paintbrush as it blazes a trail across the canvas itself. You have the ability to visualize the person that would be you clearly in your minds eye. You are able to recreate the same hair, same eyes, features of course are exactly the same, and yet there is a difference, but in a subtle way.As the painting begins to come to life, observe the differences between yourself and that of the painting. This image is of you without all of the pressures of life. See how you would look when you are happy, contented and with no pressure holding you back.Paint yourself smiling and without any stress or worry lines. Imagine your forehead smooth, your skin glowing, and your smile is open and natural.

See how you look without all of those limitations, which freeze you in place in your life. See how you look without all of the pessimism of the world affecting your inner self. Continue to paint this picture of the ‘peaceful you', using large swirls of paint across the canvas, feeling your creativity flowing from you as your picture comes to life.When you have finished, stand back from the painting. Make sure you can view your masterpiece and see what the real you would look like if you could obtain true happiness and fulfillment. This picture represents you if you could be successful in your chosen field and if you could strive for your goals in life without fear of failure or rejection from holding you back. Take a few moments to contemplate your painting and understand what this means.So now you know how you would look and feel if you were able to switch off from the past completely and hopefully you can realize that we do, if we are not careful, carry the whole weight of the world and all the consequences of our own actions in our minds and bodies, and this can have a hugely detrimental effect on us.

About the Author:Eva Gregory, International Coach of the Year 2006, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Law of Attraction. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Law of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching. Get her newest book, Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction, co-authored with Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Jeanna Gabellini is available in bookstores everywhere.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Simple Technique To Get What You Want

Are the things you want in life eluding you?

Do you find yourself struggling to achieve your dreams? Have you wondered why it's so hard to be happy?

If you're familiar with the Law of Attraction, you know the answer to those questions. (That is, you know your thoughts dictate your experiences.)

If you're not familiar with it, no worries. You're about to learn a super simple technique for getting what you want, every time.

Without going into tremendous detail as to how this works, know you're the script writer of your life. You direct everything that happens to you - good, bad and ugly. You're responsible for every encounter, situation, and result you experience. Most of us just don't realize it.
Your thoughts create your life, and by directing your thoughts deliberately, you can create what you want. Yes, it's that simple.

If it's that simple, you ask, why aren't we all dripping in money, basking in love, and living happily ever after? Well, some of us are. If you know any truly happy people, you'll notice that they have a few things in common.

Happy people think about what they want. They give attention to the outcome they desire. They see the best in things. They're deliberate about what they imagine, think, and fantasize about.
And they expect to get it.

Call them positive thinkers, optimists, Pollyanna's, pie-in-the-sky daydreamers - whatever you want. They've mastered the art of expecting the best. They believe they can have what they want.

They expect it, and their brain gives lots of air time to it.

That's the secret to getting what you want: giving attention to it! Simple, yes. Easy, mm ... maybe, maybe not. Most of us get stuck observing the "reality" around us, which doesn't help us gain ground on our dream come true.

But here's a technique that will make it easier to control your thoughts, thus controlling your results. For novices and experts alike, this technique works wonders in keeping your attention on what you want (which is how you get it).

Imagine your life is a movie, and you've written the script. You choose the cast of characters, and you direct the scenes. When you find yourself in a scene that isn't so lovely, remember how your movie ends. Remember the happy finale you want in this movie of your life, and imagine that scene unfolding.

If it's a new job you want, and you're struggling to make headway, remember how this movie ends. Stop worrying about how you're going to make this happen and jump to the final scenes where you see yourself in the new job, chatting with new colleagues, eating lunch with new clients, depositing fabulous paychecks. Give attention to the ending of your movie, not these scenes leading up where it looks "iffy."

It's when we get caught up in these middle scenes, with all the drama and trauma, that our attention is hooked on things going wrong. And things will go wrong until we get our attention off what we're worried about and back on what we want.

So remember how your movie ends when you get a rejection letter, or when you think you're flubbing the interview, or when they say they have no openings. It can be a tricky thing because we're addicted to the "reality" around us, but keep your thoughts on the happy ending.

Although it's easy to get caught up in the dark scenes of our movie/life, if you remember how your movie ends, your dreams will come true. You're writing the script; you choose the ending. It's all up to you! And you can get through these ugly scenes simply by remembering your beautiful ending.

The next time you or someone you love complains about what's going wrong, ask how the movie ends. It's a great trigger to remember to focus on what you want, not on what is.

Jeannette Maw is an Attraction Coach and founder of Good Vibe Coaching in Salt Lake City, Utah who helps clients get what they want using the Law of Attraction. She is co-author of "101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, Vol. 3" and "Inspired Attraction" and speaks regularly on the topic of deliberate creation.
Free tips and strategies to begin using the Law of
Attraction to make your wish list come true are yours by signing up for her fluff-free "Get What You Want" bi-monthly ezine at Also, visit her blog at

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Law of Attraction --What If I'm Not Doing It Right?

Self doubt is one of the emotions which can block the Law of Attraction from working fully in your life. The question 'what if I'm doing it wrong' is one question we often ask ourselves. It's a natural thing to ask. Even back as far as school are told there is a right and wrong way to do things, and then we are tested on those principles. I have news for you: there is no right and wrong way to work with the Law of Attraction, there are just a series of lessons to learn.Here are some ways to start combating self doubt.Take very tiny steps in the direction you wish to travel.

There's no way you can learn everything about the Law of Attraction all at once, and there's no way you can implement every aspect of the Law of Attraction all at once, so don't! Do one area at a time, and learn how to make it work for you, and then move onto the next area. This leads onto the next area: impatience.When we are impatient we are demanding that the universe hand us everything all at once. It's a self-defeating attitude, and it stops you from seeing what progress you have already made. Take time to smell the roses, and realise that everything happens it its own time. If you feel yourself becoming impatient, take a deep breath and try to work out why you are impatient and what you can do to change this. It's one of the lessons along the way when working with the Law of Attraction. Make it work for you rather than against you. This leads to the last area: there are no examinations.There aren't any exams. Really, there aren't. Your journey is different to the next person's. So because of this, you'll never have to walk into an examination room and pass a test. This may seem scary because it means you have no yardstick to judge yourself by and to judge others by.

Actually, knowing you won't be tested and graded is freeing. Think of the freedom you have no to be yourself, and move in your own direction without restraints.If you are still concerned, there is nothing wrong with seeking advice so that you can refine your goals and plans. Let go of the impatience, take tiny steps and realise there's no need to judge and you are on your way. There's no right and wrong when working with the Law of Attraction, just a series of choices.

Trudy McDonald invites you to learn The Secret Behind The Secret. She is a self-help enthusiast, and currently successfully studying and applying the Law of Attraction in her life. If you wish to learn more go to her page and check out her course reviews.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Law of Attraction--Create A Vision Board To Bring More Money Into Your Life

"O.K. I have asked Universe again and again for something I want. I have thought about it and envisioned it and it is no closer to showing up than the first day I asked."Does this sound familiar to you? This is one of the most frequent complaints I hear from people who have learned, read and studied about the Law of Attraction but are having problems making it work for them personally.It is usually pretty easy when I delve a little deeper into their situation to figure out what the problem is.For instance, say you declare that you want to create a lot of money. You can see it in your minds eye, you may even be able to "feel" how it feels to have it (very important, by the way), and you do this for about an average of 10-20 seconds a day. And you have done it exactly right. That is all that is required for the Universe to kick into action and start working its magic to bring it to you. However, a week later you find that you are no better off than you were before - sometimes you find your situation may even be worse.So what is the problem? The problem is not in how or what you asked for.

The Universe is totally neutral. It does not care what it delivers or to whom it brings it.The problem lies in what you think about after you have asked for the money. While those 10 to 20 seconds are very important every day, what are you thinking about the other 14 to 16 hours you are awake?What are you thinking if a creditor calls, when you open your mail and see the bills, when your kids want something extravagant? Do you feel a knot in your stomach. Do you say things like, "there is no way I can pay this, or that bill is outrageous, or we absolutely cannot afford that?"You see, in having these thoughts the rest of the day Universe will again kick in to do its job. But now it will reverse its original direction of that mornings objective and now focus on the messages it is currently being given.So what is the answer? Quite simply, is to keep your focus more often on what you do want during the day as opposed to what you do not want. You see, whichever thought gets more of the attention - wins! It is the law!So then you may ask, "Well how am I supposed to do that? Most of my day is dealing with trying to figure out how I am going to pay for everything. Its great to dream and envision but I also have to deal with my current reality which is currently not very abundant".This is where a Vision Board or Creation Board comes in.

A Vision Board is a board or place where you put all of the things you are wanting Universe to provide to you. You simply go through magazines or the internet and find pictures of exactly what it is you are wanting. Clip them out and put them on your board.If you can't find a picture of what you are wanting, you can type up a saying, a reminder or an affirmation. Make it fancy, print it out and put it on your board. The important part is to have it someplace where you can remind yourself constantly that your current financial state is only temporary and the things and places on that board is where you are headed.So now your next question might be "But what if I work someplace where I can't display a board to look at all day long? or "What if I don't want the rest of the world knowing what it is that I am creating -- It is very personal to me."To that I say - be creative! Write it down in one of those little notepads you can easily store in your pocketbook and look at it frequently. If you are a man, insert little cards into your wallet that you will see every time you open it.Actually, one of my personal favorites is putting the board on your computer. Especially if you work in an office or do not want a large board hanging in your home for all to see.There are great programs available that will help you create your Vision Board right on your own computer or laptop that you can glance at anytime you want.You can add pictures to them, even music. You can create slide shows.In truth I have found these to be the most effective.

I have found that the boards I have made on the computer with these programs, where I have also inserted my favorite inspiring song or have used my own voice, stay with me all day even when I am not directly in front of the computer looking at it.I find myself humming the song and the video replaying in my mind automatically and I find myself giving much more attention to what I do want as opposed to what I do not want quite naturally. Which of coarse in turn, brings to me what I want so much faster.Some of these new programs even have the ability to download a mini version onto your iPod, cell phone, PDA and digital photo frames. How cool is that?! The one I most often use has a pop up balloon that displays my affirmations at a chosen time interval so it pops up and reminds me even if I am not consciously thinking about it.So get started today! Get excited and go find the pictures of the things that you are wanting in your life! Cut and paste to make your own physical board or go make that video. Feel inspired as you know you are taking the first action towards changing your life. You will find yourself getting so caught up in it that you will not want to stop.Watch the video or look at your board as often as possible and feel good and inspired by it! Remember the more time you spend focusing on what you do want, the faster it will come to you!Happy Creating!

Janeen Clark is a Spiritual Life Coach who has been teaching, studying and applying the Law of Attraction for over 15 years. For more articles and ways to have fun with the Law of Attraction please visit her website at
Article Source:

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lift Yourself Into a Brand New World

Within each of us there is an expansive world of thoughts and feelings whose movements determine how we perceive and experience the world outside of us. While this inner-world of thoughts and feelings may not directly bring us what we see, it does profoundly influence how we see our world of relationships and events. The inner determines the outer. In other words, we are seeing the exterior but experiencing the interior.

One simple example of how this works is when our heart is heavy or troubled. Whenever we happen to feel this way, everything else around us tends to appear equally dark. But there are far deeper implications to this important insight. With patient self-study, we can turn it into a personal breakthrough of the most freeing kind that can lift us to a brand new world. Let's get started.

All of us have felt, at one time or another, trapped in our own life. During these periods of heightened unhappiness one thing seems clear: the only reason we haven't realized our great potential is because we're being held back. There is some unpleasant person, an inescapable condition, some unwanted place in life where we got "stuck."

So, over and over again we plan our great escape. And over and over again we find ourselves either having gone nowhere, or back where we started from, both results being the same. For all of our efforts, nothing really changes. New loves, new jobs, even new homes change only the walls that surround us -- not our feelings of being imprisoned. We sense that all we have done is changed cells!

We mustn't fight with or in any way fear this shocking conclusion. Why? Because this temporarily disturbing discovery about our actual condition contains a crucial insight. It was never that person or circumstance that was blocking our moment in the sun. No! In spite of how things may appear to us, we are never trapped by where we are. The trap is always who we are. Here is a short summary of this new and unusual self-discovery:

When you run into a personal obstacle, you have not run into an outer condition that is denying you happiness. You have run into your own present life-level.

Your level of being is what determines where you are at any given moment because your experience is always who you are. Let me repeat this. For better or for worse, you experience who you are, not where you are.

Here are a few more examples to help you see this important idea.

All of us have felt:

  1. Lonely in a crowd.

  2. Out of place at a family gathering.

  3. Frightened in a loved one's arms.

  4. Depressed at a party.

  5. Crowded even though alone.

When you hear someone say, "I'm sick and tired of it," what he is really saying without realizing it is that he's sick and tired of suffering from his own lack of understanding. This all becomes clear once we understand that unhappiness does not come at us, it comes from us.

For instance, impatience with our level of understanding is the very level of understanding we are impatient with. The understanding of this spiritual principle allows us to disconnect ourselves from our impatience. Life becomes instantly better. For one thing, the frustration fades. In its place, learning flowers. And the more we inwardly grow, the easier our whole life flows.

This new idea of acting to deliberately disconnect ourselves from whatever we think has us blocked leads us to true self-liberation because we have never been trapped by anything outside of our own lack of understanding. This is why even the attempt to disconnect ourselves from the limitations of our present life-level already belongs to a higher level of understanding.

This conscious action on your part "works" by gradually breaking down the painful circle-of-self that is repeatedly formed by asking the problem for the solution. Barriers begin to crumble and disappear, because you have stopped creating them. In the truest meaning of the words, you are getting out of your own way! Practice self-disconnect as often as you can. The more you work at this special kind of letting go, the freer your days will flow and the higher your life will go.
Persistence is everything in your personal work. You must persist even if it is only with your wish to be persistent. You must persist in spite of all forces that seem to be against your wish to break through to a new you. Believe me, there are no real obstacles between you and the brand new life for that you long for. You can (and must) prove this kind of freedom to yourself, starting with this understanding and implied action:
The greater the doubt you will dare to step through, the greater your possibility to grow beyond yourself. Here's why this axiom always holds true. The only barriers between yourself -- and a life without limits -- are the powers you've mistakenly given to your doubts and fears. On the other hand, every time you walk past these false powers -- by disconnecting yourself from the false concerns they cast at your feet -- here's what happens: spiritual strength is increased. What is spiritual strength? It can be said in dozens of ways, but for now let's put it like this: it's knowing you don't have to compromise yourself in any way -- with anyone, over anything -- in order to be content, confident, and secure in life.
Here are seven proven ways to increase this new kind of spiritual strength. Study them with the wish to uncover the secrets hidden in their empowering instructions. Practice each one -- or all of them -- every day. You'll see that with the very act of disconnecting yourself from the fears and doubts that compromise your life, you are re-connecting yourself to a new kind of power that never leaves you alone in your hour of need.
  1. Refuse to revisit your own past for a way out of any present problem you face.
  2. Say "No" to anyone or anything that you fear saying "No" to.
  3. Never explain yourself to anyone out of fear they may misjudge you.
  4. Learn to see your own defensiveness towards others as an offense against your own right to be free of fear.
  5. Whenever possible realize that the person you are about to argue with is in as much pain as you are.
  6. Never accept any negative reaction you may have as the only possible answer to your present challenge.
  7. Remember that everything you resist in life increases its weight by the magnitude of thought spent in not wanting it, so you accept all that you can, and quietly drop the rest.

    Persist with these spiritual practices and you will see old doubts turn into new certainty, and dark fears replaced witha bright fearlessness.
Guy Finley
Excerpted from The Secret of Letting Go (click title to view product)

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