Saturday, May 17, 2008

How Is Your Money Mojo?

Money is just like anything else - it is made of energy, it behaves as all energy does. All energy vibrates and is attracted to other energy of similar vibration.

The magic, or 'mojo', of attracting money is all about making sure your energy matches the energy of abundant money.

If you feel bad about money, then chances are you are repelling money and attracting more circumstances that perpetuate feeling bad about money, or feeling bad in general.

How can you start changing your money mojo?

First of all, you need to get in tune with what kind of thoughts, feelings, and vibrations you are currently experiencing around money. Take an inventory of your current thoughts and beliefs and emotions around money. Think about what you learned from your family about money. What kinds of behaviours, attitudes, and beliefs were reflected there for you to learn and absorb as a young person?

As you write your inventory, notice how these thoughts and beliefs make you feel. Do they feel good (exhilirated, excited, joyful, abundant) or do they make you feel bad (worried, troubled, resentful, frustrated)?

This is your gauge - if you feel bad more often than good about money, then you are attracting people, things, and circumstances that reflect that vibration.

Once you have an awareness about what is happening with your Money Mojo, you can then deliberately choose new beliefs, new feelings, and new thoughts around money that reflect more of what you truly desire (wealth, abundance, freedom).

Here is one simple way to boost your money mojo immediately:

Identify as many examples every day where money absolutely serves you well each day. Maybe it is that you have enough coins to put in the parking meter, or you have enough to buy a cup of coffee, or that you have enough to have clothes on your back (there is money in clothes, even if you did not buy them yourself), or maybe you find a spare coin in the couch (real evidence of the magic of money!)

When you tune in to how money is already working well and magically for you in your life, and you feel genuine appreciation for that, then you are changing your money calibration to 'abundance'. You are generating positive vibrations, you are feeling good, and therefore it follows you will attract people, things, and circumstances that also make you feel good. This is how you start a positive tailspin into feeling good all the time (instead of a negative tailspin of doubt, stress, and worry).

Cancer survivor Zoë Routh is the Head Coach at Inner Compass. Zoë helps personal development enthusiasts create their own best life using the law of attraction. Zoë is the author of ebook Absolute Productivity - a handbook for your personal and professional life. Sign up for Compass Bearings - a free on line magazine for personal development enthusiasts who want easy new success strategies using the law of attraction. Get more free tips at If you would like to know more about Money Mojo, and more specifically how you can maximise your mojo, make sure you get "Maximise Your Money Mojo" workbook and recordings, available at

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