Friday, August 22, 2008

Understanding the Law of Attraction

When you understand the Law of Attraction, you are never surprised by what occurs in your experience, for you understand that through your own thought process-you have invited every bit of it in. Nothing can occur in your life experience without your invitation of it through your thought (From the teachings of Abraham).

This is so powerful. Wheverever I read this quote, I go "Did I really invite this experience into my life?"

But I must have!

As a baby, then as a child and growing up as an adult till date, what I have been, am and will always be, is a bundle of vibrations.

And so are you. Each one is an energy bundle offering your own vibrations to the Universe and what you experience is a result of that very unique vibration that you are offering. And whatever you experience comes in because of thoughts that you have held, or are holding.

You may not have control over the thoughts that you have held, but you do have the power to-

1. Observe your current line of thoughts and,
2. Shift to a new way of thinking, and resultant action.

It is very much within your power to do.

For every thought that you get which you give importance to, observe your feelings. Do you feel good? And ask yourself this question-

"Who would I be if I did'nt hold this thought?"

For example, if someone makes you feel bad, or if you go out and observe a situation that makes you feel poor, observe what you feel, and then ask yourself this question-

"Who would I be if I did'nt hold this thought?"

It is all about BEING.
It is all about who you are, and what particular mix of vibrations you are offering at any point. Your mix of vibrations will be the thoughts that you repeatedly think about situations, and about yourself and others.

Understanding the Law of Attraction and really getting it, makes so much of a difference. The next step is consciously working with it to get to a vibrational state that is much closer to where you need to be to get what you want to flow easily towards you.
For example, let's say that you hold a position in your office that is slightly lower on the "levels of positions". And let's say that this makes you feel bad.

A desire arises in you to get a job that pays well and makes you feel good.
If you have spent many hours in the old job feeling bad about your position and pay, then the vibrations that you offer the Universe may not give the Universe much to work with immediately. What should you do?
First understand that the Law of Attraction is in operation, and that the Universe is only bringing you situations that match the current vibrations you are offering. Then work on getting to a vibrational state that gets you closer to where you need to be to get that new power job, and pay.

Think thoughts like- this job pays my bills, I am needed here. If I don't do my job well, somewhere, someone gets effected and that slows down so many things for my company. My company needs me. I am trained for this job and have been doing it really well. I can do any job well. I am wanted by whoever employs me. I am the lifeblood of this company.

These thoughts immediately boost up your morale, and self-esteem, creating much better vibrations that then give the Universe something much better to work with. Best of all, it reduces the frustration that you may have feeling all these months or years. And once you reduce the feeling of frustration in any situation, you are in a place of power and love.

Remember -Nothing can occur in your life experience without your invitation of it through your thought. So when those feelings of frustration go out into the Universe, they bring back more scenes of the same. Just change the feelings behind the current scene, and everything else changes. Then what comes to you is something of much higher vibrations.

Love and light.

by Sugandhi Iyer

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