Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Creation Work

Creation is like cooking where you use various ingredients that you have in your kitchen to make what you want. Sometimes you may not have some ingredient and you go shopping or send someone out shopping for you.

In a romantic relationship, the creation endeavor could mean looking at the meaning behind the actions of your loved one, reading in-between the lines, drawing the conclusions that you want and then taking the steps required to bring the relationship to the place that you want it to be.

If you do look at the statements and actions of your loved one and decide that the conclusions that you draw are not what you really want, then you need to go shopping for some new ingredients.

In your shopping basket you may need to add some visions, some affirmations, some good feelings and mixing them all together, cook everything on a flame applying the heat required to get it boiling to the temperature that you want so that it all merges well and becomes what you would like to see happen.

If you need to add more ingredients like some more good vibes, remove some negativity, release hidden beliefs that keep things from happening and include allowingness, do that until you get the precise energy that you know you can construct your home on. Meanwhile do remember to keep stirring so that your dish does not get burnt. :)Apply this logic to money, family relationships, health, beauty, etc., and you have the formula for life success.

The Universe is your helper which keeps tuning into what you'd really like to create and brings you the ingredients that you need to create your life areas.

As each life area becomes solid in your mind, you then have them in a place of happiness and these life areas continue to provide you with happiness.

Even as you create each life area to your satisfaction, what you have to hold onto during this creation process is your own self-worth and joy. If you allow your self-worth and joy to get disturbed in the process of creation, all of your creation will be effected negatively. While it is your mind and thinking that forms, molds and creates, it is your joy that fuels it all. When you touch the vibration of joy you are basically aligning with fulfillment and contentment and it is in this space that everything flourishes.

One way to ensure that your life areas get created properly so as to continue to provide you with continued and sustained happiness is to be happy first. Keep on connecting to Source and make sure that you don't lose your joyful nature for anything. Rid yourself of resentments and a compliant mindset. If you do want to discuss anything that happened or happens which in that current moment is not of a high vibration, do it knowingly and with the intention that it change. Also make sure that you hold this discussion with people who are aware of your intention to bring in change, and not with those who don't know your true intention to create good.

Earlier in life it would be all about how things happened to you. Even now things are still happening, but they are happening from the space that you are in. If you are in a good mood, the dishes that you create in your kitchen are tasty and nourishing. If your mood is not very good, even a slight change in it makes a difference to your creations. During all of this it is also important to develop the mind set of a doctor and find out what your ailment is or in Law of Attraction terms, your 'point of attraction'. This can be understood from the symptoms going on currently in your life. With the help of the symptoms you discover your current point of attraction, then start to make the changes required in your thought process so that you get closer to the vibration that you will really like to hold, which is advantageous to you.

Creation work is both active and passive at the same time. Sometimes you need to be pro-active and sometimes you need to just let go. Keep doing this till you get the ideal mix of vibes going on for you. The rest is upto the Universe to match your vibrations and bring you good fortune!

There are so many people in this world who don't have it as good as you, and feeling this as a truth and knowing that you are really much better off than so many is a great place to start to bring in the good vibes to your creation pot. The darkness that you witness around you is to help you realize how much light you already have in your life (for example when you witness poverty around you) while the light is to help you navigate and bring in more light into your life. Use the dualities wisely to get to where you want, but don't get lost in its play. Life is after all just an illusion, and your ability to see through the temporariness of things and how you can get useful changes to happen with shifts in your consciousness, allows you to be a Master Manifestor. When you get lost in the dualities and the seeming reality of things, is when you give your power away.

Start to think like a Master Manifestor and know that the power of change lies in your hands. Get clarity, and start the creation process!

Love and light

by Sugandhi Iyer

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