Friday, August 22, 2008

Partners in Co-Creation

Everyone in your universe is your partner in co-creation. As you recognise these co-creators, you can consciously work with this knowledge to reach the space that you would like to be in.

For example, someone that you are contemplating dating needs to be treated with respect as this he/she may represent the part of your desire with which you have already attained alignment reaching fruition in this person's form. This person is a feedback from the Universe showing you what you have already done for yourself. You can observe what you are vibing, and choose to work on attaining greater alignment with what you really want. It may be from the same person, or someone else. You are the better judge of that as each situation varies.

You can also use the contrast in the situations to get further clarity on what you really want. For example, let's say that you manifested someone who is really cute, but keeps loosing his job, and has a poor financial vibe, you don't have to become sad, but you can treasure the fact that you attracted someone really cute and keep this truth in your box of positive manifestations. It is when you get trapped in the "Oh but I am such a loser because I attracted a man who does not know how to manage his life" that you start to feel sorry and bad about things.

Each person or situation can be transcended sweetly by seeing the Divine in it, and when you thank the Divine in that person for any lesson that you have learnt from him/her you actually release that person/situation to evolve into a better form either for yourself, or for someone else. Your lesson is over, you have changed your vibration, and that is what is really important.

Each person in your Universe is your co-creator and each person is offering his/her own vibration in a situation, and as you engage that person in an effort to find out and change your own vibration, magic happens. So don't get fooled when you get into situations because those situations are there only for you.

You choose what you want to change in yourself, so that the situation also changes and believe me, that is just so empowering.

There may be various emotions that you experience as a result, and as you discover and use these emotions to climb up the emotional scale, you get closer and closer to the feeling of freedom and joy that you are really here to experience in this wonderful and rather unique life journey of yours.

Lots of love.

by Sugandhi Iyer

Understanding the Law of Attraction

When you understand the Law of Attraction, you are never surprised by what occurs in your experience, for you understand that through your own thought process-you have invited every bit of it in. Nothing can occur in your life experience without your invitation of it through your thought (From the teachings of Abraham).

This is so powerful. Wheverever I read this quote, I go "Did I really invite this experience into my life?"

But I must have!

As a baby, then as a child and growing up as an adult till date, what I have been, am and will always be, is a bundle of vibrations.

And so are you. Each one is an energy bundle offering your own vibrations to the Universe and what you experience is a result of that very unique vibration that you are offering. And whatever you experience comes in because of thoughts that you have held, or are holding.

You may not have control over the thoughts that you have held, but you do have the power to-

1. Observe your current line of thoughts and,
2. Shift to a new way of thinking, and resultant action.

It is very much within your power to do.

For every thought that you get which you give importance to, observe your feelings. Do you feel good? And ask yourself this question-

"Who would I be if I did'nt hold this thought?"

For example, if someone makes you feel bad, or if you go out and observe a situation that makes you feel poor, observe what you feel, and then ask yourself this question-

"Who would I be if I did'nt hold this thought?"

It is all about BEING.
It is all about who you are, and what particular mix of vibrations you are offering at any point. Your mix of vibrations will be the thoughts that you repeatedly think about situations, and about yourself and others.

Understanding the Law of Attraction and really getting it, makes so much of a difference. The next step is consciously working with it to get to a vibrational state that is much closer to where you need to be to get what you want to flow easily towards you.
For example, let's say that you hold a position in your office that is slightly lower on the "levels of positions". And let's say that this makes you feel bad.

A desire arises in you to get a job that pays well and makes you feel good.
If you have spent many hours in the old job feeling bad about your position and pay, then the vibrations that you offer the Universe may not give the Universe much to work with immediately. What should you do?
First understand that the Law of Attraction is in operation, and that the Universe is only bringing you situations that match the current vibrations you are offering. Then work on getting to a vibrational state that gets you closer to where you need to be to get that new power job, and pay.

Think thoughts like- this job pays my bills, I am needed here. If I don't do my job well, somewhere, someone gets effected and that slows down so many things for my company. My company needs me. I am trained for this job and have been doing it really well. I can do any job well. I am wanted by whoever employs me. I am the lifeblood of this company.

These thoughts immediately boost up your morale, and self-esteem, creating much better vibrations that then give the Universe something much better to work with. Best of all, it reduces the frustration that you may have feeling all these months or years. And once you reduce the feeling of frustration in any situation, you are in a place of power and love.

Remember -Nothing can occur in your life experience without your invitation of it through your thought. So when those feelings of frustration go out into the Universe, they bring back more scenes of the same. Just change the feelings behind the current scene, and everything else changes. Then what comes to you is something of much higher vibrations.

Love and light.

by Sugandhi Iyer

The Magic of Intention

"Our intention creates our reality." - Wayne Dyer

There are many excellent processes to assist us in applying the Law of Attraction to become more conscious creators. One of my favorites is the process of setting intentions, which I find to be one of the easiest and most powerful processes for manifesting our desires. When I heard about Lynne McTaggart's new book, The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World, I was intrigued. Although I was already certain of the Magic of Intention, I thought that scientific support for why intention works might make me an even more masterful intender. Also, I love the title - The Intention Experiment - because, really, aren't we all engaged in our own personal intention experiment every day?

This book makes it clear that humanity has entered a new age - an age in which the scientific community recognizes that consciousness affects matter. Yay! For many of us, there is nothing really new here, but it's fun to see science confirming what we already know spiritually and empirically. McTaggart clarifies the science behind intention by citing scientific evidence that:
  • a thought is an actual physical thing - a tangible energy - and
    every thought, every intention, every judgment has the power to take physical form.

  • we're all connected. Random Event Generators (REGs) recorded
    that the world felt a collective shudder several hours before the first plane crash on 9/11, indicating a mass premonition. Yeah, we really are all one.

  • mind affects its surroundings whether or not we are consciously
    sending an intention, therefore, to think is to affect.

  • meditation produces permanent emotional improvement, tunes the
    brain to happiness, and heightens intuition

  • thought produces the same mental instructions as action.

  • Athletes who do no physical exercise but only imagine their workouts can increase their muscle size and strength by over 13% in just a few weeks.

I especially enjoyed the chapter on athletes and the example of Mohammed Ali. Ali was a master of intention who used visualization, mental rehearsal and his enormously powerful affirmation - I am the greatest! - to become a world champion. As top athletes utilize mental rehearsal to gain a competitive edge, you can improve your health, enhance your performance in every area of your life and affect your future by conscious intention. As you set forth positive intentions, you focus Energy and magnetize the circumstances that will bring about the reality you desire. As you focus your thoughts intentionally, you are in creative control of your life.

In the process of identifying your desires and focusing the Energy of your thoughts, you are applying the Law of Attraction to attract what you do want rather than what you don't want (always the key to LOA).

The process of setting intentions is a powerful way to design and create your life in exact accord with your desires. It's a great idea to begin each day by setting positive intentions, for example

  • Today I intend and expect to: feel good and be filled with joy and appreciation.

  • choose thoughts and experiences that please me.

  • be a magnet for amazing prosperity, vibrant good health and
    fulfilling relationships.

  • maintain a strong connection to Source Energy.

  • uplift others.

  • open, relax, breathe and draw in a continuous stream of

Science is providing evidence of the miraculous power you have to consciously create your life with your thoughts. As you employ the Magic of Intention, focusing on what you do want rather than what you don't want, you powerfully focus the Energy to magnetize into your life all that you desire. So, think big - knowing there is nothing you cannot be or do or have - and direct your life with the Magic of Intention.

Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Life Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her books - Dining at the Cosmic Café: How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire and Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction - are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate, check out her books, and subscribe to her free ezine, Magical Musings, visit


The place where attention is focused is exactly where results materialize. Its completely natural to focus on the things that we want changed. The common mistake is focusing on what is the present reality, instead of what is desired. Admit it, the complaint about how little your paycheck is, or how short your patience really is, or exactly how many bills are due These are all testimonials to what you are currently seeing, based on previous thoughts. The cycle must be broken.

Whats a person to do? Embrace the seeing is believing saying, but with a twist. You have to believe in what you truly want/desire before you will see it show up. Eliminate the doubt, eliminate the negative vibes associated with what is, and dream a little. Take time to dream about a life thats free of debt, free of complications, and full of prosperity, fulfillment, peace and harmony. Isnt that a pleasant vision? Close your eyes and think of it for a few minutes. Is your heart lighter, there a smile on your face, your brow smooth from worry? Take a moment to gauge exactly how you feel in this moment. THIS is the present that you created by visualizing your true desired outcome. These are the types of feelings you should be experiencing in order to manifest prosperity, wealth, good health, happiness, a wonderful relationship, etc.

Alex was in a mood. He was tired of relationship after relationship going sour. When he got home from dinner (after yet another break-up) he was depressed. In an effort to turn his mood around he turned on his stereo and went out on the terrace. As the glorious colors of the sunset melded into each other and the tunes played in the background he began to relax. A song came onto the radio that took him back to his childhood. He recalled hiding at the top of the stairs watching his parents dance to the same song long after they thought he and his sister had gone to bed. He recalled the oneness of their movements, the fondness and love that they shared for each other that was always almost palpable. During the song the image in his mind changed and he began to envision himself dancing with his soul mate in their stead. When the song was over a smiling Alex happily hummed his way off to bed. The next morning as he walked into work still relaxed and smiling from the previous night, an attractive woman asked him why he was so happy. He glanced down at her with a jolt, for he never saw the face of the soul mate that he held in his arms in his vision, but the woman smiling up at him had hair the same color. Alex had gotten the believing it part right and was actually seeing what he had created for himself.

You can do it too. Release all of the negativity, the I dont wants, the I shouldnt have tos from your life. Stop living in the past and take the time in the present to design your future. Only you have the power to create your reality make it live up to your wildest dreams as only you can do.

Eva Gregory, Law of Attraction expert, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity and Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction with Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hanson and Jeanna Gabellini, is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Law of Attraction. Her Law of Attraction radio show can be heard Thursdays at 6pm EST on Exceptional Wisdom Radio. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching. -->

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Manifestation Stress?

Being a Master Manifestor is easy especially once your manifestation muscles are exercised, and you have learnt the ropes. For every life area, you will discover what works for you, and the best way to have positive manifestation happen. It just takes some learning and refining of the techniques.

But up until then, what to do when you encounter manifestation stress?
Manifestation stress is happening all around the world today, even though it is not recognized as such. Most people are not consciously manifesting and so when they encounter stress, they don’t identify it as manifestation stress. Every President trying to win a war, every writer/actor/artist climbing the ladder to success, every parent trying to bring up children in the best way possible, every person seeking his/her life partner, every businessman/woman trying to make more money, every person trying to restore health to his/her body and mind, and every student trying to get good grades, is in the process of manifestation.

Glitches may come up during manifestation and it may seem as if the whole world is not co-operating with you. When Mother Nature decides to do her own thing and the forces of this world seem to hold hands against your manifestation, whatever it may be; a lot of stress can accumulate. Every person/animal/thing is a part of this world which constitutes your universe. They are not separate entities, but are very much a part of your reality and affect your world and the way you experience it.

Your nervous system and senses are wonderful tools for you to experience life in all its glory, but what happens when your nervous system and senses get overloaded with creation issues?

A knower of the ways of energy can tell you that when you get stressed, nothing moves to your benefit. Accident and failure rates get high and unhappiness occurs with resulting depression and sickness.

In order to get back into healthy manifestation energy, you must stop the downslide into negativity, or even if you do get into it, learn to recognize the fact, and quickly come out of it.

Some steps –

Become still- Drop whatever you want if only for the moment and do whatever it takes to just become still. Take an aerobics class, take up some physical challenge, call your coach, read, listen to mind stilling music, do something (healthy for you). If your body, senses and mind get completely involved in physical activity, you will be completely in the moment of now, and when you get into the moment of now, you become still. And with that stillness, all of creation stills just for you, giving you an opportunity to create good again.

Realize- Recognize the reason for your stress and drop it. Understand the stress creating pattern. Let go of negative ego.

Start to feel relief- Feel the sense of relief that comes with putting down a heavy stone. Meditate, breathe deeply, listen to some loving music, cook/eat something nice, wear something nice, etc. Start to feel pleasure seep back into your body and mind again. You are now in the process of inviting wellness.

Call in happy creation energy- Once you start to feel good, and well, think happy thoughts of what you want again. Of course remember that what you want must make you feel good, otherwise you are calling in just the opposite.

The above is a process of letting go (of the effort of trying very hard) by becoming still, relaxing and then starting the manifestation process again. You cannot get your nervous system tied into knots! Again, if what you want to create causes you stress, then you are calling in just the opposite.

In the process of creation, don’t speak to those who would put your creation into further stress. Remember that wisdom is okay, but not discouragement. Negativity is not truth. You are divine souls come to experience life. All of what you want is within you. We coaches are instruments for that discovery and happening. In fact all of life is an instrument for you to discover and create what you really like. It’s just that most people are very insecure about their own creations, let alone others. Connect to joyful manifestation energy always.

Wishing you joy.

Love and Light

Sugandhi Iyer, Coach, Life Business Creations

Author Bio- Sugandhi Iyer is the founder of Life Business Creations. A Master of energy and consciousness, Sugandhi has put together an amazing system to get people to realize their dreams and change their experiences. She has studied the Law of Attraction and the nature of consciousness, and found that by the application of the Laws of the Universe and with skillful thinking and action, energy can be made to move in different ways getting the Law of Attraction to work wonders. Personal Success Coaching with Sugandhi is designed to shift energy and change your vibrations so that you easily attract what you really want. She will guide you into becoming a powerful Manifestor, creator and enjoyer of your life journey by bringing you into abundance energy. Sign up for her free Well Being newsletter full of great information at her website, .

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