Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Keep Stepping Forward

by Sugandhi Iyer

What joy to keep moving ahead in life.

Like any road, life too has its rough patches, and like any good driver, the ability to deal with the rough patches by driving around or over them, is something to be developed.

It's great if you can just drive around the rough patches and not have to go through them, but if you do have to go through them, you have to control the speed.

It all depends on the situation. No situation is the same. Each situation calls for its own action.

Action is an important part of the Law of Attraction. There are many advocates of non-action, but action taken from the space of alignment is important. After all we are incarnated beings in a cause-effect world.

For example, right now the economy may not be very healthy and people have to deal with it. You cannot close your eyes and believe that the situation is not already in your moment of now.

In a slow economy, there are some job types that are not affected, but some others are. There are certain people who never get laid off because their job vibe is steady, and some others are more susceptible than others.

Then there are others who don't lose their jobs, but live within a strict income ceiling and in a world where costs are high as compared to incomes, it becomes tough.

Whichever person you are and whatever your situation, follow one principle-

Keep stepping forward. Keep on walking.

Energy work is required to change your point of attraction, and to improve it, along with positive thinking, but even as you work on your vibrations, take guided action that will help you. Even while you are taking action to get your finances into order, know one thing.

This is temporary. Things change, everything changes.

Taking guided action will actually improve your financial vibrations. Many who have made it big today, have gone through terrible situations. Each situation motivated them to become the best ever. It made them reach into themselves to bring out their latent talents. I'm sure you've heard of some of their stories. Not that it has to be that way, and you can ask for easier ways to do things, but if you do find yourself in tough situations, it helps to remember that some great people have also gone through them and come out shining.

Sometimes the Universe pinches so hard that it has the effect of getting people off their seats and become pro-active in making positive changes in their lives. It's called the process of becoming.

Become that person who is open to wealth and works to open doors to the richness and abundance that is waiting to flow through. Make healthy ways for money to flow through.

If it means educating or qualifying yourself further, then do that.

All of this guided action will improve your financial vibrations and soon you will be attracting huge wealth. You must start to feel good about your financial situation and in control of it right now. Your finances cannot control you!

Once you feel that you are in charge of your financial situation, you will attract abundance because you feel good about it.

It is not by feeling helpless that you attract help.

Don't get caught up in the recession, know that it too will pass. And as I said, do whatever needs to be done to get into feeling safe and secure now.

Take whatever healthy action you need to take to get your finances back on track, and start to feel good and in charge. And watch magic happen. You are taken care off. Just keep on stepping forward and don't get stuck in the mire.

Love and Joy.

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