Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Quick Intro to Using EFT & LOA Together:

The great news about the law of attraction is that it is impartial and always at our service. Of course, this is also the bad news - that it's impartial and always at our service. In other words, whether we are thinking grateful thoughts about loving our ideal mate forever, or thoughts about how sad it feels to still be without a mate - the Universal Laws are responding.

When we immerse ourselves in the study and application of the laws of the Universe, we will notice certain 'thoughts' and 'feelings' that prevent us from mastering them. You've heard these referred to as those pesky limiting beliefs or negative emotions that we just can't seem to get rid of!

Unfortunately, however, if we don't get rid of them - they will continue to show up in the material world around us.

For example, let's say we want to attract a mate using the law of attraction or maybe we just want to rejuvenate or rescue the relationship we have.

The practical application of the law of attraction would include actually visualizing ourselves fully embracing, loving, adoring and being loved and adored by our ideal life partner - this goes for us married folks too, only our vision is with our partner.

Then, we would practice detachment by sending forth love and gratitude for already having them in our lives while be completely at peace with the Divine Timing. Again, this also goes for those that are coupled - you too would give thanks for having the love you desire already.
We would then knead this recipe of vision and faith, vision and faith, vision and faith for as long as it takes.

Here's where most of us go astray!

At some point, we may find ourselves looking around, wondering where our perfect man or woman might be; sighing at night when they aren't laying down with us, or anxious at a dinner where everyone else is 'coupled', for example. We may find ourselves longing (not allowing but craving) for a mate.

If we are coupled, then we may find ourselves noticing all the irritating things that our mate does that we thought should have 'changed' by now. We continue to notice that they are not changing and it's still upsetting us!

When we observe our attention going to 'he/she isn't here yet' or 'they are not doing what I want them to do.'; and this attention triggers negative emotions such as fear, sadness, worry, anxiety, or disappointment then we are attached and not practicing the law of detachment or the law of unlimited potential.

For most of us, although we know we shouldn't focus on the negative; and we should do everything in our power NOT to feel sad or doubtful, the fact is we are still eating alone tonight and the feeling just won't go away!

In the past, we might have relied on distraction methods, such as taking a walk in the park or reading a good book, or calling a friend for a laugh. And, these are still excellent methods to detach and return to a space of connection. However, there's an even more reliable and consistent way to knock those limiting beliefs out of our consciousness - more permanently!
It's called Emotional Freedom Technique, aka EFT. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) has been progressed and popularized by the astute foresight, fearlessness, and genius of its founder, Gary Craig of EMOFREE.com and the many healers, practitioners, coaches, doctors, and laypersons that have contributed to it's growth and development.

The wealth of knowledge, never-ending EFT miracle stories and the 'how to do it for this…" articles found at his site cannot be trivialized.

EFT is a quick, non-invasive system of tapping on the body's meridian points while using intentions, thoughts, and emotions. EFT uses the same meridian systems that Oriental Medicine practitioners have used for thousands of years as they apply acupuncture and acupressure.
This tapping with intention triggers an energetic release within our emotional body which in turn allows us to release the blocks that hold us hostage to our past.

NOW, as conscious creation students, we have the opportunity to USE this incredible technology and our awareness to pivot our attention and our vibration. We have the opportunity to eliminate the limiting beliefs that prevent us from practicing the Law of Pure Potentiality (that we are unlimited and therefore would of course have nothing to fear or worry about) and practice the Law of Detachment (that we trust in the Divine Order and know that all is well now).

With EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) we can get in there, dig out those limiting beliefs of 'he/she isn't here yet' and neutralize them.

Negative thoughts and emotions are like acidic rain that slowly pollute and destroy our dreams, hopes, and ambitions. Think of EFT as the antidote; the alkaline that neutralizes the acidity and supports our positivity.

EFT pours an energetic alkaline solution on the acid that's repelling our dreams. When we use EFT, we are neutralizing the poisonous thoughts and returning to a space of courage and hopefulness.

By seeking a consciousness of neutrality, we raise our level of certainty and are capable of more purely and intentionally attract outstanding success!

If you have not seen the new video that Gary Craig has created, you definitely want to learn more by visiting both Gary Craig's site and watch the video here or by downloading his f*ree manual here.

For those of you who 'know' about EFT or even those of you who use it sporadically, consider what might occur for you if you were to adopt a daily routine of EFT & LOA?
What would happen if you could eliminate all limiting beliefs that hold you hostage to lack and unfulfillment?

Would it be acceptable to you if you were to fulfill all of your dreams? Would it be okay if your life were easy and magical more of the time?

When you combine EFT with LOA, you get rid of the negative that holds you back and you simultaneously enact the powerful, positive that will ultimately materialize in your life.

Copyright, 2008, CreataVision Enterprises, Anisa Aven. Receive Anisa's FREE Conscious Creation 101: a 5-part e-course on the basics of Manifesting by visitinghttp://www.creatavision.com/creative-manifesting.htm

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