Saturday, March 29, 2008

You Are Always On The Right Path

Do you ever ask yourself if you are on the right path? Do you wonder whether if you had made that one decision differently, that you would be in a better position in your life?

Every decision you make is the right decision for that moment. With the Law of Attraction, there is no right and wrong decision, just the decision that you focus upon. That is all it takes. By giving attention either to what you want or don't want you bring it right to you via the Universe. Each decision and circumstance that comes to you has come from the focus you have put upon it.

Any decision that you have made, you can change through focusing now. But when you have a past decision that you focus on, this is going to bring you, via the Universe, similar situations to the past decision.

Do you regret a past decision? Regret will only bring you more to regret. Let go of the past. The only thing that looking back is good for is learning and growing from the decisions you previously made.

Concentrating on what could have been will take you nowhere. Put your concentration into what you desire in life now. Take the bits and pieces of the past that will serve you well with knowledge and learning, and leave the rest of it behind. Beating yourself up over past decisions is like fighting a ghost; there is nothing there but what you perceive from the past.

The path you are on is the right path and you always get to choose which path is yours by what you focus upon. The path you chose in the past was the right path at the time based upon what you were focusing on then. By applying the Law of Attraction and being smart about what you desire now, you will not have to worry about ever making a 'mistake'. There are no mistakes in the Law of Attraction; only the wants or don't wants that are focused on. Every feeling and thought causes the Universe to move you in that particular direction, the path that you focus on.
Focus on a path of success and joy and that's where the Universe will take you. Focus on a path of lack and hurt and the Universe will take you there, as well. It has always been your choice. Make the choice that will put you on the path of happiness. That's all we really want, isn't it; to be happy and secure within our lifetime?

Take the path that is limitless and devoid of regret through the Law of Attraction.

Beth and Lee McCain are full time instructors and lecturers in applying the Law of Attraction, or better known as the Secret, in your life to attain whatever you desire. They have a great radio show on Youtube that is both entertaining as well as informative on the subject of the Law of Attraction. Please visit: Beth and Lee McCain Law of Attraction Web Site

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ten Keys for Finding Happiness

Use these Ten Keys for Finding Happiness in Your Life

1. Live on purpose. Joyful aliveness connects you with your purpose. Learn the skills you need to create happiness. Discover the activities and pursuits that make your heart sing! These engaging activities provide clues to your purpose and will assist you in finding happiness.If you want to maintain desperation and unhappiness, then believe that life has no purpose.

2. Find Happiness right now. No other time exists for experiencing happiness. Only the present moment contains the spark of life!You may also create misery by constantly wanting to speed ahead to some other time. Most people live their lives wanting to exist elsewhere and elsewhen.

3. Accept total responsibility for your life! You create your reality and your emotions. Your power and focus exceed your wildest dreams. See this short video about finding happiness through creating reality.You can choose to blame and whine, pretending that your life situation came from without, rather than from within. As within, so without. Accept total responsibility for all.

4. Act in boldness. Take on challenges and pursue lofty goals. Overcoming difficulties and obstacles provide some of the most exquisite joys in life.To create misery, play it totally safe. Never do anything scary or risky. Follow your fears and let them guide your actions. For happiness and joy - feel the fear, and do it anyway!

5. Expect happiness. Hope consists of a perfect expectation of desirable things to come. Picture desirable things to come. You choose what to think about, and what to visualize in your mind's eye! Imagine yourself finding happiness.Despair consists of a perfect expectation of undesirable things to come. To increase despair, simply imagine in detail terrible things that may happen to you. The better your imagination, the deeper the despair. You get what you truly expect, so expect happiness

6. Increase your awareness. Feel your emotions consciously. Identify your core beliefs. Constantly learn and grow from the inside. Your unhealthy attitudes, habits, and behaviors will start to drop away like fall leaves. Watch this quick video on identifying emotions.To maintain apathy and misery, just remain unaware. Allow clarity to flee from you like a deer from a hunter. Remain in unconsciousness and cloudiness - afraid to explore your beliefs.

7. Build your connections. Our relationships give life meaning and happiness. All of us truly connect to one another in the inner world. Building connections in the physical world builds on this inner reality and helps us in finding happiness.To create misery, simply separate yourself from others. Think that you exist as an independent entity, and other people merely drag you down. Insist on separateness and division. Deny the truth of connectedness and pursue unreality.

8. Learn and read daily. We grow in large measure due to the people we meet and the books we read. Did you read 52 books last year? Did you foster more friendships? We create happiness when we grow and increase our wisdom.To prevent happiness, try not to meet any new people this year, and don't read any new books either. Simply stay just the same person with the exact same ideas. For optimal joy, go for optimal growth and learning!

9. Serve other people. Truly recognize other people as real people, with needs and wants just like your own. Think how you can bring a smile to someone, and then do it! Give increased life in every encounter. Service is a huge key for finding happiness in your life.To create misery, ignore other people and totally concern yourself with your own needs. Don't think of other people as real.

10. Prioritize your actions. Know your goals and purposes, and put power and faith into every action. Do each action with focus and purpose, and know why you choose the activities you expend your energy on.

Christopher Westra

Monday, March 24, 2008

Ten Purposes for Your Life

1. Share Your Love. Truly pursue this purpose in life with passion, and all the others will follow naturally! Love everyone, and start with those closest to you.

2. Give to Others. You can make a difference in the world! Choose to serve and give in small ways right now. One purpose of life is to serve others.

3. Increase in Light. Your spirit and body can actually hold light. Learn to flow with light, bringing it into your life and letting it flow out to others. Increase your light bearing capacity by following the truth you know. This website on Light provides you many resources.

4. Learn Wisdom. Pursue wisdom not as your final purpose, but for the love of Wisdom and also to better serve others with increased talents. Read the best books and learn all you can. Truth is eternal, and you can take it with you!

5. Accept Yourself. Love who you are. Your birth, body, parents, strengths, weaknesses and nationality all have a purpose. Accept your purpose and your talents. Feel your emotions and allow them to flow.

6. Enjoy the Mystery. Wonder at the beauty and richness of life, without trying to figure it all out. See the world in childlike simplicity and joy.

7. Create Your Reality. In this sphere, you choose with your thoughts what to create. Be bold in life, and decide what you really want. Move toward all your dreams with a powerful vision! You can learn to consciously create your life. Choose now to maximize your creative mind by signing up for the newsletter below, or by viewing this short video on Creating Your Reality.

8. Follow the Spirit. Trust your inner voice that leads you and prompts you into the higher paths. Learning to follow this Holy Spirit is one of the purposes of life. As you listen to the spirit, you will achieve greater inspiration for all your daily activities.

9. Revel in the Present. Find joy, focus, and engagement in every present activity. Your point of personal power is the present moment. You can only act in the present. As you live in the now, you conquer the illusion of time and begin to live in Holographic Time.

10. Experience Joy. The ultimate purpose of this life is joy and happiness. We maximize our joy by pursuing it indirectly. Simply pursue the first nine purposes of life and the tenth (Joy) will flow magnetically to you

Copyright Christopher Westra Purpose of Life List

Money Mastery Method 24 - Use a Personalized Money Script or Money Affirmation

By Christopher Westra Author: I Create Reality - Beyond Visualization

In his classic book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill tells us that we need to be very specific when setting our money goals. Vague generalities won't do. The universe responds to specific images, frequencies, and vibrations.

We decide the exact amount of our income. We must decide on how much money we want, when we want it by, and how we are going to earn it. By "how we are going to earn it" I mean what value do we intend to provide in return for the money?

Napoleon Hill came up with a specific plan that he read every morning and every night. He became very rich, and helped thousands and thousands of others to become rich. I'll help you come up with a brief, specific plan right now, and email it to you!

This will be in the form of a "Request to God or The Universe".

You must decide the details.

"Please continue to lead into my life the people, angels, inspiration, mentors, tools, resources, ideas, and strategies that I can use to expand my wealth to _____________ dollars a month.

I request this in complete trust, and an awareness of my role as a cosmic infant and a budding consciousness growing in light. This is what I think I want, and I ask that you bring me this monthly income or something better by this date _____________ .

I will earn this money by giving ______________ to others to increase their life, and to make them happier, healthier, or more abundant.

I express my thanks for what I have been given, and for what is coming."

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Show Me The Money!

“Expect your every need to be met. Expect the answer to every problem. Expect abundance on every level.” – Eileen Caddy

Do you remember the 1996 movie, Jerry Maquire? If so, you will certainly recall the passion and determination with which Tom Cruise and Cuba Gooding, Jr. shouted the memorable line: “Show me the money!!!” Gooding yells to Cruise over the phone: “Doesn't it make you feel good just to say that, Jerry? Say it with me one time, brother!” If you can summon up this kind of enthusiasm and passion as you focus on attracting abundance and prosperity into your life, the Universe will have no choice but to respond: “Your wish is my command!”

Develop a Prosperity Mindset. This is a Universe of Abundance. Indeed the very nature of Life is abundance, which means that you can attract as much prosperity as you desire. Abundance begins with developing a prosperity mindset. Money will come to you in accordance with your expectation. Money is drawn to you as you invite it and welcome it in. Money will not appear where it feels unwelcome or feared or to those who believe they are unworthy. Know that your natural state is abundance. With a prosperity mindset, you can write your own ticket to an abundant Life.

As you know from the Law of Attraction, you attract based on the way you FEEL. Therefore, in order to attract prosperity, you must feel prosperous. As long as you feel poor, you are only capable of attracting more poverty. A poverty consciousness, a consciousness of lack, constantly thinking – “I want it, but I can’t afford it.” – keeps your natural abundance from flowing to you. Are you ready to access the riches that await you in your vibrational escrow?

Visualize Abundance. To feel prosperous and develop a prosperity mindset, try this exercise. Give yourself twenty minutes of uninterrupted time. Close your eyes and take a few long, slow deep breaths. Focus on your breathing as you enter into a quiet meditative state. As you relax and breathe, visualize your ideal situation regarding money. See and FEEL yourself as vividly as possible living a life of abundance in every way. Imagine the way you look, feel, act, and speak. See and feel yourself enjoying exhilarating activities with amazing people. Energize the images with sounds, smells, tastes, and feelings. Continue to visualize your ideal state of abundance as you gently remind yourself:

I deserve and expect abundance and prosperity.

Money continually flows to me from many sources easily and joyfully.

An abundance of money is flowing to me right now. I am a powerful money magnet.

Abundance is my natural state of being. Money and all things I desire are waiting for me to claim them.

After a few minutes of deeply FEELING prosperous and abundant, take another long, slow deep breath and slowly open your eyes.

Continue to visualize and practice the wonderful feeling of abundance on a daily basis. Be confident that prosperity is your birthright and determine to claim your inheritance. Tap into the inexhaustible storehouse of abundance and attract whatever your heart desires. Then state unequivocally to the Universe: Show! Me! The! Money!

Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Life Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her books "Dining at the Cosmic Café: How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire" and "Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate, check out her books, and subscribe to her free ezine, Magical Musings, visit

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Painting

By Eva Gregory, CPCC

I have been posting several articles and blogs about faith lately, so I decided to give you something fun to play with this time for a lighter focus. Here is an exercise that will help you visualize yourself in the most positive way.

Find a comfortable chair and close your eyes. Inhale deeply and slowly, let the air begin to fill up your lungs and feel your chest expanding as a result. Hold the breath for about three seconds and then release slowly, breathing out through your mouth. Repeat this process several more times and then let your breath become slow, fluid and natural.

Now imagine that you are sitting in a large open field where the wild flowers have managed to colonize the grassy expanse all around you and for as far as the eye can see. As you look around, all you can see are the vibrant colors of summer flowers and in the distance, the dense green foliage of woodland trees that frame the field's edges.

In front of you is a large wooden easel, which is supporting a large blank canvas, and positioned in front of the easel, there is a small chair, which is surrounded by a vast array of oil paints, palettes and other assorted painting equipment. Sit at this chair in your mind and completely try to clear your mind.

Do this by not allowing any thoughts to access your mind and focus instead on the sultry sounds of summer. Listen for the sound of melodic bird songs, for the consistent sound of insects on wing and also for the gentle sound of the faint breeze as it rustles periodically through the long grasses.

Regardless of your real painting ability is, here you are an expert artist in the medium of oils. You are going to paint a picture of yourself as you feel intuitively that you would look, should you not have had to endure any negative emotions or experiences in your life.

Contemplate for a moment how you feel you would look. Then pick up the palette and begin to mix your paints, choosing the colors, which you feel corresponds to the most to you. Begin to pain without hesitation or fear. It is a large blank canvas, which you will fill quickly with your chosen colors and the image of you. Allow your arms to move freely across the canvas, feel the sensation of the paintbrush as it blazes a trail across the canvas itself.

You have the ability to visualize the person that would be you clearly in your minds eye. You are able to recreate the same hair, same eyes, features of course are exactly the same, and yet there is a difference, but in a subtle way.

As the painting begins to come to life, observe the differences between yourself and that of the painting. This image is of you without all of the pressures of life. See how you would look when you are happy, contented and with no pressure holding you back.

Paint yourself smiling and without any stress or worry lines. Imagine your forehead smooth, your skin glowing, and your smile is open and natural.

See how you look without all of those limitations, which freeze you in place in your life. See how you look without all of the pessimism of the world affecting your inner self.

Continue to paint this picture of the 'peaceful you', using large swirls of paint across the canvas, feeling your creativity flowing from you as your picture comes to life.

When you have finished, stand back from the painting. Make sure you can view your masterpiece and see what the real you would look like if you could obtain true happiness and fulfillment. This picture represents you if you could be successful in your chosen field and if you could strive for your goals in life without fear of failure or rejection from holding you back. Take a few moments to contemplate your painting and understand what this means.

So now you know how you would look and feel if you were able to switch off from the past completely and hopefully you can realize that we do, if we are not careful, carry the whole weight of the world and all the consequences of our own actions in our minds and bodies, and this can have a hugely detrimental effect on us.

(C) 2008 Leading Edge Coaching

Eva Gregory, International Coach of the Year 2006, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Law of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Law of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching. -->

Saturday, March 15, 2008

3 Ways to Use The Secret in Your Life

The first thing everyone wants to know after watching the move the secret is, "How do I use the Secret?" That's understandable because although the movie is good and it does introduce you to the law of attraction it does not quite tell you how to properly apply it to your life.

The First Step
One of the first things you can do in using the secret law of attraction in y our life is to educate yourself as much as possible on the subject of the law of attraction. Learn the very nature of the law of attraction and how it influences your life.

The core of the secret, are your thoughts which goes a lot deeper than negative verses positive thought. If you understood the truly nature of thought you would be a huge step above those who think they understand the law of attraction.

The Second Step
The second step to mastering the secret law of attraction is to get a journal and begin to write. Do you know most people have no clue what their predominant thought patters is, nor do they even know what it is that they want. When you get a journal you can begin to explore your feelings on a much deeper level. Seeing your feelings on paper clears it up from being cluttered in your mind.

The Third Step
The third step to using the secret law of attraction is to take small inspired action towards your goals. With your new law of attraction journal you can begin to track daily every action you take that is in alignment with your goals. Its very hard for most people to be aware of the way they spend their time. When you set a specific plan and track it in your journal you have a better change of seeing how your week has gone, your month and then your year.

Much time can pass with many of us taking the same tiresome actions that get us the same lousy results again and again. Then many people say that the law of attraction did not work.

By Daniel Hinds

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Expectations, Confidence and Letting Go

Many of us have been to fairs and carnivals where they have games for which you can win prizes, like the games that test your physical strength.

There is a formula at work there.

If you hit something with the correct amount of force, then you win and get a prize.

You know what strength you have and when you pick up that hammer and go for it, you have some expectation of what will happen.

If you've been working out regularly and feel strong and capable, then the chances of you getting that prize are good. But if you don't have confidence in your ability, then your expectations are not aligned with winning. And if you feel that the games are rigged, that also defines your expectations.

Ofcourse there are always those cases which surprise you.

The equation here is that when you feel confident about a situation, it increases your attraction factor to get you what you want. Expecting to get what you want increases your attraction factor tremendously.

What should you do if you are not able to maintain the correct level of expectation required?

For those cases where you find it difficult to retain your joyful expectations, surrender helps.

Surrender to the Divine power. Not everything has to be worked out by you.

You can let go and let the higher powers help you. You may just about end up having a delightful surprise waiting for you. The trick is in giving up the worry in a situation and seeing it unravel beautifully in front of you.

State what you'd like to see happen clearly, and then let go.

And meanwhile work on having positive expectations and increase your confidence. Remove all resistance that reduce your expectations. This is not about expecting from a feverish and attached point of view, but expecting from the space of knowing that something is already yours. It really tilts things in your favor.

The Universe will make a way for you. Learn how to play the game of expectations and win. It's fun.

Love and light.

by Sugandhi Iyer

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


You do not have to be religious to believe in other Laws of the Universe do you? You can choose to ponder who set up these Laws of the Universe, but this is not necessary.

There are similar beliefs between religion and the Law of Attraction. The greatest similarity is prayer. You ask God for something and he or she will grant it. The Law of Attraction states when you ask the Universe for what you want, it is brought to you. The process is slightly different but the results are essentially the same...

The other similarity is the concept of belief or faith. In religious practice you acknowledge that God exists and that you must have faith. In the Law of Attraction, you believe that the Universe will provide for you. The greatest difference is that you do not have to go through an intermediary such as a priest, minister or rabbi. You can ask directly.

You do have to have faith that you will receive what you ask. It is a faith that a natural law is at work. You must believe in the process. You are the director of the process. It is not different than planting a seed in the ground. You have faith that if you provide sunshine, water and the right nutrients that a plant or flower will grow. You don't have to be religious to believe that it will happen. It is just a biological law of nature. Seeds will grow into a plant when the right components are present. A religious person may wonder how God created such a beautiful flower and see it as proof that God exists. However, the lack of this belief will not prevent that flower from growing.

Atheists may not believe in God because there is no tangible proof. They need to be able to observe things in order to accept that they exist. They believe there is a Sun and Moon because they can see them. They may believe in gravity because they have tripped and fallen as a child.
Here is a secret revealed - there is proof of the Law of Attraction. You can record it by getting a notebook and paper. As you go through your day, write down when you see progress toward your goal. No matter how small the progress is, write it down. It becomes your written proof of the existence of the Law of Attraction. When you achieve your goal, you can look back through your notebook. You will be able to see that Law of Attraction at work and how it brought you and your desire together. It will be all the proof you should need. It will increase your belief in the process and your future goals will come to you even quicker and easier.

The Law of Attraction does not require that you sign up for any organization. It does not require that you join a church or believe in a certain deity. It does not include a concept of sin or repentance. It does include within its concepts the idea of self creation and responsibility. Since you are the creator of your reality, you are totally responsible for how it turns out and what you do along the way.

The idea of sin is that if you do something bad or negative, then something bad will happen to you. The Law of Attraction is similar in that negative things attract negative things, good things attract the same. The more positive your life is, the more positive things you will bring into your life.

The other thing about the Law of Attraction is that it does not require you give up anything or make sacrifices to appease it. It works regardless of who you are and what you believe. It does not judge you nor does it judge what your desires are. It will serve you what you ask for, no questions asked.

The Law of Attraction neither needs religion nor is it against religion. It works well with most world philosophies and religions and does not contain anything that would offend anyone. There are those that would say that being the creator of your own universe excludes God. Creating your own reality does not mean that you, as a physical extension of non-physical energy created the stars, the moon or mountains. It means that you create how you interface with the Universe. If you choose to be positive, then you can create a shining life filled with brightness and abundance.

(C) 2008 Leading Edge Coaching
"© Photographer: Agency:"
Eva Gregory, International Coach of the Year 2006, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Law of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Law of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching. -->

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Quick Intro to Using EFT & LOA Together:

The great news about the law of attraction is that it is impartial and always at our service. Of course, this is also the bad news - that it's impartial and always at our service. In other words, whether we are thinking grateful thoughts about loving our ideal mate forever, or thoughts about how sad it feels to still be without a mate - the Universal Laws are responding.

When we immerse ourselves in the study and application of the laws of the Universe, we will notice certain 'thoughts' and 'feelings' that prevent us from mastering them. You've heard these referred to as those pesky limiting beliefs or negative emotions that we just can't seem to get rid of!

Unfortunately, however, if we don't get rid of them - they will continue to show up in the material world around us.

For example, let's say we want to attract a mate using the law of attraction or maybe we just want to rejuvenate or rescue the relationship we have.

The practical application of the law of attraction would include actually visualizing ourselves fully embracing, loving, adoring and being loved and adored by our ideal life partner - this goes for us married folks too, only our vision is with our partner.

Then, we would practice detachment by sending forth love and gratitude for already having them in our lives while be completely at peace with the Divine Timing. Again, this also goes for those that are coupled - you too would give thanks for having the love you desire already.
We would then knead this recipe of vision and faith, vision and faith, vision and faith for as long as it takes.

Here's where most of us go astray!

At some point, we may find ourselves looking around, wondering where our perfect man or woman might be; sighing at night when they aren't laying down with us, or anxious at a dinner where everyone else is 'coupled', for example. We may find ourselves longing (not allowing but craving) for a mate.

If we are coupled, then we may find ourselves noticing all the irritating things that our mate does that we thought should have 'changed' by now. We continue to notice that they are not changing and it's still upsetting us!

When we observe our attention going to 'he/she isn't here yet' or 'they are not doing what I want them to do.'; and this attention triggers negative emotions such as fear, sadness, worry, anxiety, or disappointment then we are attached and not practicing the law of detachment or the law of unlimited potential.

For most of us, although we know we shouldn't focus on the negative; and we should do everything in our power NOT to feel sad or doubtful, the fact is we are still eating alone tonight and the feeling just won't go away!

In the past, we might have relied on distraction methods, such as taking a walk in the park or reading a good book, or calling a friend for a laugh. And, these are still excellent methods to detach and return to a space of connection. However, there's an even more reliable and consistent way to knock those limiting beliefs out of our consciousness - more permanently!
It's called Emotional Freedom Technique, aka EFT. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) has been progressed and popularized by the astute foresight, fearlessness, and genius of its founder, Gary Craig of and the many healers, practitioners, coaches, doctors, and laypersons that have contributed to it's growth and development.

The wealth of knowledge, never-ending EFT miracle stories and the 'how to do it for this…" articles found at his site cannot be trivialized.

EFT is a quick, non-invasive system of tapping on the body's meridian points while using intentions, thoughts, and emotions. EFT uses the same meridian systems that Oriental Medicine practitioners have used for thousands of years as they apply acupuncture and acupressure.
This tapping with intention triggers an energetic release within our emotional body which in turn allows us to release the blocks that hold us hostage to our past.

NOW, as conscious creation students, we have the opportunity to USE this incredible technology and our awareness to pivot our attention and our vibration. We have the opportunity to eliminate the limiting beliefs that prevent us from practicing the Law of Pure Potentiality (that we are unlimited and therefore would of course have nothing to fear or worry about) and practice the Law of Detachment (that we trust in the Divine Order and know that all is well now).

With EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) we can get in there, dig out those limiting beliefs of 'he/she isn't here yet' and neutralize them.

Negative thoughts and emotions are like acidic rain that slowly pollute and destroy our dreams, hopes, and ambitions. Think of EFT as the antidote; the alkaline that neutralizes the acidity and supports our positivity.

EFT pours an energetic alkaline solution on the acid that's repelling our dreams. When we use EFT, we are neutralizing the poisonous thoughts and returning to a space of courage and hopefulness.

By seeking a consciousness of neutrality, we raise our level of certainty and are capable of more purely and intentionally attract outstanding success!

If you have not seen the new video that Gary Craig has created, you definitely want to learn more by visiting both Gary Craig's site and watch the video here or by downloading his f*ree manual here.

For those of you who 'know' about EFT or even those of you who use it sporadically, consider what might occur for you if you were to adopt a daily routine of EFT & LOA?
What would happen if you could eliminate all limiting beliefs that hold you hostage to lack and unfulfillment?

Would it be acceptable to you if you were to fulfill all of your dreams? Would it be okay if your life were easy and magical more of the time?

When you combine EFT with LOA, you get rid of the negative that holds you back and you simultaneously enact the powerful, positive that will ultimately materialize in your life.

Copyright, 2008, CreataVision Enterprises, Anisa Aven. Receive Anisa's FREE Conscious Creation 101: a 5-part e-course on the basics of Manifesting by visiting

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Emergency Manifesting -- Using Law of Attraction When There's No Time to Fool Around

Rent's due but the bank account is empty. Your boss just gave your third written warning for a job you can't afford to lose. Your beloved sweetie eloped with your best friend. The doctor confirmed the diagnosis you feared most.

Sooner or later it seems like life gets the best of us. What to do when all seems lost?
If you know how law of attraction works, you know that you get what you vibrate. Your vibration is based on your thoughts, since thoughts drive feelings and feelings are what comprises your vibration.

So if it feels like the stuff has hit the fan and you need to do some emergency manifesting, here are three simple steps to remember:

1) What do I want?
2) What does that feel like?
3) What feels good to do next?

When we're caught in the loop of things gone wrong it's all too easy to forget about our vibration and lose sight of our desired end result. Rather, our attention is quite naturally focused on exactly what we don't want, like a "deer in the headlights" effect.

Remember you are in charge of what plays out next. You can effect change. I repeat: you can effect change! And that is NOT best done by leaping into action with the same vibration that escorted you into the problem.

Instead, first shift your energy (i.e. vibration), and then take action that feels good. (Which may not be at all what you would have guessed. Be open.)

Let's look at the three steps for emergency manifesting in more detail:
What do I want?

When things go wrong, it's easy to get stuck looking at what you don't want. So although this seems like a "no brainer" of a first step, it's a crucial one. Take your attention off what you don't want. Redirect your focus away from "reality," or what you fear might become reality. Put the spotlight of your mind on the results you desire; on the outcome you'd love to see unfold. On what you want. Simple, and important.

What does that feel like?

With the results that you want firmly in mind, now pay attention to what that feels like. What does it feel like to know your healing is on its way? What does it feel like to know you're appreciated and valued at work; that your sweetie truly loves you? What does it feel like to know all is well?

Hang out here. Spend time with this vibration! Because it is exactly this vibration that allows "reality" to turn the corner and start going your way. This is where miracles can enter your life; when you vibrate in a way that allows them in. So FEEL what it feels like to have what you want.
What feels good to do next?

Now that you're vibrating what you want, you have access to information that can help. From this place (of feeling what it feels like to have what you want), ask yourself the question: "What feels good to do next?"

Trust your inner guidance for that answer, friend. Don't let your analytical mind hijack you to an automatic response that isn't authentically yours. No one can tell you this action step better than you. The world is full of advice, but none of it will serve you if it's not in alignment with what feels good to you.

Here are some examples of what others in one of life's pinches came up with when they took time to shift the vibe and ask inner guidance what felt good:

• Donna wrote a letter to her real estate employer, explaining her situation and asking if she could have full commissions paid until she got back on her feet.

• Reid called an old friend to talk about what happened with his girlfriend, and gained valuable insight about his role in what transpired.

• Tyler took time off work to better relax and explore healing options, which led him to new treatment solutions right in his own neighborhood.

• Shawna realized her boss was doing was her a favor to give her the impetus to find work that was more in alignment with her true self. She gave notice, was paid out unused vacation, and drew off the retirement account she now had access to.

As long as we're stuck in the vibration of the problem, we are not allowing the solution to unfold. Shift your energy and get creative by listening to your inner knowing about what will serve you best. The Universe is conspiring on your behalf, and the system is set up for your success.

If you're not experiencing an emergency right now, congratulations! Clean up your vibe so you're not aligned to anything you don't want in the future. Remember you're in charge of your world. When you focus your mind with intention and align your energy with what you want, you are an unstoppable power!

Jeannette Maw is an Attraction Coach and founder of Good Vibe Coaching in Salt Lake City, Utah who helps clients get what they want using the Law of Attraction. She is co-author of "101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, Vol. 3" and "Inspired Attraction," and speaks regularly on the topic of deliberate creation.Free tips and strategies to begin using the Law of Attraction to make your wish list come true are yours by signing up for her fluff-free "Get What You Want" bi-monthly ezine at, visit her blog at

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Belief in the Law of Attraction


By Eva Gregory, CPCC

Belief is such an important part of the Law of Attraction. Belief begins with believing in yourself. Sometimes it can be hard believing in yourself. There have been those giving you feedback all your life. Some of the feedback has been positive and some not so positive. Not everyone can give good constructive criticism, not to mention those who are just mean and say things to hurt others.

While you may have left your baggage behind, some scars and pains will not fade so easily. Even if you can let the events from your past go, they still can affect the way you are and the way you think. Your self-image is often shaped by the outside world. It is hard to escape because most of us see ourselves through others eyes.

So how do you become Wonder Woman (or Batman, if you like). Wonder Woman is one of my favorite superhero figures. She fights for justice with no fear or doubt in her abilities. I realized something as I watched Wonder Woman on the cartoon "Justice League." Wonder Woman has no super powers. She was standing shoulder to shoulder with Superman, Green Lantern, and Aqua Man all of which had super human powers, yet Wonder Woman had none.

How can they be considered "super" heroes without any "super" powers? Batman has an alter ego, like many of the other superheroes, of a quiet, meek secretary. She lived on an island in her youth with her Amazon sisters. She had wondrous gadgets like a lasso that made people tell the truth, but she herself did not possess any magical or super human powers. Even with that, what sets Wonder Woman apart from the average woman?

Wonder Woman was trained to be focused, powerful and fearless in her youth. Because of this, she is able to focus her will on her mission, to balance the scales of justice and peace. She has no doubt she will accomplish it, and she believes in herself. When she glides over the city in her invisible plane and dons her all American outfit, she becomes an unstoppable machine.

Reach inside yourself. Wonder Woman is an enduring character because secretly many of us want to be like her. Focused and fearless. What I am suggesting is that you do have that fearless spirit inside you. It may lay hidden and deep, but it does exist. Any child that has ever borrowed a bathroom towel and run around with it around their neck as if it were a cape knows what I mean.

We each have a power within that guides us and removes obstacles from our lives. You have to be able to look into a mirror and see that you are a superhero and that there is nothing that can get in your way except the person staring back at you.

Even if you have to borrow a towel from the bathroom and run around the house like a child again to regain that feeling of invincibility then so be it. (Just make sure no one sees you and try not to frighten your pets.) You can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Do not let the Joker convince you that you are any less of a superhero than you really are.

(C) 2008 Leading Edge Coaching
"© Photographer: Agency:"

Eva Gregory, International Coach of the Year 2006, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Law of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Law of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching. -->


Visualization is a bit of mental "trickery." You are, in effect, tricking your subconscious into

believing that an event has occurred when it has not. Your subconscious mind does not

rationalize. It takes whatever you give it as "truth." If you consistently picture yourself as

having already achieved your goal, your subconscious mind soon believes that it is so. "

Rita Milios

Monday, March 3, 2008

Ten Reasons to Adopt the Law of Gratitude

What would your day be like if you started and ended it by simply noticing all that you have in your life? If you count all your assets, you always show a profit. Gratitude is a natural high.

When you live in tandem with your spirit, appreciating all of life and what you have, you discover more joy and kindness in the world. Miracles happen everywhere all the time, but only those with an “Attitude of Gratitude” seem to notice them. This circle of peace grows and you return to your natural state of joy, love and peace, knowing you are whole and complete just as you are.
Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.” ~ Cicero

The following is a list of the top ten reasons to adopt the Law of Gratitude in your life:

1. Being in Gratitude Only Has Positive Side Effects.
Positive emotions make you feel good and offer a sense of comfort. When we take a few moments to express our appreciation inwardly or to another, immediately we begin to feel happier, more relaxed, more optimistic.

2. Feelings of Gratitude Provide Short-Cuts to Miracles.
Negative thoughts and feelings create an interruption in the natural flow of life. When you are feeling positive and grateful you accelerate what it is that you desire. Consciously appreciating what you already have is the short-cut to manifestation and the secret to personal fulfillment.

3. Thoughts of Gratitude Flood Your Body with
Immune-Boosting Endorphins.
Studies also provide evidence that a positive, appreciative attitude enhances the body’s healing system and general health.

When you hold feelings of thankfulness for at least 15 to 20 seconds, beneficial physiological changes take place in your body. Levels of the stress hormones cortisol and norepinephrine decrease, producing a cascade of beneficial metabolic changes.
Coronary arteries relax, thus increasing the blood supply to your heart. And your breathing becomes deeper, raising the oxygen level of your tissues.

4. Feeling Grateful puts you back into the ‘Flow of Life’ at the Speed of Thought.
Thoughts create things. If you are feeling and thinking positive thoughts, you create positive situations. You draw positive people to you. Like attracts like.

5. Gratitude Unlocks the Fullness of Life.
Feelings of gratitude turn what you have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast or a house into a home.
Gratitude makes sense of your past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.

6. Feelings of Gratitude Give You a ‘Natural High’.
Grateful people tend to be more optimistic, a characteristic that researchers say boosts the immune system. Studies indicate that daily gratitude exercises result in higher reported levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, optimism and energy. Grateful people experience less depression and stress, are more likely to help others, exercise regularly and tend to make more progress toward personal goals. People who feel grateful are also more likely to feel loved.

7. Gratitude Provides an Immediate Sense of Well-Being.
Gratitude, it turns out, can help us better manage stress.
Gratitude research is beginning to suggest that feelings of thankfulness have tremendous positive value in helping people cope with daily problems, especially stress.

8. Feeling Grateful is the Main Cause of ‘Sustained Joy’.
Focusing on the gifts one has been given is an antidote to envy, resentment, regret and other negative states that undermine long-term happiness. Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.

9. The More You Give -- The More You Receive.
You always get more of whatever you appreciate. When you express love, gratitude and sincere appreciation, you naturally expand.
Consciously appreciating what you already have is the short-cut to manifestation and the secret to personal fulfillment. The more you assist others, the more you will assist yourself.

10. When You Are Genuinely Thankful Anger and Fear Disappear.
One of the incredible truths about gratitude is that it is impossible to feel both the positive emotion of thankfulness and a negative emotion such as anger or fear at the same time.

To Practice This Thought:

• Be lavish in your gratefulness.
• Make gratitude a daily ritual.
• Be thankful for whatever forces you to deal with your own strong emotions.
• Set aside an hour or two to do nothing much except be grateful.

Focus on what is working in your life and what IS right in the world. It doesn’t matter how small or seemingly insignificant it may be. Before long you will notice that more things will fall into place with little or no effort on your part. Gratitude is a wonderful tool to use to feel good fast.

Article by Amirah

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Art of Deliberate Attraction

The Law of Attraction is always listening to your thoughts and checking your feelings. And thoughts and feelings make up our vibrations. Also known as "vibes." We all transmit vibes at any given moment.

Think back to the time when you met someone, and the feelings (vibes) you received were not so great. I am sure it didn't make you feel good. Or the time you met another person and you felt happy and calm, because of the positive vibes that person was giving. That is the Law of Attraction at work. It is always checking and re-checking to see how you are feeling. Than it gives you more of the same. People around us can raise or lower our vibrations if we allow it.
First you must decide what you do want. Make sure you are really clear on what you want, positive thoughts and feel good feelings. Keep your list where you can see it. Don't hide it away in some secret place. You could make a vision board with your desire put on it, so you could have a visual to remind yourself, and get that feel good feeling. Once you have come to a decision of what you do want you can than proceed to write your desire statement. Remember all the time that the Universe is picking up on your vibrations. So when making your lists and the negative feelings and thoughts creep in, change them very very fast. If you think that something will not happen, well it will not.

Now comes the trickiest part of all. To allow all the great things that you want to manifest in your life. Remove doubt that what you want will be. Doubt is the reason things never come to you. Once you have clarified what you want, relax and let it happen. No telling where it will come from, how it will appear. But it will when you remove doubt. You are now aware how you can change your life to have whatever you desire.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

How to Visualize the Things You Want

Visualization is by far one of the most powerful tools for good setting and attracting what you want. Yet few people know how to properly visualize. With the right technique you can begin to see outstanding results in successfully attracting what you want, granted you full apply what you learn.

First you are visualizing all the time. You may not be aware of it but you are always conjuring up images in your mind. When you are speaking on the telephone to someone you are most of ten times trying to see in your mind what they are telling you. You also visualize when you are deep in thought. When you are worrying about paying your debt or worrying about the way you would really like to live your life you are also visualizing what you want.

The hard part however is to use that creative force to actually attract the things you want. This is where many people go terribly wrong.

Here is a great test to help you understand the most effective way visualize. Think of the last time you were deep in thought. Now try to remember what that felt like. If you can recall that time, you will notice that you were deep inside of yourself. You were unaware of anyone or anything and as you were allowing yourself to visualize you could feel clearly that you were having the experience as if it were real. That is the power of visualization.

When people ask all the time How do I visualize the things I want, I tell them the same way you visualize the things that you don't want. You see when you are feeling anxious and fearful you lock yourself away in your inner mind with those images. You loose sight of other possibilities and if it is something that happened to you, then you recreate it in its full detail with all your emotions all over again.

Try to immerse yourself with full emotions when you are trying to create the things you want. Many thoughts may come to distract you but if you will redirect your mind to what you do want your mind will be trained to hold that thought.

There are many tools and techniques that can greatly empower your ability to visualize if you really have a hard time. You can add extreme magnetism to any mental image you want to create as long as you apply the right technique.

Do you know that there are ancient techniques that can increase your manifesting intentions and attract what you want even faster than ever? Visit to learn more about these secrets teachings. Daniel Hinds is the author of the powerful ebook Magic Money.

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