Sunday, February 24, 2008

Aligning Yourself

All the elements and celestial bodies of this universe work in alignment with each other. The Sun, the planets, the satellites, etc., all operate in perfect alignment. This alignment is required for our world to work well. Just imagine what would happen (actually it is best not to imagine it) if the Universe was not in perfect alignment. Nature works with earnest perfection and requires that her various elements and creations be treated with love and respect so that she can continue to do her job.

Why then does it seem surprising if the Law of Attraction teachings require that people get into alignment with their world in order to enable positive manifestation?

If you want more money, it is essential to get into alignment with its flow. For example, if money is flowing at 35000 feet, can you access it at say 20000 feet? You have to get to the energy space where money is easily available. Your thoughts have to be in perfect alignment with its availability to you.

And let’s say that there is this elusive relationship that plays hide and seek with you, can you find it under the rock or in a hole somewhere? No you have to get into alignment with the flow of it, wherever that flow is.

Getting into alignment with what you want is vibrating its existence so that it is drawn to you. If you vibrate its non-existence, then that is what is drawn. Many times respect for Divine intervention, Divine timing, surrender, letting go, etc., need to be practiced so that the negative ego mind does not play havoc and cause stress and unhappiness. It also indicates a healthy respect for the amazing power of universal creation.

More important than getting into alignment with external factors though, is getting into alignment with your true self.

Your true self is happiness. You true self is joy. When you are in alignment with your true state of boundless joy, you get into alignment with outside elements also. Why? It’s because you will find the Source of it ALL within you.

So if your boyfriend or girlfriend is not giving you what you want, and you have tried everything, check to see if you have tried being happy and feeling a wonderful sense of control over your own sense of self-esteem.

So many different people outside of you influence control over your thoughts, your happiness, your sense of fulfillment, your sense of wonder, and so many situations create holes in your aura draining away important life force.

Without feeling and connecting to your true sense of power, how can this life journey be easy and wonderful?

How many times during the day do you give away your power to something outside of you?
If at all there is anything that you really need to get into alignment with, it’s your sense of wonderful and joyful power generated from the space within you. Your Self is the store house of this power.

Yoga asanas (yoga positions) will help you, especially the ones that strengthen the root/basic chakra and the solar plexus chakra. The word ‘chakra’ means ‘wheel’ in Sanskrit. Chakras are whirring energy centers present in/along your energy/physical body directing the flow of life giving energy to the various parts of you. In addition to taking care of the physical health of the body and its various constituents, these chakras perform other functions as well.

For example, the root chakra grounds you to this world, and helps strengthen your connection to life and the material world. The solar plexus chakra is your house of inner power and your feeling of control over the various aspects of your world. If your solar plexus chakra is weak, you feel a sense of loss of control. Hence you experience butterflies in your stomach when you feel nervous, or your abdomen muscles clench up when you feel stress. You start losing energy immediately when faced with powerlessness.

Now combine these two chakras with your Third eye also known as the Aagnya chakra (this is the actual Sanskrit pronunciation) and you have your ‘will’ working very powerfully for you. Your will focuses into your third eye and gets manifested. There are other chakras that need to be strengthened also in addition to these three. When you strengthen the various energy centers of your body, and take care that your energy field is smooth without trauma vibration, you then create an energy system that is dynamic and attracts good things to it.

Meditation helps tremendously as it enables you to connect to the space of peace within you. The added advantage is that when you meditate, many of your resistances flow away, allowing good to flow to you.

There are manifestation meditations also, but they are more in the nature of ‘suggestive-hypnosis’. The true use of meditation is to obtain deep rest so that your cells have a chance to release negative and toxic energy. Meditation is the true form of letting go and doing nothing. A lot happens when you meditate because your soul releases healing energy to the rest of you bringing you into automatic alignment. Your soul is your true healer and doctor which is why I find that connecting people to their Source works wonderfully. It is easy to know what your true self wants for you!

Make sure that you always take rest in between your creation activity. Your mind is like delicate silk, and you never want to stretch it to the point that it tears. Allow it to expand in a smooth and continuous flow and like I said before, take plenty of rest in between.

The first step of aligning yourself is to align yourself to YOU. Whenever you feel that you are getting stressed, go back to yourself. It is important that every time you forget, you consciously realign yourself with you. The next step is to consciously align yourself with what you want to create.

This universe is created to help you. But it can only help you if you allow it.

Lots of Love, Sugandhi Iyer, Coach, Life Business Creations. Joyful Manifestation with the Law of Attraction,

Author Bio- Sugandhi Iyer is the founder of Life Business Creations. A Master of energy and consciousness, Sugandhi has put together an amazing system to get people to realize their dreams and change their experiences. She has studied the Law of Attraction and the nature of consciousness, and found that by the application of the Laws of the Universe and with skillful thinking and action, energy can be made to move in different ways getting the Law of Attraction to work wonders. Personal Success Coaching with Sugandhi is designed to shift energy and change your vibrations so that you easily attract what you really want. She will guide you into becoming a powerful Manifestor, creator and enjoyer of your life journey by bringing you into abundance energy. Sign up for her free Well Being newsletter full of great information at her website, Life is no longer a case of trial and error. Old energy has to make way for new!

1 comment:

Thom Rutledge said...

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